Jeovanni Santos

Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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IGN: Jeovanni

Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:41 pm


Me, I'm from a different type of left land, old wild west land
Nosebleeds, palm trees, and tumbleweeds rustling
Outsiders say it's happy here, but it's depressing
Too many pretty faces catching my attention
So I look at them, remind myself in the smudged glass
That pretty isn't everything, you punk ass.
Always hard to see past the surface, when it looks so perfect
But our eyes will disguise dirt on purpose, you listening?

IGN: Jeovanni
You have drunk xxx pints of blood.
Powers: Celerity (1), Second-Sight
You are sire to no others.
You are a master creature, with no sire.

Play-By: Jonathan Bellini
Writer: Guy Sum

TRANSMISSION: Bite on the full moon.

AFFECTS: Changes the body into a lycanthropic creature -- a wolfman monster. Also makes the cursed individual faster, stronger, and more agile with heightened senses. The cursed individual is also sensitive to lupine instincts and pack dynamics. As such, lone wolves, like Jeovanni, tend to suffer.

SHIFTING: By the full moon, shifting is involuntary and begins as the moon rises. Blood lust is at peak when the moon is at its highest in the sky. All lupine effects begin to wane as the moon descends. Outside of the full moon, shifting is voluntary and can be done partially with practice (shifting just eyes or claws or fangs etc). On the night of the new moon, shifting is difficult and senses aren't as strong. In fact, there is a sense of inner calm and peace during the new moon as well as drowsiness due to the lack of the moon's pull.

BODY: Monstrous, eight feet tall, near four hundred pounds, muscular, dark fur, muzzle full of sharp teeth, flashing gold eyes, pointed claws.

DATE OF TURNING: May 29th, 2018 - Milk/Hare Moon (Colonial/Medieval names)
Attending a bon fire with a friend in the woods, he and others were attacked by a vicious creatures. Deaths included a guy named Kevin, who was helping Jeovanni explore his bicuriosity, and Rosalicia, the mother of his child. Jeovanni survived the night with the bite and the curse.

FIRST FULL MOON: June 28th, 2018 - Rose/Dyan Moon
At the local tavern, he met a handful of other werewolves and even a hybrid by the name of Ezra. After a few drinks, Jeovanni ran out into the streets and ended up turning. Mika, a well known born wolf with much experience, went after him, knowing better. He chased her across the city and onto the roof of a building where he tried to get at her where she was tucked beneath some air vents. Then, he caught the scent of blood in the air and took off toward the forest where a jogger had fallen and hurt herself at the bottom of a gully. Mika fought him off and he spent the rest of the evening chasing deer and other woodland creatures until dawn. He only remembers part of that night, up until the rooftop.

SECOND FULL MOON: July 27th, 2018 - Summer/Mead Moon
Coming up, whether he's ready or not.

THIRD FULL MOON: August - Dog Day's/Corn Moon
FOURTH FULL MOON: September - Harvest/Barley Moon
FIFTH FULL MOON: October - Hunter's/Blood Moon
SIXTH FULL MOON: November - Beaver/Snow Moon
SEVENTH FULL MOON: December - Christmas/Oak Moon
EIGHTH FULL MOON: January - Winter/Wolf Moon
Last edited by Jeovanni on Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
(character sheet) (journal) (under the bruised sky)

Put your hands up it's a stick up
Hopefully God is still down to forgive us
Nobody's breathing
Who let the evil in?
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IGN: Jeovanni

Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:42 pm


I'm waking up underneath sheets, naked still sweating
Slept in late so everybody else is ready
My friend called up, he said,
"Hurry up, buddy, it's almost sundown already."
So I hopped up, I went and washed up,
I ate some pasta, then I gave my mom hugs
And then I thought, "Uh, it's gonna be a pretty nice night."
But pretty isn't everything, right?

NAME: Jeovanni Santos
PRONUNCIATION: (soft)Gee-oh-vahknee Sahn-toas(-t)
MEANING: God is gracious; father of the sky
SPECIES: Lycanthrope
AGE: 23
DOB: September 6, 1994

SEXUALITY: Reluctant Bisexual & gray-sexual (rarely gets that itch)
ROMANTIC INCLINATION: Gray-romantic (doesn't make grand displays of love and affection and barely recognizes traditional romantic activities. 'I love you's are reserved for his daughter)
MARITAL STATUS: Serial Soloist

OCCUPATION: Small time drug dealer. Sold mostly on college campuses.
NATIONALITY: Brazilian-American
RACE: Pardo (Mixed on Adriana Lima levels because human beings are a pack of mutts.)
ETHNICITY: Portuguese, Italian, French (dad), Portuguese, Spanish, West African (mom)
BORN: São Paulo, Brazil
RAISED: Los Angeles, California. Moved there with his parents when he was three years old.
PARENTS: Alanza Costa (mother-lives in LA), Edyson Santos (father-status unknown)

HEIGHT: 6" 1'
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
FACE: Square (bony jawline, forehead, cheekbones, and jawline almost the same length)
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark blonde/light brown, short, curly, shaved at the sides and the back
SKIN: Tawny/tan
MARKS/SCARS: Tattoos. They cover his right arm down to the back of his hand. There is one on each thigh, a large one on his left side, a small cross on the left side of his neck, the words 'I was not afraid to die' inked right below his collar bones, and 'I never give up' across his pelvis (a very ironic tattoo considering his dire lack of commitment to most things), just to name a few. He has a few scars, of course, mostly small ones from fighting.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURE: His face. Nature exaggerated his eyes, nose, and mouth so his face could be expressive with just the twitch of a muscle. Range of expressions are from the deadest stares to the brightest smiles. He also has no control over his expressions, making the trait (his face) characteristic. One can usually tell what he's thinking or feeling from a glance.
BODY TYPE: Ecto-Mesomorph. Lean muscle.

