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Amari Sherazi

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:49 pm
by Amari
This Is Only The Beginning....
The Ending Is No Where In Sight...
IGN: Mahila-Daeva
Name: Pride
[Daeva] Name: Amariarah 'Amari' Sherazi

Ahm-Are-Ee-Are-Ah  Sher-Ah-zi

Nicknames: 'Old Hag' [Qwyn], 'Paan' [Izem]

Origins: [name, origin, meaning]
Amari - Sanskrit – Immortal; variant of 'Amar'
Sherazi - Persian -  Sheraz, southwest Iran

Accent: Iranian
Real Age:  Unknown - [Age] Appearance: 26

Don't Let the Cover Fool You....
There's A Surprise Inside....
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single

Eye Color: Gold [but can change to a blue-green at times]
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Tan
Build: Mesomorph; Hourglass/Curvy with muscle tone
Posture: Confident
Tattoos: Covered head to toe 
Distinguishing features: Tattoos, Eyes

Scent: Persian Rose and Saffron; Shisha after smoking

Nature: ISTP - The Mechanic
Alignment: Lawful Evil

See For Yourself [Full CS HERE]
Photo/Banners by Navi!

Re: Amari Sherazi

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:03 pm
by Amari
Updated Full CS - Take a Look!