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Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:44 pm
by Caden


[ B A S I C S ]

Full Name: Decadence Marie Ashbourne, now O’Collin.

City Name: Caden.

Nicknames: Barbie, Blondie, Ice Queen (Sacrifice).

Species: Fae | Lycan.

Claimed Names: Ashbourne, O’Collin.

Date of Birth: April 5, 1991 at 4:44 PM

Apparent Age: 19.

Zodiac: Aries.

Place of Birth: Paarl, South Africa.

Marital Status: Married to Ferris O'Collin.

Relationship Practices: Monogamous.

[L I F E S T Y L E ]

Occupation: Painter. Business owner.

Hobbies: Home decor, sea glass crafting, journaling, gem collecting.

[ A P P E A R A N C E ]

Height: 5’3.

Build: Athletic slim.

Hair: Blonde, long.

Eyes: Ocean Blue.

Complexion: Smooth.

Piercings: Double ears.

Tattoos: *you are art*, beneath left breast. Sunflower, left shoulder. Lion, right thigh. Unicorn, left thumb. ‘I am’ on her hand, matching the ‘with you’ on Ferris’.

Scent: Pink Coconut Calypso [Coconut water, seaside freesia, sun-kissed lily, apple & driftwood].

Scars: Faint silver claw marks from left ribs, down to her hip.

Model: Scarlett Leithold.

[ P R E F E R E N C E S ]

Favorite Color: Blue.

Favorite Place: Ocean.

Favorite Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon.

Favorite Flavor: Watermelon.

Favorite Non-Alcoholic: Mountain Dew.

Favorite Season: Fall and Summer are tied.

Favorite Show: Friends or Gilmore Girls.

Favorite Book: Wuthering Heights and The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard.

Favorite Flower: Sunflower.

Favorite Stone: Aquamarine.

[ P O S S E S S I O N S ]

Animals: Baldur, fox. Whiskey and Karma, dogs. Coal, Fig, Levi, Nova, Iago and Beetle, cats.

Treasured Items: Wedding ring set from Ferris, mother’s locket, charm bracelet from Ferris.

[ M E N T A L ]

Bad Habits: Lip biting, pen chewing, over-thinking.

Pet Peeves: Mess, nail biting, nasally voices, unfinished work, slowness.

Virtues: Courage, cunning, loyalty.

Fears: Orthopterophobia (crickets).

Repellants: Weakness, egomaniacs, laziness, cruelty.

Re: Caden

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:05 pm
by Caden


[ C I T Y ]

Powers: Fully Powered.

Current Sire: None.

Past Sires: Penny, Damacus, Inu, Saressa.

Childer: Zoe. Viktorya.

Ex-Childer: Jaret, Isla, Alarik, Ichi_Nightlove.

Relationship: Eternally bound to Ferris.

Status: Retired warrior.

Wars: Three, handful of side fights.

Stakes: Five.

Zeroed: A few.