A Scholarly Debate (Vaxxis)

So you found a new playground, hm? Now you just need to find where you fit in the best. Come, let's take a walk.
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:33 pm
IGN: Julia
Lineage: Pacherontis
Graphic Artist: Rhaeya

Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:47 am

Julia looked down and checked the address on the card stock that was elaborated written on with the date. This was a nice invitation with it’s swirled inked scrawled over it, with the letterhead. She smirked at the logo Ve ri tas. Ah the goddess of truth. She should take that one up some time. The Uber came to a stop and she leaned forward wrapping her hand around the back seat as she handed the driver her bank card. "I hope you have a good time miss.” He said as he swiped the card. The blonde tucked the card away and smiled at him, grasping the handle and swinging her legs to step out of the cab.

The blonde had to print off a map to find out where she was going, Lowell Lecture Hall. Hmmm. The air was crisp the first few hints that winter was going to come, however it always snowed hard in this section of the world, and she’d rather be back in Egypt sifting through the sand.

But the bills didn’t pay themselves she though. She walked her way up, as she was surrounded by the falling shadows that cast the trees from a light dark, to a night. Julia of course requested the latest lecture as possible, not wanting the sun to mar her form in way possible. She’d dressed conservatively. Opting for a pair of Chanel pants, white blouse and a plaid cream jacket with a small matching clutch and her satchel bag, which banged against her thigh as the blonde moved toward her destination. Her Louboutin heels clicking in her wake as she walked, her hair was severely pulled back into a pony tail and she had deliberately done her makeup with a less heavy hand. She didn’t want to be any more striking than she already was.

Beauty and smarts never really mixed well in the academic world, she lifted a hand and pushed open the door, stopping to put her shoulder into it, careful to make sure it looked like she was just a helpless if not struggling to nudge open the sanctified doors. Julia was here as a keynote speaker. Once inside she stopped and looked over the seat’s; there was a good audience. Not that it mattered to her. These were just a sea of people here to listen to the Minoan eruption and the people of the island’s ancient society.

She put a cool small smile on her lips as she walked down the side isle and set her satchel down on the table next to the pulpit and slipped her hand in to retrieve her PowerPoint presentation, waiting for the student assistant to prepare it for her presentation, she leaned in to whisper. “I am not late, am I? Flights were a bit horrendous this time of year.” She said. Truth be told, she arrived early into the city. In order to not get caught by the sun’s rays, as she didn’t really want to deal with any magical jewelry or anything like that.

No, Miss Pacherontis, you are up next.” The assistant said, her voice just now sliding over Julia to make contact with her tricolored eyes, Julia quickly looked away, focusing her eyes and hands on the task of preparing her nose, taking a deep breath as if she was nervous and just going through the calm motions, the mousy assistant handed her a small clicker as Julia was announced in by a stately looking gentleman, while clipping the microphone to her blouse and pocketing the box quickly.

Ladies, and Gentleman, may I present Miss Julia Pacherontis, she’s an active archeologist and professor with the Antiquities department, working for GEM. The Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo currently. She’s the foremost expert in ancient languages and hieroglyphics, specializing in cultural studies of ancient societies.” The audience clapped as she walked up to shake the mans hand, putting her free hand onto of his, while managing to hang onto the clicker.
She turned to address the audience. “Thank you for having me. I am happy to be here.” Her accent rolled over the worlds, her native language being the basis of all romance languages, she moved across the stage to turn and look at the slide show. “Today we are talking about the Minoan Eruption, which is a key event in the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean world.” She showed the island as it was today, which was an island that had a massive blast in middle, with a small island in the middle. She continued on with her speech.

Sir Arthur Evans discovered the remains of the society known as Knossos in the early nineteenth century, thinking he had found the legendary maze of King Minos” She pressed the button and showed the bull dancers painted on the wall. “Purely based on the questionable nature of the buildings and bulls while he excavated the site…” She paused and walked to the center of the world.

However, it was determined that the eruption occurred sometime in the 1627 BCE and 1600 BCE with a ninety five percent certainty, so says the radio carbon dating.” The blonde paused and then smiled softly.
Now we come the more exciting bits.” She laughed. “The site has been linked by theorists for centuries as the location for Atlantis, and we all know how hard that is to find. Thank you Plato.” She joked.

Julia continued to talk about the eruption of Thera, filling them all in on the history, carbon dating and the controversial length of the proper dating. “You may having asked what that has to do with me, why is an Egyptiantologist so knowledgeable about this?” She gestured with her hand as she paced and started showing slides of that depicted statues of Ahmose the first. She cleared her throat and moved on to the next.

We have this lovely stele depicting the eruption of the event, known as the Tempest stele. However, as we know the eruption of the Thera was so great it caused a massive tsunami and drained the Nile river. During that time, there was a Plague of Blood, Frogs, Lice, Diseased livestock, sickness locusts and the deaths of the first born. I urge you all to think about such a catastrophic event that causes the Nile river to drain before the eruption to happen because the Volcano is getting ready to go boom.” Julia drew in another breath.

