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Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:14 pm
by Dahlia
ladypeacek wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:50 pm
I'd just like to say...there being multiple resources has always been a thing. Just like there were already newspapers when AB was made. Not all of us rely on AVID. I don't. Besides, if there were options, people could choose, like they do with preferences of maps. Where were all of you with this 'already exists' when your family and friends were making yet another school or another library or another mercenary group?

I don't think any of you get to decide for the city. So stop harping on people that are doing SOMETHING... Noobs or not.
Multiple papers always made sense because of the different groups and opinions. This kind of resource doesn't deal with opinion, though. It's all factual information. People use different maps because each one gives us a different benefit. Some of them highlight the best robbing areas, some of them show us the closest banks and pubs, and others will tell you exactly how much energy is needed to make it from point a to point b.

If she's giving us something that's actually different and offers an added benefit, then good for her. If not, then my point stands and she should consider contributing to the resource that most people still use, because it's efficient and it works. Right now all I see is a table that anyone could easily make, and fledgling or not, it's unremarkable.

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:37 pm
by ladypeacek
Well, your point is an opinion and one that doesn't carry much weight for me and several others that are just happy to see someone contributing more than their opinions that knock anyone not part of their group.

I've seen tons of maps that don't do anything special or different, and I've got 4 that do all the above. Different newspapers don't make a damned bit of sense - different groups and opinions and news shouldnt matter if you are doing it right- as that's the entire point of a well rounded news paper- to cover all sides. Good to know you acknowledge at least these are all biased rags and not real papers.

Avid sucks. I've always hated it. The appearance burns my eyes. It's been wrong for friends recently on multiple occasions's gone down and been inaccessible at times as well. Having a back up isn't the worst idea. And maybe she doesn't want to do what you want her to? Maybe she enjoys doing shops and guilds enough that she doesnt want to compete with Liski and others who I have personally heard bitch about people posting before them or others?

Maybe, just maybe...she can do whatever the hell she wants and you can keep on using Avid. But until you actually contribute anything other than your negative nancy bullshit, your opinion means jack shit to me and a hellava lot of others.

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:40 pm
by Seyda

Dahlia needs a hobby.

Salty can do what she wants.


Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:59 pm
by Seppuku
As long as it’s kept up-to-date and with correct locations – who gives a fuck?

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:00 pm
by Joy
Seyda wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:56 pm
And let’s be real. The community doesn’t regularly contribute to shit when it comes to AVITD.

Liski does.
You spelled Sangfroid wrong. Or did you mean The Nighwatch? Or Malice? There are so many other regular contributors I couldn't pick which one to make the joke about.

Also, maybe don't shit on a beloved community tool just to stick up for the new thing while also shitting on people for shitting on things. That's a whole lot if shit.

To add to the topic: Good luck with your new endeavor previously unknown flavored person! I look forward to seeing if you're worth your salt! GET IT GUYS?!?


Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:16 pm
by Seyda
Yes, I am aware that flashes in the pan happen, but if you’re looking at the long term, there’s really only one name consistently night after night and year after year.

Further, pointing out that sometimes it’s wrong or even inaccessible isn’t shitting—it’s being honest. It’s not a beloved tool by everyone—it’s literally the only game in town.

As far as our shitting on anything goes, we have been defending peoples’ right to try new things for years. I’ll be damned if people are going to tear someone down for doing something, especially when they’ve done fuck all themselves. There are entire groups of people who refuse to come here because of this behavior, and I’ll continue reminding them that they are a bunch of bullying Antifa wanna bes.

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:45 pm
by Ezra
I just don't really see the hubbub? Her initial post was a bit misleading -- I wouldn't call this a guide, but rather a database of shops and guilds as they move. That's why my initial post was made. Some people won't think it's necessary, some people are sure to use it. So just... post it when it's done, let people contribute or not, and move on. It isn't new or ground-breaking. It's just a prettier version of a thing that already exists, which is fine. Why is this such a big damn deal?

((OOC: And as I brought up to Salty's writer, it also doesn't show mobile which is why I was completely unaware of it without a screenshot sent to me later, so that might be helpful to fix! :) ))

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:22 am
by Arallara
Ezra wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:45 pm
I just don't really see the hubbub? Her initial post was a bit misleading -- I wouldn't call this a guide, but rather a database of shops and guilds as they move. That's why my initial post was made. Some people won't think it's necessary, some people are sure to use it. So just... post it when it's done, let people contribute or not, and move on. It isn't new or ground-breaking. It's just a prettier version of a thing that already exists, which is fine. Why is this such a big damn deal?

((OOC: And as I brought up to Salty's writer, it also doesn't show mobile which is why I was completely unaware of it without a screenshot sent to me later, so that might be helpful to fix! :) ))
A guide does not have to mean it teaches anything. A tour guide can just lead you to the information you seek which is indeed what this does. It directs or GUIDES you to the locations. Yes it is something that the city has, but this seems to be more consistently updated with shops.

As we have all seen, this is a person new to the city so their excitement over having something to offer shouldn't immediately be beaten out of them. Do we not all whine when things get too quiet about the lack of motivation and people doing nothing?

Congratulations on stepping up and actually attempting to do something with your time here Salty. Whether or not people see it as useful keep doing what you want. Everyone else does.

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:14 am
by Seyda
Ezra wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:45 pm
I just don't really see the hubbub? Her initial post was a bit misleading -- I wouldn't call this a guide, but rather a database of shops and guilds as they move. That's why my initial post was made. Some people won't think it's necessary, some people are sure to use it. So just... post it when it's done, let people contribute or not, and move on. It isn't new or ground-breaking. It's just a prettier version of a thing that already exists, which is fine. Why is this such a big damn deal?

((OOC: And as I brought up to Salty's writer, it also doesn't show mobile which is why I was completely unaware of it without a screenshot sent to me later, so that might be helpful to fix! :) ))
Then you should be embarrassed for speaking up when you had no idea what you were talking about in the first place.

However, I shouldn’t be surprised considering how I manipulated you into betraying your house to start a war with a WAYT post and all. #iheard

Re: Announcing Salty's guide too...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:43 pm
by Vex
Once this is complete I would be happy to add the info to our library/resource section. Have fun, Salty; I hope people use and contribute to it.

That said, someone disagreeing with something does not make it bullying. Chill the fuck out; there’s no reason to be throwing shade.