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Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:41 pm
by Maddison
IGN: Maddison
Model: Anne Winters
Colors: Open to any
Theme: She’s a wolf, so completely open to woodsy scenes/nature, but up to artist!
Text: Maddison

Thanks in advance! I really appreciate it. :)

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:33 pm
by Satsuki
IGN: Satsuki
Model: Lee Chae-rin (CL)
Colors: Up to the artist
Theme: She's a dark, creepy character. But totally open to anything.
Text: Either Satsuki or Satsu

Thanks in advance!

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:10 pm
by Kitt
IGN: Kitt
Model: Icy Tenshi on Instagram
Colors: Artist's choice!
Theme: Well, mostly anything goes? I'm not particularly picky! I love creative freedom
Text: Artist's choice! Creative freedom!

This would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:40 am
by Anastasia
Iiii was hoping that one of you most amazingly talented artists would do me the kindness of a banner set for Anastasia? Gratitude, IGC, or both for your hard work and my thanks. Which ever is preffered!
Model is Saoirse Ronan, with bright red or blue hair. (Preferably instead of blonde but that works too.)
She is kind of a gypsy free spirit sort, with a sharp tongue and soft heart under the layers.
Name; Stasia

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:38 am
by Xedanis
Hi, am need new set for pirate boi.

Him is Jason Momoa.

Dun need nothing special but his name. "Xedanis." (Will also answer to "ponce," "pirate," and occasionally "pegleg penis". Dun put those on banner. Tx.)

Likes Black, grey, silver and gold. Monochrome is fun. Him have funny icy-fiery-turquoise eyes. Have at if you like.

Thanks and luffs.

<3 Adam

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:36 am
by -Anastasia-
IGN: -Anastasia-
Model:Gal Gadot
Colors: you pick
Theme: Something that looks like it is supposed to be happy and bubbly but has depressing undertones. Think of when someone ask how you are and you say "I'm fine" when really you want to say "If you were really my friend you would kill me"
Text: Anastasia

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:47 am
by Batrisha
IGN: Batrisha
Model: Contesa Cneajna

I'm after something that shows one of the extreme ends of Batrisha's personality spectrum. On one hand, Batrisha can be child-like, mischievous, and definitely a lover of the sweet things, in particular, Gummy Bears and Ring Pops.
On the other hand she can also be, to put it simply and paint a nice little mental picture for you, Jaws.

If both of those are too much of a pain to go in either direction, something with a 'gothic romance-like' theme is fine too. =]

There's some wriggle room here. As for text, her name, if anything, but it's not essential.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. =]

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:20 am
by -Stryker-
I am currently looking for a new banner for Stryker.
Model is Andrea Denver.
Colors: Darkish?
Stryker is the only text.
Thank you.

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:34 pm
by Anaïs
I would like to request a banner and icon for Anaïs, please?

Dark colors and themes are welcomed. She's a werepanther, so having a nod to a panther somewhere would be great, too. Have fun with it!
Model is Hailee Steinfeld.

Re: Banner Request Thread 2.0

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:21 pm
by drew
IGN: drewbeary
Model: Eleanor Tomlinson--the redhead version not the blonde or brunette
Colors: Not picky-sans pink. Anything else can go.
Theme: She's a vampire, owns a butcher shop, likes baking cakes and , such, reading and externally is usually pretty happy in appearance. Just like not over the top >.> Really, am not overly picky, just no pink or overly cutsey.
Text: Drew or her ign: drewbeary

Thanks in advance! And maybe we can work something out-igc, or paypal (within reason-not really sure the on going rate, but I'd pay for a really nice set something)