Ravenbane Community

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Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:31 am


Ravenbane is a COMMUNITY system within the city. It has several different aspects that will allow for a variety of experiences. This place has been designed specifically to prepare new blood for the city, in a way that both gives them shelter from the more overwhelming aspects of being tossed into the entire population at once, and allows them to get a feel for every aspect of the city in that shelter to build their abilities, powers and control before set free to the city.

Tavern- There is a tavern within to serve much like the outside taverns.

Battles- There is a battle system being built to use both city powers, and non-city powers. These battles will take place both within the city at large, and within the Ravenbane Arena. We are currently looking for two well-developed Battle Leaders. One will run the Olympic style games within the city (on grid) and the other will run them within the Ravenbane Arena for non-city wide powers (dice-based). Both will be open to everyone within Ravenbane to play and will come with prizes. As a Battle Leader- you are not affiliated with any clans/leaders within Ravenbane. There is no alliance or agreement with Ravenbane Elders. The only requirement is to agree to our stipulation defined below.

Clans- There are currently three clans. These clans run independently of one another, despite being run by family relations. Each one has its own theme, rules, values and projects. They can choose to work together or separately, but designed in a way that people are sorted into a clan that best suits who they are, and alignment on ideals. While the three leaders are connected, they are, by far, very different types of clans. This is to allow new blood to experience a little clan life so they are able to make well-informed choices outside of Ravenbane. However, please note, the clans will and are, actual clans that allow for members both new and old to the city. New blood or Ravenbane members/Elders are NOT REQUIRED to join a clan- this is all choice based.

Non-Clanned Ravenbane Members- Being part of the community does not form any sort of alliance with the clans or other people within the community. You may choose to join, simply as a community member- and it serves no different than joining a bar/club here as far as connection or alliance to anyone within, with one single stipulation, which will be defined below. Members, however, are given the option to sire, enjoy battles, and have other potential opportunities within the community- such as working for the paper, or in the tavern should they be interested.

Elders- Should you choose to step into the role of Elder- there are expectations. Along with the soon to be explained stipulation, we have the following needs for this role:

----Willingness to sire new blood

----Serve as a guide/mentor to new blood that you have NOT sired. This is to give a balance of connections- a sire, a mentor, and potentially a clan leader should they decide they want to join one.

----Assist in keeping the values and guidelines of the community intact.

----Taking part in votes and discussions as it pertains to new blood.

----You cannot be part of one of the clans WITHIN Ravenbane. Outside clan members/leaders may take this role. Again, this is to keep well-rounded connections and balance.

----You may NOT discuss your family/clan unless you share information, unbiasedly so, about ALL clans and families within the city.

----You must refrain from personal feelings about other city members. Share factual information. You need to prepare them to deal with positive and negative elements of the city, but please do not sway from ANY city people, families, or clans inside or outside of Ravenbane. We do not want them to go out into the city with preconceived beliefs of anyone. Teach them how to learn for themselves.

----You understand that being an Elder does not, in any way, build an alliance or direct connection to anyone within Ravenbane to be used for outside disputes. Nor will it be expected of you to participate with Ravenbane clans, or members in such a way, should a dispute arise.

**Stipulation- the new blood brought into Ravenbane must NOT be exposed to the outside city, in any way, not through meetings quietly with friends/family outside of Ravenbane, not clubs/taverns, not clans, papers, not other locations, neutral or otherwise. This changes ONLY when the vote is brought to the Matriarch, Clan Leaders, Battle Leaders and all Elders. There must be at least a 75% in favor agreement of readiness for this exposure as well as the agreement or desire of the individual involved. This stipulation applies to ANYONE who joins Ravenbane in ANY role or capacity. We have had someone go through this process and give us quite valuable feedback. This is one thing we will not budge on after the feedback we received from an actual new vampire to the city and several previous new vampires.

If you are interested in participating inside of Ravenbane, please come speak to me privately. There is a limit on elders and members I am currently taking but I am looking for a variety of family/clans to participate. Please note, if you are given access, and you break our stipulation, you will be removed immediately. That is the one part that is absolutely not up for debate.

