(WIP) / -A-I-R-E-Y- \ -A-Y-A-N-I-I- / -A-Y-D-O-L-E-T-T-E- \

Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Posts: 460
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:01 pm
Location: Ailes D'Air
OOC: Rini
IGN: Airey
Lineage: Aydolette de Novek
Graphic Artist: MEGNIFICENT

Thu May 24, 2018 7:42 pm


Queen of Carnage ☥ Mother of Snakes ☥ Cannibal Goddess


“It is our custom to consume
the person we love.
Taboo flesh:
swollen genitalia, nipples
the scrotum, the vulva,
the soles of the feet
the palm of the hand
heart and liver taste best.
Cannibalism is blessed."

"I'll wear your jawbone
round my neck
listen to your vertebrae
bone tapping bone in my wrists.
I'll string your fingers round my waist -
what a rigorous embrace. "

“And if I consume another
mortal’s flesh, will I like
god before me, shit a million stars upon
the naked, wretched sky?”





▪ H ▪ I ▪ S ▪ T ▪ O ▪ R ▪ Y ▪

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc libero est, sagittis vitae maximus eget, varius quis lectus. Pellentesque non posuere leo. Aliquam euismod vulputate placerat. Maecenas ligula purus, fermentum ut enim et, luctus commodo ipsum. Integer vitae ex egestas, venenatis augue nec, fermentum felis


▪ P ▪ H ▪ Y ▪ S ▪ I ▪ C ▪ A ▪ L ___ T ▪ R ▪ A ▪ I ▪ T ▪ S ____ P ▪ E ▪ R ▪ S ▪ O ▪ N ▪A ▪L ▪ I ▪ T ▪ Y ▪

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc libero est, sagittis vitae maximus eget, varius quis lectus. Pellentesque non posuere leo. Aliquam euismod vulputate placerat. Maecenas ligula purus, fermentum ut enim et, luctus commodo ipsum. Integer vitae ex egestas, venenatis augue nec, fermentum felis




▪ A ▪ C ▪ C ▪ E ▪ S ▪ S ▪ O ▪ R ▪ I ▪ E ▪ S __ F ▪ A ▪ M ▪ I ▪ L ▪ I ▪ A ▪ R ▪ S __ W ▪ E ▪ A ▪ P ▪ O ▪ N ▪ S ▪

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc libero est, sagittis vitae maximus eget, varius quis lectus. Pellentesque non posuere leo. Aliquam euismod vulputate placerat. Maecenas ligula purus, fermentum ut enim et, luctus commodo ipsum. Integer vitae ex egestas, venenatis augue nec, fermentum felis



▪ S ▪ A ▪ M ▪ P ▪ L ▪ E ▪ S ▪

A matching set of crystalline claws peaked through the tightly wound cocoon that had been Airey for the past three days. Her skin had grown around her and shed several times forming the cocoon she was presently cutting her way out of; it was one of the double sided benefits that came from her experimenting with her familiars. She no longer was bound by the immobility that came with the traditional vampiric torpor; however the excessive skin growth and flesh made cocoon was nothing short of disgusting. With a loud ‘POP’ she forced her arms through the small hole that her nails had created moments before. Her warm tawny butterscotch skin coated in crimson blood as she wiggled her bare shoulders and then her head through the expanding hole.

Blood spilled over the confines of the cocoon and onto the bed around her. It was truly an image to behold; every inch of her flesh was coated in blood, it had coagulated and formed a thick skin. She ran her hands through her hair and tugged a few strands of it into view. It was long, she could estimate that much without having to stand and measure the growth. And black...she rolled the strands through her fingers and stared at the saturated locks mournfully; red had been her signature look for so long, and the curls were everything; ever vain.

Sliding and wriggling she pulled herself out the cocoon and stretched her legs. Flexing her legs idly she stared at the snakes that had instinctively fled the bed, minus the spoiled three. Rolling over to face the trio head on, she pressed kisses to the tops of their respective heads. Always mommies protective trio she couldn’t help but take satisfaction and delight in the fact that she’d always have them and the two monsters in the basement. She could feel their ecstasy at the fact that she was awake and moving around, she’d have to go down to their room in the crypt and show them some affection sooner rather than later.

Airey stared around her room and eyed her bed with mild disgust. Sliding off her bed and onto the blood stained carpet that surrounded her bed she stood there in all her blood stained naked glory. Her now jet black hair fell to the middle of her calves and slowly drip-drip dripped blood onto the carpet below her feet. She took stock of the damage, knowing she’d have to replace all of it. There was too much blood. The bed was ruined, sheets, her purple rabbit fur carpet that covered the platform under the bed, the carpet… she sighed tiredly.
“I just woke up, why should I have to deal with such a fucking mess.” She looked absolutely pitiful and fearesome at the same time. Undead or living the sight was uniquely Airey. Sliding her bare feet across the rug that spanned the space between her bedroom and bathroom she made her way to her shower eager to clean the blood off of her body and examine her new body more closely.


So tired. Will finish later.
06/03 - Placed Permanent Images in & Added a writing Sample.
Ask Airey
"Look both ways, before you cross me, I tell you "
"Look both ways, 'cause if you cross me, I'll kill you"
Fabi | Gucci Gang | Blood Gang
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