smitsmit - from dawn to dusk

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Posts: 128
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:23 am
Location: Diamond and 50th
OOC: Scott
IGN: smitsmit
Lineage: Alatáriël

Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:23 pm


Simon Blair Campbell Alatáriël

City Status:

smitsmit is fully powered.
The vampire smitsmit has drunk 57500 pints of blood.
Powers: Second-sight Suction Surprise Perception Celerity(3) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3) Locate(3) Telepathy(3) Charisma(3)
smitsmit is sire to 2 other vampires, including: †Darklilly (54000 pints) and †VelvetKisses (35000 pints)

smitsmits lineage runs as follows: †Damson (97000). smitsmits siblings include: †Tatianna (9236).
smitsmit (Simon Blair Campbell Alatáriël, professionally, or known as 'Smitty' to his friends) co-runs the Nightwatch presently and does a pretty god job. He inherited the Nightwatch from †ms_trinket aka Alexa. Having only himself and Alexa as members at that time. smitsmit has since grown the Nightwatch into an organization so large that it now rivals it's peak heyday size, back when it was being run by †Archangel. Smit retired from full duty as the fourth Nightwatch Commander in Feb 2017. He is currently in a temporary ʻActing Commanderʻ position while a new commander is being elected. After the election, he will take on an advisory roll within the CLA.

Fun Facts



smitsmit - Simon Blair Campbell Alatáriël


smitty, smit, smits - †Damson, mittens - †Batrisha, smitsy, smittens, smee - †Juliana, smitters - †Sins_Evil, transmitters - †Whitefang, smire - †Darklilly, Villain - †Freyja_Sun, Smittycake - †kityfaust (The first two nicknames are the most common and were even common when hewas a human as well)


Apparent Age: 23 Real Age: 67


Eyes: Black. Hair: Dirty Blond. Height: 6 feet tall.


Master in military skills through extensive human training as a British Special Air Service solider. Minor "Magick" skills received from Dresdendoll in RavenBlack city. Medical training from his military days quickly takes over when he spots an injury, sometimes leading him to forget he is helping a fellow vampire.


Carries a 9mm P226 SIG Sauer with him at most times, as well as a standard weapon belt of GS and HW as well as ten wooden stakes. He is also known for carrying a 'less lethal option' of a kool-aid filled squirt pistol while in the city taverns.


Varies - Usually a suit and jacket unless on field duty. Otherwise military gear.


Smitsmit is hard to describe. He is completely neutral when it comes to matters relating to clans or clan wars. He is generally very friendly and approachable to new people, but will quickly form opinions of them either of a positive or negative nature. Although these opinions can change over time. He is very devoted and loyal to those he loves, and will defend them almost to a fault even if they hurt him or others. It is not uncommon for him to be on good terms with multiple individuals who may have hatred towards each other due to clan issues.


After much waiting, smit sired under †Damson Alatáriël on July 27, 2011.

Over the years, smit has sired four childer. While that number has decreased to two for various reasons, smit is not necessarily opposed to siring more.

While smitsmit can frequenly be found at the NightWatch Headquarters, His true home is written in stone at Diamond and 50th at the Alatáriël Maenor


smitsmit came to the city in mid november of 2005. At that time he had been a vampire for about 37 years. As a human, he had been a special covert-ops soldier with the British Special Air Service.
smitsmit had been assigned the task of helping a woman named Samantha flee a war torn country. He was under strict orders to only move her at night. While he succeeded in getting her out of the country, their plane was shot down.
While laying there dying, his last memory is hearing Samantha say "You saved me, now I can save you". He felt a pinch at his neck, and then saw her walking away through the burning wreakage. He never saw her again.
smitsmit healed quickly, and wandered alone for many years throughout Thailand and surrounding countries. After coming to RavenBlack City, he briefly joined the League of Shadow Demons, and trained briefly under †doncey but found that clan life was not for him. He spotted the NightWatch Transit Guards in their stations on occasion, and after some research, learned of the Nightwatch. This concept fascinated him, and he quickly applied to join. At that time, the organization was very small and only a few dedicated guardians remained.

smitsmit and the Nightwatch

smitsmit was accepted into NightWatch in early 2006. At that time, †Anonymous was commander, and †ms_trinket was captain. Shortly after that point, †Anonymous retired, and smitsmit was promoted to the rank of Captain. Over the next few years he worked to train the NightWatch Transit Guards so that they could have more power and do more to help the city.

In early 2009, smitsmit began to work on rebuilding the NightWatch In an attempt (while perhaps fruitless) to bring the city together. After a long year of work, and many messages to clan members, smitsmit formed the CLA which consisted of both Ambassadors from clans, and Senators who were interested in diplomatic issues. While many consider the CLA as part of the NightWatch,it is actually a separate political entity which is self moderated and is designed as a last resort discussion base for any global city issue.
To date, many clans have joined the CLA to voice their opinion on the actions of the NightWatch or other matters. The NightWatch is strictly designed to protect memorials, Help out stranded passengers at transits (or with directions or Charisma quests) Or to assist those who are in need of help and are not able to receive help from their clan, or are clanless or without a family line. smitsmit introduced a training school within the NightWatch to assist new vampires in gaining powers. No vampire who joins the training school is obligated to stay within the NightWatch.

In June 2009, the NightWatch Headquarters was constructed, giving the NightWatch a permanent home in the city.

