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Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:21 pm
by Kaelani
Everything about this is amazing. I'm really glad you decided to do some storytelling, Princess.

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:16 am
by Ezra
hey so, i was discussing this with someone and we got a little mixed up. so a few questions, here.

1) is this supposed to be canon? if no, ignore the rest of the questions
2) if it is canon, when does this take place and how long? since obviously most of us are still writing our characters as if no one is affected by this, but if liander literally drugged/kidnapped/forced her husband into some weird fighting ring for a day+, ezra might be kinda mad, and i'm sure others would be too lmao

so just clearing that up would be awesome! i'm personally in the camp that i think this should be some kinda AU, since IDU what IC reason Liander would have to do this (especially in this political climate in RB), and since we can't do reactions in the thread, i'm sure plenty of people would be like "??? where TF is my partner". but it's up to those involved/justin, of course. i just want it cleared up~

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:39 am
by Liander
I'm considering it canon. It shouldn't take longer than 24 hours for the actual setting. As for why, Vex said it best -
Liander locked you in a goddamn building for his own amusement.
Liander is a sick, twisted fuck.
You're free to write reactions in another thread, but multiple people - including the combatants - expressed issue with non-competitors writing in the main thread itself. Which doesn't bother me, because nothing they did was going to have any real effect on the course of events. This building, which I will take time to explain in the next post I make, has a number of defenses set up to prevent outside intrusion. If your characters want to be upset with Liander in real time for this, that's fine. His response would generally be - but did you die?

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:40 am
by Ezra
That's fine! thanks for clearing it up! :mrgreen:

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:38 am
by Vex
Temporally, since we don't know how this plays out, I'm thinking it's future dated and can be considered canon once the thread itself is done?

If Vex loses a leg, that will not grow back in a 24 hour period, if at all >.> I wanna make sure he's appropriate maimed in the actual timeline.

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:50 am
by Alphadragon
Kaelani wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:21 pm
Everything about this is amazing. I'm really glad you decided to do some storytelling, Princess.

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:55 am
by Amaya_Shannis
Vex wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:38 am
Temporally, since we don't know how this plays out, I'm thinking it's future dated and can be considered canon once the thread itself is done?

If Vex loses a leg, that will not grow back in a 24 hour period, if at all >.> I wanna make sure he's appropriate maimed in the actual timeline.
Thank you. Couldn't have said it better

Re: RP Challenge - Battle Royale

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:59 pm
by Alphadragon
Awww... I got shooty-shooty dart dart killded :(

That was fun, definitely up for the next one.