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Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:25 am
IGN: SinisiN

Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:42 pm

Hello all of you beautiful folk of Ravenblack City!!

Yours truly is working on a little paper about different kinds of relationships, and I'm looking for folks to interview!

It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have, I want to hear from all kinds of people! Anyone interested in allowing me to probe into their life a little bit, please PM me here so we can set up a time to hang out and talk, or feel free to hit me up in the taverns ~!

Questions are going to be generalized on how you would define yourself in a relationship, and how you found that to be what's best for you. Partner(s) will be totally welcome - I'd love to talk to as many pairs and groups as possible, too.

Thanks for your time, all! Have a lovely night!

[[special thanks to Ezra for helping me with ideas on how to make this as thorough as possible. You rock! ]]

Zinnia the Flower Princess
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Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:50 pm

Of course Anders and I would be totally willing to talk about our relationship as well! We fall somewhere between the semi-monogamous and poly umbrellas... ish.

I'm very excited to read what you write up!
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