Ronin (Big WIP)

Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:35 pm
IGN: Ronin

Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:58 am


This is who you are;

Your name is Ronin.


• Ron

• Pretty boy

• Roni

You're Father's name is Jett. { Billy. }

You're gay,

But you try your best to hide it because you're father { Jett } doesn't like it.

He says you're going through a 'phase'

That it can go away with a little training.

You're protected by a snake,

And you feel for all those mice that choose to run through it's path.

You've got a shitty attitude and venom soaked tongue,

But you're really a softy.

You don't show that side of yourself around anyone but maybe Stitch; because someone has to be soft while he acts all macho.

• 18 years of age.

• Bright blue eyes.

• Pearly smile.

• D.O.B October 31st, 1999.

You’re strong, independent - you always have been until recently.

You have to learn how to get back on your feet and be how you use to be after being knocked down.

There’s things you hate about yourself, things that you can’t change.

• Wolf.

• Gay.

• Bi-polar.

• Different.

There’s only a few people that you’re close to. Some of them closer than others.

Stitches; He’s your closest friend. You met him at a tavern and it started off with stupid literal glares then sprouted into an actual friendship. He’s the first person you’ve been friends with since you were 10. You live with him and South.

South; She’s Stitches childhood best friend, you two don’t always get along but you still enjoy her company. She’s smart and beautiful.

South; She's Stitches childhood best friend, his girl, your half-sister.

Starlight; She’s fairly new in your heart - a new friend that you’re still not completely close to her, you don’t know much about her but she’s a lot like South in some aspects; she’s smart and beautiful. She’s really nice too.

Snake; He’s your guardian in a sense, you’ve had a crush on him since you were a kid like most kids do on people they look up to but that’s your secret to keep. He’s Stitches father, South’s guardian.

Donut; He's pretty cool, he's one of your new friends. You two flirt a lot - There might be feelings there at some point, but for now you're unsure of it and try to keep yourself as some emotional distance from him, which is hard because he's got a sweet tasting personality.
Stitch // South // Donny // Sonny // Snake
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