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Location: ur a nosy lil shit, ain’tcha?
OOC: Bekkah
IGN: Smerberous
Lineage: Ma’Khadok
Graphic Artist: Meg

Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:43 am


You stop that sappy nonsense.

I still wanna punch you in your nose every time you say those two words.

Te iubesc, sălbatic mele.
Sometimes I wake up in, the wrong side of my head.


The little voices creep back in, but it's cool.
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IGN: Batrisha

Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:38 am

Elizabeth wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:15 pm
Batrisha wrote:
Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:34 am
Aw. I like reading these. You big ole cheeseballs.
Agree <3
Least I'm not the only one. <3
Give in to temptation, take your time I'll be patient.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:30 am

Smerberous wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:43 am

You stop that sappy nonsense.

I still wanna punch you in your nose every time you say those two words.

Te iubesc, sălbatic mele.
I know.... :twisted:

Usher the spite seething Draconist
And commit this world to thy ancient sovereignty

:twisted: Banner by Batrisha :evil:
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 9:54 am

You two are so gross. I love it. :lol:
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Location: ur a nosy lil shit, ain’tcha?
OOC: Bekkah
IGN: Smerberous
Lineage: Ma’Khadok
Graphic Artist: Meg

Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:18 pm

Alphadragon wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:30 am
Smerberous wrote:
Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:43 am

You stop that sappy nonsense.

I still wanna punch you in your nose every time you say those two words.

Te iubesc, sălbatic mele.
I know.... :twisted:
Listen here, motherfucker... We gon' fite. :lol:
Sometimes I wake up in, the wrong side of my head.


The little voices creep back in, but it's cool.
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Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:31 pm

Fallen and found,
Foundered and befouled,
Devinly defiled,
And bedevilled by me,
You who flaunt and saunter,
And sport all mates,
Fly high Angel,
Then fall back to hell with me...
This is Beautiful... Thank you Devil.
- Kartik -

Banner By: Seppuku
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Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:53 am

I love you too much. Even when everyone says I should love myself more. I can't. So you're stuck with me for as long as you'll have me.

O. Yr cute. Fite me.

here is the deepest secret nobody knows and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
—Derek Walcott

Love is a language you never truly learned, but despite your fumbles, I’ve found a home in your too tight arms. Your understanding of love was perfectly broken to fit the missing pieces of my soul.

8:15 <3 I love you guys, I hope we can do that again. swoon

That mischievous smirk haunts my daydreams. I buried that lust for you long ago, and yet still there are moments when I want you so fully and completely I could burst from the thought of never seeing your eyes light up again, your hands never left me again. I mourn for that which never was, and another year goes by I wish you were mine. May your slumber leave you well.

To the house of Pancherontis:

You are everything I ever wanted in life. I hope each of you know how special you are to me. I love you.


Anthony, you have been an amazing friend, a constant in a shaky foundation. I don't know what I would have done without you. We need to have another pizza and movie night soon okay? I love you to bits.

I’ve placed a white rose in front of your burned down apartment every day since you’ve been gone. Maybe one day you’ll come back and it will no longer be cloudy.

You humble me with the muffin, it was fantastic. Made my heart skip a beat that maybe you don't think I'm crazy! You're a far sweeter rabbit, Rubi, than you let on. See you soon!

Thank you for my romper and my ruffles and my knits
And thank you for our cats and our dogs and our house
Thank you Daddy for all that you do
And most importantly: I love you

You are my Summer.
The heat of passion,
the sweat dripping down your thigh.
And a love so intense,
you burn hotter than the hottest star.
Coiling your solar flares,
around my heart
and reeling me in:
I'm hooked.

Rider, you've got so much potential and you don't even realize it. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for and I wish you'd see that. I know things seem like a struggle right now, but they'll get better, even if only by a little. Lastly, I just wanna say, you're really fucking amazing and you have a beautiful smile and you're honestly one of the greatest people I've met.

- P.
Last edited by Lorrana on Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:40 am

a morte e a ritorno | I fell asleep cradled by my melancholy.
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Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:37 am


I never knew what it meant to care about someone, to truly care about someone, till I met you. You have shaken my world and destroyed every wall. I cherish each and every day that I wake with you in my arms. There is no other way to say it to you. I love you.


Sometimes you make me angry
And sometimes you make me sad
But at the end of each day
What I am is glad

You are my past.

Every lover I ever knew,
Every heart break I made it through,
every heart I broke in two.

Every friend I ever made,
Every kiss I ever gave.
Every memory, even as they fade,
Every run in, with every knave.

All these moments good and bad,
I'd never give up, or ever hand back.

They make me who I am,
and I am the one you love,
a love,

that will forever last.
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OOC: Ashley
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Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:47 am


Burst open, my hands apologizing for the way my
self spilled
into the cracks of your
The sound of yes you are beautiful
pouring from
the edge of a smile that cuts
away the pain.
Pounding of my heart, heavy with greed and
to know you better than the confluence of our


You've traversed the walls surrounding me and brough with you a glimmer of hope I thought I'd lost long ago. It is with this small glimmer, I leave in your gentle hands the fracured being I am.

I wish I didn’t love you.

You kissed me that time, on the bearskin rug
And I thought I'd died,
Went to heaven
There wasn't a doubt in my mind
That I'd feed from your lips and
Drink from your tongue For the rest of my ever

You met my family and what a trip
That hamburger tie! Obscene
Or so others may have thought
But it made me smile and
The girls loved it how they love you
We wouldn't change a thing
Then that night you loved me so soft I feel it even now

Do you remember those few days
Just a handful, maybe less
Rolling hills of sweet bright green
And somber gray skies
But we were young and bright
You stole the hat off that guard
We ran so fast for so long
Uneven cobblestones and big smiles
The drunks in the lower Inn
You hogged that blanket and snored all night
Or so I'd have you believe

We came home and things changed then
And you gave up much for me
I've bent, broken, obliterated
Pieces of this self for you
And you've mended me up
With bits of yourself
No easy feat for someone
Who has already given away so much
To so many
So what I want to say is
That line makes sense now
"If ever two were one then surely we"

"Don't go anywhere without me.
Let nothing happen in the sky apart from me,
or on the ground, in this world or that world,
without my being in its happening.
Vision, see nothing I don't see.
Language, say nothing.
The way the night knows itself with the moon,
be that with me. Be the rose
nearest to the thorn that I am.
I want to feel myself in you when you taste food,
in the arc of your mallet when you work,
when you visit friends, when you go
up on the roof by yourself at night.
There's nothing worse than to walk out along the street
without you. I don't know where I'm going.
You're the road, and the knower of roads,
more than maps, more than love"
- Rumi

To my Brute. You came crashing into my world when I thought I was alone. You healed my heart and made me see what honest love is. If not for you I'm not sure when I would be today. Thank you for being the good man you are to me. Thank you for seeing beauty when all I saw was a shattered mirror. Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart.

To my Sweetheart. You came out of no where and lifted me higher than I already felt. You were not in my life when I was at my worst but you are in it now and I'm crazy about you. You mean the world to me and I cannot wait to see where this thing goes for us. I hope to always make you happy.

Love, Your Angel

You are my present,
In the first and the second sense.
Everything about your scent,
makes my heart flutter in your presence.

Long walks down the main street,
stopping to get a coffee and a hot chocolate
at the little Cuban Café.

From here on out,
hand in hand,
side by side.
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