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Axel Karlsson

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:38 pm
by Axel

Axel Karlsson


Name: Axel Karlsson
Aliases: None
Age: Old
Birthplace: Örebro, Sweden
Species: Lycan
Lineage: Sköll
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual [not that he knows what it's called]
Relationship Status: Single
Partners: None
Work: n.e library, rbc:: clerk

Blood Family:
-Clarrissa Maddings [via turning]


Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brown
Complexion: Pale
Height: 6'0"
Build: Lean to athletic
Dress: Seemingly relaxed.
Jackets, button-down shirts under, casual.
Suede boots and jeans.

Languages: Primary;; Swedish [excellent]
-- Secondary;; English [poor]
Voice: Swedish accent.
-- When speaking, he uses full words and does not abbreviate.
Texts very slowly

Body language: Confidant, lazy.
Tattoos/scars: Several. No nudes for you.
-several whipping scars on back
-several burn marks on arms/legs
-rope burns on wrists and ankles
-tree tattoo on hip, stick-n-poke, not the cleanest lines


Personality type: INTP
Personality traits: Introverted, intuitive, assertive, private.
Humour: Rare.

Turn Ons:

Turn Offs:
-sexual aggression
-inability to learn from mistakes


Strengths: Honest, relaxed, inquisitive.
Weaknesses: Lazy, lack of social cues, self-depricative thoughts
Skills: Too much work.
Vices: Alcohol, nicotine, pain, books.
Preferred weapon: Teeth. Nom.
Training: Too much.

Second-Sight: I
Suction: I
Surprise: I
Perception: I
Thievery: I, II, III
Shadows: I, II, III
Celerity: I, II, III
Stamina: I, II, III
Charisma: I, II, III
Locate: I, II
Telepathy: I, II, III

Strengths: Speed, brute strength, high pain tolerance, alternate form.
Weaknesses: Very lazy, silver, chocolate.


Roleplays :: heck you, heck off, get the heck away

Play-By :: Garrett Hedlund


Re: Axel Karlsson

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:28 pm
by Axel

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