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Halloween Writing Competition

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:11 pm
by Liander

Zombies have invaded Ravenblack City! A ritual performed by the Immolators Guild has gone awry and the veil between life and death has grown thin. Powered by necromantic blood magic, the countless victims of the vampires that stalk the city now rise from their graves, seeking vengeance. It's up to you to put them back where they belong by whatever means necessary - though going for the head usually helps.

Ravenblack City. Beginning October 1, following a roleplay detailing the ritual, zombies will begin shambling through the city streets. Your stories can take place in any setting within the city and the job of your characters is simple: end the threat.

These are not your standard Romero zombies. They can run, they can fight, and most importantly, they can hurt your characters. While they lack sentience and any ability to communicate with you, this threat should not be underestimated. The hordes of the dead also seem to possess a sort of hive-mind intelligence, communicating with each other over vast distances to hone in on their prey.

You may participate solo or with a team. Teams will only be eligible for one prize, which will be split amongst them. Submitted stories can be of any length (or any number of posts), but must be tagged as [Halloween 2019] in the title. Three individuals or teams, selected by a panel of judges, who deal best with the imminent threat will move on to a final showdown-style roleplay competition where you must infiltrate the Immolators Guild and find a way to permanently end the madness. Details of this infiltration will be given to the selected participants but will be left largely up to the interpretation of each author.

Final participants and final winners will be judged on creativity, ingenuity, and overall flow. Ending the threat does not necessarily mean you will be selected for a first-place prize.

All entries must be submitted by October 25. The final showdown will take place between October 25 and October 31. Final winners will be announced November 1.

Clarification Edit: Entries should be submitted to the Roleplay section of the forum under whichever category you feel is appropriate. Feel free to also post a link to your submission in a reply to this thread.

  • 1st Place - 250,000 coins + a banner/avatar set
  • 2nd Place - 100,000 coins + a banner
  • 3rd Place - 50,000 coins + an avatar
All participants will receive a special themed miniature banner.

  • Brandy, writer of xxsacrificexx
  • Elina, writer of KIIA
  • Justin, writer of Liander
If you would like to contribute to the prizes for to this or future competitions, please contact me via PM or on Discord at Princess#9715. With community participation and a little luck, there will be more competitions to come. If you would like to participate as a judge in future events, please submit your interest along with any credentials to me. If you have ideas for future events, my door is always open and I am happy to assist you in any way I can.

Re: Halloween Writing Competition

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:55 am
by Liander
Updated prize list. A huge thanks to Meg for contributing the banner and avatars and to Harv for the miniature participation banner.

Re: Halloween Writing Competition

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:44 am
by Liander
Sorry for the delay, folks! The opening RP is now up. We're looking forward to all your submissions!