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Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:56 am
by Maddox
What happens when you're blocked? You can't write, you can't draw, you can't do anything creative to save your life. How do you get past this? How do you solve this problem? Is it enough to simply force it, even though all you create are hot, steaming piles of poo? Is this a sign that the end is nigh for your creavity? Do you say goodbye and find new hobbies in life?

Dear RavenBlack,

I'm massively creatively blocked. What do?

The WannaBe

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:08 am
by Vetras
I think you're being too hard on yourself. Everyone goes through these periods where they hit a slump and nothing comes out the way that you want it to be.

When I find that I can't produce anything that I like in my writing, I do a couple of things.

1. Podcasts - I listen to podcasts all of the time. It doesn't have to be geared towards writing necessarily but it could be about anything. If you learn something new, sometimes it can have a way to connect with the writing that you're doing in some way that you wouldn't have been able to imagine otherwise.

2. New Music Binges - I tend to be on Spotify for 85% of my day, trying to find new and obscure music I wouldn't be able to really hunt for. Music for me is essential when I write because it can set a mood for a scene that I want to purge out of my face piece, or the lyrics themselves can sometimes be inspiration in and of itself.

3. Prompts/Writing Challenges - I know that Meg has provided a really great thread that I think should be utilized for anyone that seems to be having a hard time writing. Even if it has nothing to do with your characters, it could be that in the time you sit down and spit something out for a writing prompt, you can produce just that ONE line that you can toy with and create something obscenely beautiful with.

4. Observing People Around You - A lot of times, with my writing, I only focus on what MY character is doing and I don't set any kind of scenes where my character interacts with anyone else. A good thing to remember is that dialogue can be an important piece to weave together a lovely roleplay that you're writing. I've tried to branch out and play with the idea of having another 'NPC' or what have you drive a challenge into either the actions of my character or my character's belief in something. I tend to make this NPC emulate portions of the people I already know. Maybe it's their negative personality aspects, or their better qualities I like to focus on.

Whatever the case may be that helps you, I hope you find what sparks your outlet again, TJ, because your writing was tremendously luring for me. :)

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:57 am
by Maddox
These are all very good suggestions and pretty much along the lines of what I do when writing. I seem to be having trouble with the craft itself, though. I have all these things I want to write, attempt to write, and ultimately leave open on my desktop because I've walked away from it out of pure frustration. There are times I get pumped for an idea and then defeated by how poorly the execution is (at least to my standards).

It's weird to know what to do but not be able to do it no matter how hard I try. It's like I've hit a physical wall. I'm faced with the choice to make crap or stand back and just be a reader and appreciator of art. Nothing wrong with that. I just hate giving up.

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:45 am
by Dae
Try something new.

Why not try writing in first person if you always write in third? Change up your style a bit, just little changes like how you format, or big changes in how you structure. Sometimes trying something new leads to you finding out more about your own talent.

Most importantly, write. Even if it is shit. Write the shit. Get all that shit out. Cover the page in utter shit that has no reason to exist other than to be a piece of shit. Cause, maybe the shit is blocking the good stuff - get to work on cleaning the sewer of the shit so that the water can flow!!!

(PS. I'm cold, hungry and tired...ignore my rant on shit.)

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:47 am
by dakota
Get outside and walk around in nature. Trees and plants are healers.

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:06 pm
by Maddox
I'm going to consider all of these suggestions, try them, and see what happens. Including and especially writing shit.

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:00 pm
by Elijah
I just stare at my screen and cry, mostly 8')

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:31 am
by Maddox
You've got me, there. I can try to try.

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:38 am
by Ezra
i second mostly Sam's post (though all are good options). just write the shit, even if you fucking hate it. just write it anyway. especially if it's collaborative -- sometimes, i think my solo posts are just fucking utter trash, but i can get my groove back if i put a little more effort than usual in my collaborative RP, even just shit like on discord or chats.

Re: Creatively Challenged

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:37 pm
by Jacob
Maddox wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:56 am
The WannaBe

Dear TJ,

You're one of the most creative people I know. So you are not a WannaBe.

I've been in the same boat recently with my creativity so I know those feels. Here is what I found has helped.

1.) Music - To repeat what Drea said - music helps a lot. What I do is I tend to do is listen to a playlist, once I find a that sparks something - anything, I look up lyrics to that song and listen to it on repeat. Once you found a spark, if you keep listening to it - you'll be able to build some sort of fire. Once the fire is going, it is easy to add to it. Maybe start listening to the album the song was on. Or listen to songs with similar woods

2.) Movement - (This will make you feel somewhat silly) As a burlesque dancer with zero dance experience I find that I often tend to end up standing in front of a full length mirror and moving my body in different ways until the movements I do are aesthetically pleasing to myself. I also found this helps when it comes with writing . I sometimes do this thing where I ask myself "How would Gabe pick up this glass of wine?" or "How would Jacob sit in a couch?" I put myself in the mindset of the muse I am trying to channel and just walk about my house picking things up, setting them down, and just moving to see how their bodies would move.

3.) Observing - Again to repeat Drea and also Sid. Go outside of your creative place and observe. Maybe instead of writing at home, or drawing at home, take your tools of creativity out in the world. Take a noteebook and sketch people you see in coffee shops. Take your laptop to a park and write stories about the people you see - That guy over there with his dog: What's his name? What does he do for a living? What's his dogs name? Is he good to his dog? Where is he going after the park? Even sometimes just observing the world around you can yield amazing inspiration. My partner and I went to Walmart the other day, there was this kid that reminded me of someone else's character - when I got home I wrote a three page post about this character in a Walmart and his reaction to everything in it.

4.) The last piece of advice I can give is remember in the creative world there will never be a moment where you look at something you make and think to yourself 'This could be improved.". This could be very frustrating since as people, we tend to want to finish tasks. On the same hand, it's also very empowering. Many people have said it bellow, but if you're stuck creatively in writing - just write. Write down things that you know is shit, write until you can't write anymore then, walk away. Do something else. Come back and read what you wrote, improve on what you wrote. This also works with art. Do a shit ton of doodles. Find a doodle you want to build on, sketch that doodle, sketch it until you don't hate it. Nothing you do in your eyes will be perfect.