And all of this can be supported by science. The fact that lakes and river heat up, releasing gas and killing children, sleeping low to the floor. While others higher up live. Water being compromised in any way can cause algae blooms, causing the mass… exodus of the frogs. Unable to drink the water, livestock die, causing a descending of locus’s. These are all explainable by science, and we have seen it other smaller and similar cases across the world.” Julia smiled a bit and was flipping through different slides of just such those cases. “So we the bible says parting the red sea’s. It was actually a drained sea of reeds mentioned on this Stele in Egypt.” She showed another stele as her final and ending slide.

So we have to question our bibles, now don’t we? Because science and culture studies support a different story.” Julia wouldn’t mention how this could completely ruin the catholic faith, she looked over the sea of students.

I thank you for your time, and I’ll be in the back taking questions all evening.” She left to a smattering of clapping, as she disentangled the microphone from her blouse and handing the box and clicker back to the teachers assistant and put a glass of water that was provided to her, to her lips and didn’t sip. She just made it look like she did; she drew a deep breath into her lungs and then set the glass down, placing her notes back into her satchel which was next to her clutch.
a morte e a ritorno | I fell asleep cradled by my melancholy.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:03 pm
IGN: Vaxxis

Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:49 pm

The alarm rang with the usual tone pulling him from his slumber. The olive skinned man rolled out of bed and put a shirt on, covering his toned body with a thin cloth. He wasn’t excited to have to get out of bed again for the late lecture, but he was a bit excited for what the lecture was going to cover. He had always fancied himself a bit of a history buff. With all the shit in his life it was one of the only things that interested him anymore. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out some milk and cereal for his sad excuse for an evening meal. He poured the bland oats into the bowl before adding his milk, pulling his shoulder length braids back into a ponytail so they wouldn't hinder his meal.He at his food quickly then grabbed his books and his tablet and left his dorm with a sigh.

Vaxxis made his way into the crowded Lowell hall that brisk night like he did so many nights before, fighting the crowd to try and get a decent seat this time. He knew he should have showed up early. He wanted to have a good seat for this lecture, it was on the explosion of Thera and how it affected Egypt. Something he actually kind of cared about. His Ancient Civilizations class was the only class of 4 at the moment he had a passing grade in. Harvard Was not an easy school to be in, classes were hard and the stress his father put him under didn’t help.

He found himself a seat near the front, just 3 rows up, and was waiting for the lecture to start tablet in had for notes. The guest they had that night immediately caught his attention, The slender curvaceous blonde walked in with purpose, but also a bit of unease, almost nervous. She was stunning, Her waist length almost silver blonde hair flowed behind her like molten platinum. She walked to the TA and handed over what he assumed were the slides for her presentation.

He did not expect her accent, but it only added to his growing infatuation for the mystery of a woman. “Today we are talking about the Minoan eruption” she started the lecture and the first slide flashed to life on the screen. As the lecture went on he could see she wasn't just beautiful, she was brilliant. She knew everything there was to know about the eruption and its effects on the environment and the people, There was a reason she was the considered the foremost expert in cultural studies of ancient societies.

The lecture went by fast and the his notes piled up, he may have gone a bit overboard. “I’ll be in the back taking question.” An idea struck him, he wanted to know more, the slides were detailed but she was so knowledgeable and he couldn't miss the chance to talk more about ancient Egypt and how she had managed to learn so much about it. Why was he so nervous? Maybe it was those piercing blue eyes. He walked up to the table where the blonde sat, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. He swallowed hard, and cleared his throat. “Hi, I’m Vaxxis, great presentation. I was uh wondering if you would like to go get coffee and maybe talk more about it? I have a lot of questions and I don’t wanna hold up the people behind me too much.”
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Posts: 595
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:33 pm
IGN: Julia
Lineage: Pacherontis
Graphic Artist: Rhaeya

Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:31 pm

Vaxxis736 wrote:
Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:49 pm
Hi, I’m Vaxxis, great presentation. I was uh wondering if you would like to go get coffee and maybe talk more about it? I have a lot of questions and I don’t wanna hold up the people behind me too much.
Julia looked up at the man who uttered those words at her, his gravelly voice slid down over her skin and if she wasn’t mistaken they were tinged with the slightest bit underlying sadness. She smiled a bit wider, her best professional smile.

Hello Vaxxis, I am Miss Pacherontis.” She paused as she handed out a pamphlet to another student from her seat. “I would be happy to get some coffee with you and answer any other questions you may have.” She said and stood smoothly grabbing her clutch and satchel as the last of the students walked out to the building.

She didn’t know exactly what he was sad about, but she could sense it. Besides being astounded that he was a tall male who dwarfed her entire size, even with his braids he looked intimidating. She wondered why and how the hell he got into Harvard. Julia walked with him, to the door wondering which coffee shop he’d choose.
a morte e a ritorno | I fell asleep cradled by my melancholy.
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