OOC- The intention of this is to build fresh, new players in the game- but with less exposure to so much at once, as well as attempting to involve players from other families/clans to give input, guide, and sire. Please note, that as I have been collecting new players- I am not bringing them in via link- they will spend the first few days being assisted OOC by me to develop a direction/backstory for their character, and use that to choose a sire from the list of links/descriptions of all willing players/characters to sire new players. I will not be among the list of sires myself nor will I discuss any sires or other characters in the city with them in this process. I will not advise them on any city information, only the character development process and they will be sent to select a sire on their own from the forum list of sire links/descriptions to create their character on the grid.
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Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:45 am

I hope that the elders you find for this community can introduce a variety of philosophies to said youngins before they're introduced to society at large. I've found echo chambers to be detrimental to one's growth. That being said, I'm very interested to see how this turns out. God(/Devil/Buddha/Allah/Non-Denominational Diety) speed to you.
Mahorela. Amandine. De Draak. Schiaraffa.


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Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:16 am

Last edited by Sartori on Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:30 am

Where do we apply? What are the parameters for application? Who can help and how?
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Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:18 pm

Can i be a elder lol
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Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:02 pm

ophelia wrote:
Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:30 am
Where do we apply? What are the parameters for application? Who can help and how?
Just call me. No application. The ONLY parameter I have is that, I can work with you enough to trust you will agree to the one single stipulation and stick to it and your intentions for joining are genuinely to help.

I need 2 more elders. (guidance role)
4 more non-clan members (social role)
Two Battle Leaders.

Since I have been asked a few times:
What I am looking for in an elder, is someone who can mentor. Almost like a big-brother, big-sister type of thing. Sire and/or clan leaders (if they choose a clan) can handle history, or powers, etc. The mentor will navigate relationships - all kinds, good and bad, that they may encounter, let them know where to get answers, if you are unable to provide, talk ideas and philosophy, perspectives, share some of the more popular city ones, good and bad, etc.
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Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:16 pm

Well, I offered and was summarily ignored after an inquisition. Apparently one must be in your good graces to want to help the community, which is fine, it’s your gig, but don’t try to pretend you want diversity when you really just want people who you like who aren’t part of your immediate circle.

That said, this is a good idea if implemented properly and I hope you succeed in bringing well rounded new blood to the city where many others have failed.

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:29 pm

Vex wrote:
Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:16 pm
Well, I offered and was summarily ignored after an inquisition. Apparently one must be in your good graces to want to help the community, which is fine, it’s your gig, but don’t try to pretend you want diversity when you really just want people who you like who aren’t part of your immediate circle.

That said, this is a good idea if implemented properly and I hope you succeed in bringing well rounded new blood to the city where many others have failed.
If by inquisition you mean being asked why you want to be involved when the very last thing said to her prior was that she was toxic, didn’t deserve a second chance in this city and you’d do anything in your power to ensure that she didn’t get any, then sure, wanting to talk about that was a total inquisition. We firmly believe that when someone tells you who they are, to believe them. There is a difference between “good grace” and having someone openly admit they’re coming for you and even flexing their clan a bit to do so. That type of behavior is the very behavior that has driven new people away to begin with.

Further, we have representation by people who are both in your house and your clan, and also representation by one where I can assure due to past history is a fair amount of dislike.

We do thank you for your well wishes and we also have high hopes that this works out.
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Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:50 pm

Yeah, except half of that never happened, and the other half was actual years ago. But cool story.

If you want people to believe you can change - both personally and your mind on shit - you should probably extend some of that to others. I offered to help in good faith, and got the exact response that showed me all I need to know about this sham. But good luck!

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Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:44 pm

Okay so I will interject here and say, not years ago- not even an entire year ago. In fact, it was also the very last thing you ever said to me after telling me I was not even worth an olive branch. So.

I debated about this a good bit. I also asked some people I knew would not tell me what I wanted to hear, for advice, because I was genuinely struggling. I hadn't even actually made a decision, which is why I had not yet responded. Because frankly, while I don't need you to like me, Vex, I damn well need to know you can have some sense of respect, and civility with me, and you've not ever shown me you can, anywhere. While there are others I have had numerous conflicts with, in Ravenbane, the one thing I know they are capable of, is acting unbiasedly with these new folks. I don't trust you can. It's that simple. I won't have what I have worked on for well over a year, undermined and anytime I have tried to do anything, you have knocked it.

It only took you not getting in immediately to knock 'this sham'...and that was exactly my concern- the first time you disagree with anything I do or say within Ravenbane, you seeping negativity into it in that terribly snarky, mean spirited way you've done the entire time I have known you. I just won't allow it.
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