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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:16 am
by Dark+Faith
Basic Info
Birth name: Chilli McCarthy
Birth place: Ireland
Nationality: Irish
Parents: Deceased
Current name: Chilli Ghata
Nickname(s): Brat, pup
IGN: Dark_Faith
Gender: Female
Birth date: 3 August 1905
Age of death: 16 October 1923
Place of death: London
Species: Vampire
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Languages: English + German
Occupation: None

I love the taste of fear in their blood, its why i can't stop..
Falling in love, is only giving up control..

City Life
First arrived in the city: 2003
Sire: Derzempes
Past sire: KingDrako
Powers: Second-sight Suction(1) Surprise Perception(1) Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)

Body type: Slender, petit
Hair type: Long + straight
Hair colour: Black
Hue colour: Amber / yellow
Height: 1.5 m
Weight: 50 Kg
Piercings: One on each ear
Tattoos: A bad tattooed dog paw on her inner wrist (left)
Style: Gothic

Timid, excessive curiosity, absent minded, stubborn, rebellious, immature, sadomastic (when feeding or in combat), masochistic(includes one person), lustful killer (prey), lack of self control (especially when blood is in play), often does things without thinking them through, cold hearted towards humans.

Mostly friendly to others, enjoys adventures and new experiences, caring, loyal and protective of them close to her, shy meeting new people, her curiosity sometimes leads her into trouble or awkward situations.

Nature, animals, family, goth style, alcohol, blood, day dreaming.

Rain, hair being messed, having things forbidden, animal abuse, greed.

Don't fear the darkness, but what lies within.. .


Its a twisted illusion, that youth is happy...

Chilli was born in a small cottage in a tiny village in the west of ireland, where she was brought up lovingly by both her parents, they were living a good life for the 19 century. They weren't wealthy, but certainly not poor. They lived a happy and content life alone, far away from any other people, enjoying being for themselves.
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Age: 13 One night when all three were sleeping, theives had broken into their home. The small girl was the first one to notice the commotion downstairs, a shattered window. Being so frightened she didn't think twice and fled out her bedroom window, out into the woods which surrounded their cottage. Her reaction had saved her life. Being too scared to return the same night, having heard her mother crying and screaming and the sound of destruction inside the cottage, she remained the night in the woods.
The next morning, she carefully entered the cottage, air was filled with the stench of death and blood. Upon seeing both her parents corpses upon the kitchen floor. She dropped onto her mother's body, sobbing into the corpses chest. There was blood everywhere, bloody hand prints marked the walls and destruction all around her. Chilli stayed until the next morning.
She was found a few days later roaming around in the woods looking for edibles, starving. She was brought to her only living relative, uncle Claus.
She hated everything about living in his filthy house. Claus was a wealthy man for the time, but Chilli and the house never got to see any of it. She hated the greedy selfish man. Claus didn't treat her like a child, more like a house slave or room service. Commanding her around, making her do all the chores, verbal abuse was also an issue.

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Age: 16Trying to escape her captivity, she runs away, at least she tried. It lasted 2 weeks, until she was found.. Pestering wealthy and rich peaople at the market, causing havoc. She was brought back to her uncle... He punished her by beating and locking her up for a few days.
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Age: 18 Not even a year later, Chilli fled again, this time with success. Knowing anything out there would be better than this. She travelled as far as she could get, overseas, into a large city in England, London. Where she roamed the streets, learning to fend for herself, until she met this mysterious older man. Unknowing why she had such an interest in him, she still followed him. Never thinking he might be a vampire, who saw her as an easy meal. They walked together, Chilli went on about where she fled from and her short but cruel past. The vampire had another interest in the girl, especially after hearing her story. His mind changed, wanting to make her one of his own. Not likeing the fact that such a strong soul would most likely perish like her parents, remaining alone on these streets. He never asked, knowing what she thought. 'Anything is better than my life right now'. He took that as an invitation. She didn't try and fight nor struggle, being so mesmerized by the vampires eyes, feeling as if she were in a dream, even after she stopped breathing as her heart beat eventually stood still. Feeling a new hunger rise within her body, a craving...
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That night the girl died, but only to begin another.
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Chilli and her mentor roamed the night togther. He taught her the basics, how to live along side humans, use them for the vampires benefits. How to survive as a vampire and most important how to fight. They went on as a team for the next 2 years. Until one night he never returned from hunting. To this day she doesn't know why or what had occurred.. His name is in her heart but she rarely speaks of him.
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Feeling alone and heart broken, the vampire she saw as her father had vanished, leaving her alone one more. She left London city and moved on, travelling a few years between different places, cities, landscapes. Always having the hope of finding others like her. The girl never stayed in one place for long, always being on the move. Until one day she came across a city she had never heard of before. Raven Black City.

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The year 2003 Chilli arrived in the City for the first time, finding much more than just her kind. It was the second time in her misleading and somewhat miserable life she felt the feeling of 'Home.' Soon to find out, this city would stay her forever home.
Meeting creatures she had never dreamt even existed. The new vampire remained alone a few years, having little to no contact to others. Learning about how this city works and finding her place with in it. Feeling more secure, she finaly overcame her shyness. Meeting friends and soon family.

You shouldn't play with things that bite.. .