Updates & News

Please make sure you read the rules of this site, we must all do our best it keep things running smoothly.
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Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:04 pm

Admin Staff will use this thread to keep you apprised of updates and changes to the forum as they're made.

For any suggestions on how we may better the board, please contact one of the administrators.

Thank you,
The Administration Team
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Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:42 am

The default skin has been updated: we're now using Absolution. It is a responsive skin that will look better across various devices (PC/tablet/smartphone). It also fixes the issues with the quote function. Subsilver_dark will remain a skin option, but please note that continuing to use it means that quotes and some other minor issues will not work properly.

If you encounter any issues with the new skin, please post them here.
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Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:26 am

As an administrative team, we endeavor to act as a a unified body to uphold and enforce the forum's rules. The admin team is held to a higher standard, and if that standard is not being met, changes need to be made. Going forward, Rachel (Aziza) will no longer be administering the forum; any admin-related issues can be addressed to Dae, Church, or the Admin account.
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Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:11 am

By request, the archive section of the forum is now open - if you'd like to cross-post news articles, editorials, interviews, or other IC news items, feel free to do so under the General Archive. The News/Editorial/Interview Archive is for posts transferred over from the old Ab.

RPs/CSs/etc do not have an archive section; anything you want to transfer over can be posted to the RP board.
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Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:05 pm

- Posting permissions have been adjusted; newly registered users will have the ability to read the entirety of the forum, but in order to post anywhere other than the Gateway, you will need to be sorted into a usergroup. This is done to prevent bots from spamming everywhere while also allowing people immediate access with no need to validate email addresses.

- Rollout of subdomain hosting
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OOC: Tex

Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:32 pm

We're aware that pretty much everyone is unable to post anything, right now. Hold tight, we're sorting it out!
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:04 pm

A 6th clause has been added to the rules, as follows:

6. Banners/Avatars
For signatures, banners should not exceed 550 x 200 px (width x height), and avatars should not exceed 120 x 200 px. At the moment, we do not have filesize restrictions in place, however we do request that users keep gif banners to a reasonable size and avoid anything that is overly blinking/flashing/etc; this rule is subject to change as needed.

This is not new, but it needed to be written down. :P
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Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:09 am

We will be shuffling some of the boards around to streamline the forum; if things move around over the next few days, please keep this in mind. We'll post with the final layout once everything has been migrated.
  • Events and Classifieds have been combined into a single board under Vampire Interest > Advertising
  • Bindings/Severances/Obits have been reclassified from 7 boards to 3 boards, and are now found under Vampire Interest
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Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:54 pm

The layout has been finalized.
  • The Introduction forum has been removed, and has been replaced by a thread;
    feel free to introduce yourself here.
  • The Gateway has been split into an OOC and IC area, and the library is now found under 'Welcome to Ravenblack' with all other IC information
  • The News & Reports board now has community standards we hope characters will adhere to
  • Archives are now at the very bottom of the board
  • We will be pruning more forums/boards as necessary, but for now, this is mostly done
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Posts: 127
Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:49 am

Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:50 pm

If anyone was having issues logging in today, we're sorry for the inconvenience. The issue with the security module has been resolved.
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