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Help with Graphics

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:23 pm
by Nathaniel King
So, I've been having a bit of a graphics block of late. Everything I make looks the same or doesn't feel right - this could just been because I've changed laptop and haven't got use to it yet, or it could be that I simply suck at the moment - either way I need help.

The current image I need help with is this one. I want to capture his snobby, elitist, Britishness. He drinks tea like it is a religion to drink tea. He looks down on nearly everyone he meets. Works for the British government (no, unlike Mycroft he is no the -actual- British government...but he is pretty high up) and is a fashion-maniac.



Re: Help with Graphics

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:43 pm
by Madadh
The banner is great for what it is and does what you want it to do as far as the parts of the composition go.

You picked the right center image to communicate he's a snob.

I really just prefer the banner you're using, though, as far as clarity and color goes. It's gorgeous.

If you're looking for something more 'him' why not try moving him to the side, a little, dropping the birds, and adding maybe a teacup being filled by a teapot in the background?

Or you could do a GIF of the same thing, if you're familiar, at all, with GIFs?

Re: Help with Graphics

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:39 pm
by Marsolet
Anyone know how to make gif banners loop infinitely??
Sorry, if I’m not supposed to post here.

Re: Help with Graphics

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:13 pm
by Anders
If you're using photoshop, it should be at the bottom left of the timeline bar. It'll say like "loop once" "loop so many times" or "forever".

Re: Help with Graphics

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:00 pm
by Marsolet
Found it! Thank you so much!