In September 2010, smitsmit worked with †Ravenblack to modify both the Graveyard and the NightWatch Headquarters. The NightWatch Headquarters was modified to sell the Memorial Candle and Roses, and the Graveyard was modified to allow the placement of the candles or any Flowers on a tomb for the deceased player of a Vampire. To date, Hundreds of Flowers and Candles have been placed in the Graveyard. While these items are for sale in the NightWatch Headquarters, they are also given out freely by †GraveGuard to those who visit the Graveyard
Last edited by smitsmit on Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 128
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:23 am
Location: Diamond and 50th
OOC: Scott
IGN: smitsmit
Lineage: Alatáriël

Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:25 pm

*Driving erratically into Hanoi airport, smitsmit returned fire at the pursuing Viet Cong. He hit one car right in the drivers tire causing it to flip and burst into flames.*

"Almost there!" *He was somewhat nervous, this was one of the most nerve-wreaking adventures he'd ever been on. Yet there in the passenger seat was Samantha, calm as ever. Neither of them belonged there, they were outnumbered in North Vietnam, even the south would be overrun soon. They had to get out! He Had to succeed. He had no idea how long the Americans could put up a resistance in the south either.*

*He fired on another vehicle chasing them, striking the driver in the face, resulting in another overturned vehicle in flames.*

*He floored it through the gates of Hanoi airport, their armoured car taking fire the whole time, he spotted the unmarked plane and drove to the cargo bay. They both showed the armed British soldier their id's and climbed into the cargo hatch.*

"Roger flight X483, you're cleared for immediate departure on runway 281." *Smit stood and made sure Samantha was securely buckled in. This was a military airline on an emergency mission and there were no stewardesses to tuck them in.*

The Cockpit door was open a few seats ahead so they could both hear the pilot and copilot as well as the radio.

The Jets four engines revved up, and the aircraft quickly turned to the correct heading and went full throttle. The constant ping ping ping could be heard as bullets bounced off their departing aircraft.

Their takeoff heading wasn't that great, but they had to reach proper altitude before diverting for Thailand to refuel, then head back to the UK.

After about 20 minutes, Smit began to relax. It was over. Finally. He felt the aircraft bank to the left and start to head south over Laos. That was when all hell broke loose!

"SAM ALERT SAM ALERT, SAM 2 ALERT SAM 2 ALERT!" an automated voice from the cockpit said! *Smit heard the pilot mutter an expletive, from this altitude, there was little room to negotiate with two surface to air missiles. Why the hell was there a SAM site over Laos? Was their aircraft squaking incorrectly? Or did the Sams come from the North Vietnam border?*

"Hold on tight guys!" *The pilot banked further south and increased airspeed so that they would reach Thailand sooner. The beeping sound which symbolizing the missile distance increased. "Ok you have control said the pilot" "I have control" said the co-pilot.*

"Manning countermeasures. Firing Chaff 1" ...... *The beeping continued and increased* "Firing Chaff 2" ... *a few seconds passed and then BOOM the first SAM exploded only a half kilometer behind them.*

"That's one down", *the beeping started again as the second SAM came closer toward them.* "Firing chaff 3"..... *the beeping continued. "Shit it's a Fox 2! Switching to flares!" *The pilot began pressing switches and leavers and banking the aircraft but it was too late.*

BOOM! The aircraft rocked, and things went flying everywhere. "Fire Engine 3 Fire Engine 3!", an automated voice said from the cockpit. The pilot seemed to be unconscious. Smit looked out the starboard window and was horrified by what he saw. There was nothing left of engine 3, not even the fire surpression system, the dam wing was nearly blown off.

*Samantha seemed strangely calm buckled into her seat, smit unbuckled his harness and entered the cockpit, pulling the unconscious pilot from his seat. and laying him on on the floor. Smit climbed into the pilots seat and asked if the co-pilot was ok, who wasn't responding, clearly in shock.*

*Smit could smell smoke building in the cockpit, they didnt have much time left, he checked the airport booklet for the nearest Thailand airport. Nan. Looking out the window again he realized it would be damn near impossible to make it, but all he could do was try.*

*With the right aerolion blown clear off, he had to compensate almost full left rudder to maintain stable flight, After about 10 minutes he managed to get the doomed aircraft pointed in the right direction. He changed frequency to Nan control.* "Mayday Mayday Mayday! This is Flight X483, we've taken missile damage and have lost an engine, we have on-board fire and are losing altitude!"

"Copy Emergency Flight X483 Cleared for immediate landing on runway 53." 53?? Dammit!! why couldn't it be runway 4? that would have been doable with them coming down from the north and unable to steer!

"Ughhh Nan control is it possible for clearance on a north/south oriented runway? We have almost no steering capability!" "Roger 483 you are cleared for emergency on runway 53"

*Smit muttered a few expletives*

*suddenly another beep started and the voice started again* "Hydraulic failure imminent. Hydraulic failure in progress"

Well that was that, they wouldn't be landing at any airport, but at least they were over safe territory, if they survived the crash that was

*Smit lowered the landing gear, turned on the landing lights, and looked down from their 5000 feet for a road, field anything to land on, all he spotted was trees. This wasn't going to be pretty*

"Hold on!" *he shouted to Samantha, who was still strangely buckled into her seat, but what else could one do? The plane began to roll to the right as the last of the hydraulic fluid drained from the severed lines.*

*As X483 broke apart, creating it's own landing path in the middle of a Northern Thailand forest, Smit who hadn't been bucked in was thrown through the cockpit windshield and smashed into a tree stump. He lay there, unable to move, his neck broken, gushing blood. He likely had less than a minute to live. He assumed the same fate had become of the three other crew and Samantha. He had failed.*

*He heard footsteps approaching him, just as he began to lose consciousness, and looked up to see Samantha, looking completely unharmed.* "You saved me, now its my turn to save you." *She knelt beside him.* *For a moment he thought she was going to say a prayer for him. Instead what happened that night was even more unexpected. She leaned forward and bit at his already mutilated neck, drinking blood from him. She then bit her wrist, and let some of the blood drip into his neck and mouth.* "You'll be just fine" she said, and walked off into the darkness.
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