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The Everyvamp's Arsenal: Powers

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:00 pm
by Liander
On a very basic level, each of us knows the function of the powers we obtain. Stamina lets you move longer, Celerity allows you to gain that energy back more quickly, Thievery allows you to rob more coins. What is not discussed nearly enough are the complexities of these powers; exactly how and why they function the way they do, why they are not only necessary but also efficient. This is not a rote, how-to guide on the order in which to obtain your powers. This is a mechanical breakdown of each power and the information that, once again, is available but that you have not been told. It is my hope you will learn something new within this guide that will allow you just a tad more efficiency in your day to day lives.


The vampire Drella has drunk 10735 pints of blood.
Powers: Second-sight Suction Surprise Perception Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)
Partner-bound with Andre.
Location: Cedar and 1st
Drella is sire to 8 other vampires, including: Ezra (10754 pints), KIIA (6499 pints), Liander (4962 pints), Liz Summers (4337 pints), Dahlia- (3775 pints), Ildiko (3761 pints), Eyezac (3654 pints), Sitrence (1172 pints)
Drella's lineage runs as follows: Sheyrena (1121), Sartori (2566) and the master vampire evilive_inc (11621).

Drella's close siblings include: Ephiny (8427), Andre (4423), Deylin (3855), Tifereth (938) and Vella (29991).

Simple enough, right? Second Sight allows you to see the essential information about a given target. Name, powers, partner-bound, location, childer, lineage, siblings (and the blood count of each). Interesting to note is that, if an individual has too many childer, this information may be condensed and show either the childer with the highest blood count or the most relevant siblings (those with a similar blood count). Obtaining this information can be done either once in the same block as a vampire or if you already know the name of your target (via More Commands).This page is useful in more ways than one, however. Notice how with a single Second Sight, I can now view the blood counts of twelve different individuals - if you find yourself under threat of attack, consider that (or even your own My Vampire page).

Using Second Sight requires one-half of an AP, which is tracked automatically but which will not display for you. There is no alert when you are being targeted by Second Sight, but you may avoid allowing an individual to track you through the power of Ghost.


Suction is not given nearly the credit it deserves, mostly due to its age and simplicity. The function here is simple - you acquire more blood from your targets as detailed below.

Before Suction
1 pint from other vampires
1-3 pints from humans

After Suction
2 pint from other vampires
2-4 pints from humans

And while this may appear superficial, consider this simple truth: the more blood you have = the more AP you have = the longer you can run = more resources. The base AP of a vampire with 0 blood and no powers is 35; for a vampire with Stamina 3 it becomes 65. The calculation itself is relatively easy; starting at 200 pints, your maximum AP is raised by 1 each time you double your blood count. The table below outlines AP count for vampires with Stamina 3.

0-9 65
10-49 70
50-99 75
100-199 80
200-399 81
400-799 82
800-1599 83
1600-3199 84
3200-6399 85
6400-12799 86
12800-25599 87


Ever notice how certain blocks become blue? The presence of too many vampires in an area prevents you from entering that square - believed to be eight, including those Lost in Shadows. With Surprise, that obstacle is removed - for the most part - and you can now enter. Some argue the power is not worth it; at 20,000 coins, an individual could buy 63 Scrolls of Turning and clear the square for entrance. Sure. And what happens when you come across this on the 64th time?

It should be noted that not all crowded squares may be entered with Surprise. Some blocks become outright impassible, though the exact number of individuals required is currently unknown.


Necessity, yet notoriously unreliable. Perception allows you to differentiate between humans and hunters from a distance, and also allows you to hear the clinking of coins in a vampire's pockets/purse. Except - how many coins? The threshold for that "yellow" sound is fluctuating and absolutely unknown; if I am carrying 100 coins, I may be marked by one vampire and not by another. If I rob 5000 coins from a target, they may no longer be yellow to me - but will be to another.

There is, currently, no known equation or factors in which we may determine this.


Typically, this power is referenced as the ability to "move faster", but this is a misnomer. We all move at the same speed, regardless of Celerity level. What this power allows us to do is regain our energy more quickly - increasing further with every level gained. Specifically, every level gained decreases the recharge time by 5 minutes. A vampire with no Celerity regains 1 AP every 30 minutes, allowing for a maximum 48 AP per 24 hours.

