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Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:26 am
by Noguera
Hey, guys!

So, that suction power sure is weird, right? Just go around biting a lot of vampires. That seems really nonconsensual, though, from a roleplay aspect, so let's make some roleplay out of it!

I know for a fact that Noguera bit one Miss drewbeary just now, which is what made me think of this idea in the first place. I recognized the name from here, and he felt awful about doing it without permission. As for anyone else he might have latched onto, feel free to join in!

Here's what I'm thinking: Now that Noguera is around powering, I've posted an ad for willing participants for this Suction quest. Those willing to help, feel free to sound off and we can make a thread out of it? Or not. Those not willing to help, but Noguera's already bit on your character? We'll write it out, for better or worse for our characters. Noguera is desperate not to fail this quest. Desperate people do desperate things...

Just a thought! I hope everyone is well in this time of crisis.

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:06 am
by Ezra
Ez! I've already moved her near you for the quest, but we can absolutely write a lil thing. Good intro for them, too.

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:13 am
by Noguera
You drain much more blood than you usually could from Ezra, siphoning it into the bag as you go.
The bag is finally full. You upend it into your mouth. The blood burns as it goes down, but in an almost pleasant, if slightly unnerving, way. As the last drop passes your lips, you feel a new strength in your lungs and in your fangs.

Thank you to everyone who participated! Ezra was the very last one needed, and I would love to write something up about that. A little blood exchange roleplay, or something.

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:15 am
by Ezra
Noguera wrote:
Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:13 am
You drain much more blood than you usually could from Ezra, siphoning it into the bag as you go.
The bag is finally full. You upend it into your mouth. The blood burns as it goes down, but in an almost pleasant, if slightly unnerving, way. As the last drop passes your lips, you feel a new strength in your lungs and in your fangs.

Thank you to everyone who participated! Ezra was the very last one needed, and I would love to write something up about that. A little blood exchange roleplay, or something.
Hot. 🥴

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:04 pm
by Ember
This was fun! Would be down to do mini roleplay sessions with anyone powering a vamp who needs questing help. :] Let's make this a thing!

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:58 pm
by Xaviera
I'd love to read this!

Re: Questing Plots

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:29 pm
by Yawa
Ready and willing to help with any future questing RPs! Sign me up!