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Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:29 pm
by GrimreaperMoon
Hello Citizens of Ravenblack! The season of love is upon us once again!

Do you have someone you love, someone you're crushing on or desire and want to profess your love?

We specialize in sending flower arrangements, secret admirer messages, and poems that declare your love, or if you are into showing your love through different methods; we also offer holy water and garlic sprays!"


All flower arrangements will be delivered with the buyer's specifications (fresh flowers or dead) with a declaration of love sent in by the buyer to the recipient, if you so choose to send a message. If you would like your order to be sent anonymously and keep your admirer on their toes, let us know! Pricing for flowers includes the full price-cost of perfect flowers, plus the full price cost of a scroll of teleportation.

Please submit your secret admirer confessions and poems to the suggestion box linked below. If you would like to include flowers, holy water or garlic spray please specify that in your order as well and have your payment ready to go! Submissions will close on February 10th to ensure delivery by Valentine's Day!

Secret Admirer Messages and Poems can be submitted here:

This event will be spearheaded by 4 lovely ladies who can be contacted below
Mini Moon--Moon#0559

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:53 pm
by Aziza
This is wonderful! I like seeing this every year. Keep up the good work, ladies!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:26 am
by GrimreaperMoon
Thank you Aziza!

Just a reminder, please send in your secret admirer messages/poems to this link:

The previous link I had posted originally was not working, but this new link should be working :).

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:46 pm
by Lorrana
I'm so glad someone took over the secret admirer thing. I loved doing it!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:43 am
by ophelia
I love this idea. So sweet!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:45 am
by GrimreaperMoon
Hi everyone, make sure to send any last minute messages to the secret admirers box! Get it in before it’s too late! We are still accepting!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:25 am
by drew
Today is the last call!
Postings go up tomorrow, stay tuned!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:49 am
by drew
Wow! Even though we didn't get many orders, we received a lot of secret and not so secret submissions! So happy to see the love being spread out in this place still! Stay beautiful, Ravenblack!!!


To steal a kiss from the moon whenever I wished it? How grand life would be. To touch surface teasing solar flares to bring warmth to trimbling lips, placing star's in eye's and dancing on the void we paint the universe on each other's skin, the canvas to the lover's of pure art.



Katelyn likes your ass and happy V-day!



I'll never not love you.



I'm glad I got to be your princess and part of your world for just a little while.



Happy Valentines day, Dea. I miss you.



I know you are partner bound, O. However over these many razor-tipped years, you continue to be one of the most amazing, mysterious as f---- and hauntingly beautiful individuals I have ever known. Happy Valentine's Day, O. Love your super secretive admirer of many years.



Roses are black, ravens are too. I wish it were August, so that I could bind to you.



Dear citizens of Ravenblack City, whether you bask in darkness or light, remember, there's always someone who cares about you. Whether family, friend, or lover. Everything you consider a flaw about yourself, everything you hate, it's still a part of the whole you, which they may consider as pure perfection. So don't take them for granted, and don't leave it too late to show them to care. You may not see a piece here that's solely for yourself, but this one is for all of you, every single one regardless of our past. Be kind to yourself and happy Valentine's Day.


A is for All the stars in the skies L is for the Love I saw in your eyes E is for Eternity X is for the eXes that are oh so clever. ;)

I appreciate and love all the city inhabitants that keep our city going by having events.



Near or far, awake or asleep, you bring me so much joy and make my heart flutter even just hearing your name. I love you more than words can say--your starlight.



Giving Rex some love for always looking so sizzling when he comes out to play.


To my three boys that always make me feel safe and loved. I love you all.




It's no secret that I have quite a crush on you. Even when times are dark and you think you are undeserving, my heart swells because of you. You *are* the light and more deserving than anyone else I know. Love you, my sweet boy.

If you don't see your submission, there's more to come!
(More to come, but rl and kids call!)

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:08 pm
by Julia


To steal a kiss from the moon whenever I wished it? How grand life would be. To touch surface teasing solar flares to bring warmth to trimbling lips, placing star's in eye's and dancing on the void we paint the universe on each other's skin, the canvas to the lover's of pure art.

Thank you? Uhmm... I’m greatly flattered that I could be so... ahh inspiring?

I wish you a happy overpriced Chocolates day!

Re: Be Mine, Valentine!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:00 pm
by drew
Part Two!


I'll have you know, a deep tenderness grows for you, who have stained me. I find that all exists around me now is full of you.--SEGOVIA AMIL



This is my confession. As dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all of my pieces.-- Johnny Nguyen



The amount of times I have cried into my pillow because I am grateful for having you come into my life is embarrassing. Know that you are important, and with each passing day - no matter how far, or how much time passes - my feelings grow stronger. Happy Valentine's Day beloved.



There hasn't been a second since that first wicked smile that I have not been. Yours.



I want you to show me every twisted, frightened thought you've ever had. I want your eyes to crack my bones, I want your words to tear my skin apart.



Thanks for always being there for me.



Roses are red and Violets are blue. I really enjoyed eating Italian with you! You're a gem and I hope we continue to hang out more. Chips and tequila for life.

That's all the entries we received! Happy Valentine's Day to you all!