
Tell us about your character - this is where you put your character sheets so we can all stalk them.
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Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:23 am

From Fate And Shadow, Reforged


Xedanis's character sheet is a constant work in progress. Updates, revisions and such will be posted here. Check back often!
Last edited by Xedanis on Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:46 am

Ermahgerd, Updates!

Mar 23, 2020
  • Your boy did a METRIC FUCK TON of work on this bitch today. I am exhausted.
  • Contact Page is live! YAY!
  • And it has a more-or-less complete list of image credits! Well all the ones I could reasonably find. Steady on now.
  • I also updated the contact blurb. Woop. It now has links to my Twitter, Youtube and Email. Wheee!
  • Apocrypha Page is live! YAY YAY!
  • All three two of Xed's scary-arse Atlantean swords (And Beatrice's one Atlantean sword) have entries on the Apocrypha page. Complete with audio blurbs. Because screw reading, I have a phobia of massive walls of text. Also I'm a showoff.
  • Expect the Apocrypha page to get a LOT bigger.
  • Updated Lannair's Xedimonial (again) after a mixdown cockup made Xed's voice loud as the hounds of Hell at the end. Woops.
  • Added Amaya's Xedimonial!
  • Removed Melanctha's Xedimonial!
  • Changed Bea's and Rod's Xedimonial pics. Fuzzy nonsense is not acceptable in portraits. No.
  • The Facts Page has been updated! YAY YAY YAY!
  • Actually re-added "Times Slapped In Face." Looking into having a button there so you can add to it yourself. LOL.
  • Xed's Tattoos are now listed in an orderly fashion. Woop.
  • Fuck me, pirate boy has pets. Blimey.
  • Oh yeah he has skills too! I know, I was amazed also. Just... let him have his nice things.
  • Rumours that Xed's alignment has changed are completely unfounded. He's always been that way. What are you on about?
  • Basic History has been updated.
  • A lot of stuff, including references to being "re-turned" by Melanctha - including the ending / epilogue of "Afterlife" - are being retconned to match what's now known (by me only for the moment) about Xed's... er... body. Aye.
  • There are now too many pages to accommodate with a simple, boring old link back to the homepage. Hello, smexy menu. Wheee!
  • BEHIND THE SCENES, Xed's mum just had a name / face / body change. I'll explain later.

Mar 17, 2020
  • I am the proud owner (Renter?) Of my own domain and all it surveys. Welcome to voiceofempires.com! Don't worry the old link still works, which is good because i can't be buggered to update it everywhere it's been left. Fuck that. BUT no more pesky ads! YAY!
  • Yes, the Nine have fucked off. Half of them have Xedimonials now anyway. Naff off.
  • Updated Beatrice's and Lannair's Xedimonials. Whee!
  • BEHIND THE SCENES, history is slowly taking shape. A lot of corrections, retcons and updates to match Xed's changing history.
  • ALSO BEHIND THE SCENES, I'm adding image credits to the Contact page.
Feb 10, 2020
  • Three new Xedimonials? Why not. Go listen.
  • I'm NEARLY. DONE. With the first part of the pirate's bloody longwinded history. Send moar coffee. It helps.
Feb 4, 2020
  • The layout's finally done! Look at all that Image
  • The Faces Page now actually works!
  • And it has Xedimonials! now you can hear the pirate's own thoughts on those closest to him. D'awww.
  • The Facts page has finally been updated. RIP outdated balderdash. Welcome back, "Times Slapped In Face."
  • Fuck me, there's gifs. Fancy that.
  • I finally made a 'Coming Soon' placeholder. Yes, there are bits missing.
  • I'm fully aware that the Back link hides under Wix's stupid bloody ad banner. It's still clickable. I'll fix it later. Murhhh.
  • I'm also fully aware that EVERYTHING DISAPPEARED FROM THIS THREAD. CALM YOUR TITS. It's being rewritten and updated and made not-quite-as-wordy (long shot for me, yes.)
Last edited by Xedanis on Tue May 05, 2020 2:28 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:47 am

I don't know what this reply is for.

Here's a painting of Xed's long-lost cat, Bo'Sun.


RIP, you glorious furry sailor bold. The Dawn Rose isn't the same without you.
Last edited by Xedanis on Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:33 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:36 am

An Update has happened! Huzzah!
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Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:09 am

Moar updates. Hey?
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Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:01 am

You guessed it, more updates!
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Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:36 pm

Fuckin' BUMP, you twats.

APPRECIATE MY INSANE INVESTMENT IN A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION or I will die from the lack of external validation.

Anyhoo... time for tea.
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