Donny 'Donut' Deacon [WIP]

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Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:23 am
IGN: Donut

Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:17 am

Name// Donny Deacon
Known By// Donut, Don, Don-Don, The Muscle
Date of Birth// 13th June 2000
Starsign// Gemini
Place of Birth// Newcastle, England
Gender// Male
Species// Pureblood Lycan - turned Hell Beast
Languages// English
Accent// Thick 'Geordie'
Occupation// Mutt - Mechanic - Stitchin' Donuts (Motorbike Garage)
Orientation// Homosexual
Relationship Practices// Monogamous
Relationship Status// Taken - Vito
Home// Trailer

Height// 5'9
Hair Colour// Brown
Eye Colour// Mismatched. Right; deep, chocolate brown. Left; milky, blinded, the red and black colours there a permanent fixture, but barely visible. // When shifted Donny's scleras bleed to black, his right eye brightens into blood red irises, vivid and stark against the black. There is no change to his left unless Vito activates their binding spell.
Scent// Motor Oil, Cigarettes, Lynx 'Black'
Birthmarks// None
Scars// Littering of scars all over him. One particularly nasty scar running from the side of his left hip, to the top of his thigh - from an operation.
A long scar starting above his left eyebrow and traversing down to the height of his cheekbone. This injury lost Donny the use of his left eye - at least for himself.
A peppering of small, rounded scars on his lower abdomen on the right hand side, no less than 12 - cigarette burns

Piercings// None
Tattoos// Back, Sleeves and hands
Fashion// Jeans, t-shirts and leathers.

T H E // W O L F

Shifted Forms// Homid (Human) - Glabro (Half-shift) - Crinos (Bipedal Wolf)
Height// 7'9
Fur Colour// Dark Brown
Eye Colour// Gold
Shifted Physical Oddities// None
Bloodline// Blažek
Pack// Name to be determined
Pack Role// 'Leader'

Blažek Wolven Traits// Feels very little pain (For example; broken bones more often than not feel like simple aches) // Calm Disposition (Wolves of the Blažek line are known to be quite calm and difficult to anger) // Moon bound (Forced to shift every full moon - capable of shifting before and after but always during) // Superior endurance // Superior strength // Wolves of this line are unable to shift into feral form - Lupus.

Blažek Wolven Weaknesses// Built like tanks, these wolves aren't particularly fast // Below average regeneration - even for a wolf, these wolves aren't as quick to heal as others. Faster than humans, but slower than the average wolf // High weakness to silver // Weakness to wolfsbane // Lunar eclipses are particularly difficult and leave these wolves very little energy.

Generic Wolven Traits// Enhanced strength // Enhanced endurance // Enhanced speed // Enhanced regeneration // Enhanced senses - hearing, sight & smell.

H I S T O R Y // R U N D O W N
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