VOICE: Tenor-Baritone
ACCENT: Vaguely (Portuguese) Brazilian thanks to his mother, mostly West Coast (SoCal, LA area, East Los accent -- common among Latin Americans in LA)
LANGUAGES: English, conversational Spanish, broken Portuguese
Last edited by Jeovanni on Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
(character sheet) (journal) (under the bruised sky)

Put your hands up it's a stick up
Hopefully God is still down to forgive us
Nobody's breathing
Who let the evil in?
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Posts: 52
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:48 am
IGN: Jeovanni

Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:44 pm


Golden state mind, I'm taking my time
Plain white shirt, and a skinny black tie
My top let down when I get picked up
P.C.H. so California
Maybe they were right; happiness is a warm gun
But before you shoot, please warn us
Life is too fun. California will you marry me?
Let God be the sun and in the ocean they shall bury me

TEMPERAMENT: Melancholy-Choleric
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
VICE: Wrath. He's quick to anger and would sooner settle disagreements through violence than talking. He can hold a grudge.
VIRTUE: Humility. He knows he's too much of a fuck-up to have any kind of self-arrogance.

RELIGION: Most days, barely Catholic. Others, agnostic about God.
MORALS: Standard - No pedophilia or bestiality. Doesn't sell meth or heroine. Doesn't abuse children or women (but will defend himself if necessary). (will add with more discoveries)
CRIMINAL RECORD: 2 counts of drug possession, 5 counts of assault, 1 count of public drunkenness and disrupting the peace, 1 charge of assault of an officer.
PHILOSOPHY: Life's a bitch, and then you die.
POLITICAL PARTY: Fuck the shitstem. Pretty much an anarchist.
INFLUENCES: His daughter.

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Bird watching and motorcycles.
SKILLS/TALENTS: Mechanically inclined, can put on the charm when necessary, sketching (mostly birds), can distinguish between species of birds, taking a hit, throwing a punch (will add with more discoveries)
LIKES: Birds, motorcycles, sleeping in, drinking, new experiences, fighting, (will add with more discoveries)
DISLIKES: Being ordered around, dating, monotony, routine, staying in one place for too long (physically, mentally, and emotionally), planning, (will add with more discoveries)
SENSE OF HUMOR: Sarcastic, physical.

STRENGTHS: Can go with the flow.
FLAWS: Combative, issues with authority, commitment, and trust, flaky.
PERCEPTION: Nothing is decided, set in stone, or forever.
LURES: Fun and distracting things.
SOFT SPOT: His daughter. And Animals. Especially birds.


BABY GIRL: Xoana Santos
MEANING: God is gracious.
BORN: August 20, 2015 (turning 6)
LIVES: With her grandmother, Jeovanni's mother Alanza, in LA.
MOTHER: Rosalicia Silva. Deceased. Mauled to death by a creature of unknown origin (suspected lupine creature). One of four victims.
Last edited by Jeovanni on Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
(character sheet) (journal) (under the bruised sky)

Put your hands up it's a stick up
Hopefully God is still down to forgive us
Nobody's breathing
Who let the evil in?
User avatar
Posts: 52
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:48 am
IGN: Jeovanni

Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:51 pm


If the sun was God, I'd be covered in faith,
If the ocean was the devil, I'd be covered in hate
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame

Daughter | 5yo
"You make me want to try."

"I'm sorry."

Baby Mama
"You didn't deserve any of the shit you went through."

Unofficial Werewolf Guru

Alpha by bite
"Fuck you."

"Où t'es, papaoutai?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Last edited by Jeovanni on Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:43 pm, edited 5 times in total.
(character sheet) (journal) (under the bruised sky)

Put your hands up it's a stick up
Hopefully God is still down to forgive us
Nobody's breathing
Who let the evil in?
User avatar
Posts: 52
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:48 am
IGN: Jeovanni

Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:07 pm


1. Lurk by The Neighbourhood
2. Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
3. R.I.P. 2 My Youth by The Neighbourhood
4. $ting by The Neighbourhood
5. West Coast by The Neighbourhood
6. Greetings from California by The Neighbourhood
7. Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
8. Everybody Gets High by MISSIO
9. Gooey by Glass Animals
10. Papaoutai by Stromae
11. California Love by 2Pac feat. Dr Dre

(a growing playlist, to be added...)

xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
(character sheet) (journal) (under the bruised sky)

Put your hands up it's a stick up
Hopefully God is still down to forgive us
Nobody's breathing
Who let the evil in?
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