1 | 25 mins. | 57
2 | 20 mins. | 72
3 | 15 mins. | 96


Stamina increases your maximum AP and also increases your Scroll of Turning resistance. With every level of Stamina, your AP increases thus:

Stamina 1 | +10 AP
Stamina 2 | +20 AP
Stamina 3 | +30 AP

When discussing Scroll of Turning resistance, it is important to note the percentages are representative of chances per scroll. A vampire with Stamina 3 may not always resist 3/4 of the scrolls thrown at them and a vampire with Stamina 1 may find themselves resisting 9/10 of the scrolls thrown at them. When dealing with chances, results are always variable. However, the following are the accepted averages:

Stamina 1 | 25% chance
Stamina 2 | 50% chance
Stamina 3 | 75% chance


Shadows decrease the time it takes to enter the Lost in Shadows status. While Lost in Shadows, a vampire can not be seen except through Second Sight, robbed, or attacked with weapons excluding Scrolls of Turning and UV Grenades. Those vampires without Second Sight, and the ability to see their way out of them will be consumed by Shadows after being in them for approximately two to three weeks. It is also important to note that the Lost in Shadows status is not permanent simply if you never move, but may be lost if you peer through them (read as: if you log in to the grid or refresh the main page too many times, the status will be dropped, though you will be treated as if you hadn't moved in other regards - Ravenblack has gone on record to state that he 'believes he remembers setting the limit' at 'six or seven' logins, though could not specify refreshes). Without Shadows, the time required to enter this state is 96 hours.

Shadows 1 | 72 hours
Shadows 2 | 48 hours
Shadows 3 | 24 hours


Thievery, simply put and told, allows you to rob more coins from vampires. Similar to Stamina, however, the levels gained and the increases represented are chances. What does this mean? Well, let us examine a scenario -

I am carrying 1000 coins.
You possess Thievery 1, and attempt to rob me.
You have a 25% chance of succeeding on a rob.
If successful, you will then rob up to 25% of my coins, meaning you can rob anywhere from 1 - 250 coins.

Thievery 1 | 25%
Thievery 2 | 50%
Thievery 3 | 75%


Locate allows you to determine the location of a target - provided you know at least the name of the individual. Each level of the power allows for more accurate tracking; however, there is some discussion on choosing between Locate 2 and Locate 3.

Locate 1 - Tells the number of blocks away a target is; e.g. Distance: 151 squares away.
Locate 2 - Tells the number of blocks away and direction a target is; e.g. Location: 51 squares away, North-east.
Locate 3 Tells the nearest intersection the target is at; e.g. Location: Malachite and 76th.

You may notice some vampires declaring themselves fully-powered while only possessing Locate 2. This is generally a thing of the past, but these individuals are used to determine the exact location of a target who is Lost in Shadows. More generally accepted is the use of an "employee" to accomplish the same. It should also be noted that Locate 3 will give the intersection that is either N, W, or NW of your target - again, part of the reason SE is the universally accepted direction when referencing locations.


Telepathy allows you to send messages to anyone else in the city, so long as you know the name of the intended recipient. It is easier, and thus costs less AP, to send messages to your own sire/childer than it is to others.

Telepathy 1 | 5 AP | 10 AP
Telepathy 2 | 3 AP | 6 AP
Telepathy 3 | 1 AP | 2 AP


Charisma affects the very words you speak with. Contrary to popular belief, this does not affect only prices at shops and pubs, but also when speaking to humans in the street to discern directions. With no Charisma, it costs 5 AP to ask a human for directions. This cost decreases to 4, 3, and finally 1 with each corresponding level of the power. Discounts are provided to you at shops totaling 3%, 7%, and 10%, and at pubs for 10%, 20%, and 30%.

The Charisma discount stacks with Discount shop prices. Discount shops provide a 30% price difference, which stacks multiplicatively with the Charisma discount to total (with Charisma 3) a 63% discount. Prices in stationary shops and extended lairs are unaffected by Charisma.


The Peacekeepers Guild provides this option to vampires who have a genuine desire to no longer engage in warfare. This power prevents its user from using weapons and reduces the damage of all incoming attacks, with the final level reducing even Holy Water to just 1 pint of damage. Vampires with this power also can not give or receive coins from vampires without it. And in final regards to Thieving - when robbing or being robbed, all loot is automatically halved on both ends.

It should also be noted that Scrolls of Turning can be used on or by the Neutral vampire; while no damage is dealt with them, the movement effect will remain in place.


Ravenblack's answer to demands for enforced torpor, the Battle Cloak was intended to be something it never became. Its wearer is prohibited outright from attacking or being attacked by anyone without one. Biting and thieving remain unaffected. The most interesting aspect of the Battle Cloak is that it forces its wearer into a state of torpor when they have been brought to less than 10 pints of blood, enforcing the following until the vampire has risen above 250 pints:

  • Can not attack or be attacked by weapons.
  • Can not bite or be bitten by other vampires.
  • Can not rob others, but can be robbed.
  • Necromancers will not give you their business.