Exodus: Turmoil Within The Ferrymen

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Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:18 pm

On the night of March 28th, 2018, darkwolf, former childe of Ferrymen leader Liski and the Ferrymen’s Magister of Scythe, severed her as sire[1] and sired virgo[2], then Ferrymen Arbiter. Following the siring, several members of the Sonvar lineage -- headed by virgo -- left the Ferrymen, taking with them associated family and friends. The current list of those that have left the Ferrymen in association with Sonvar is: virgo, darkwolf, Twizted Jester, Abel, LadyLorrana, ladypeacek, and Ryukostusei.

For those unaware of the internal layout of the Ferrymen, the leaders of the clan form the Council, formerly made up of Liski as Stygian, Hells Gate as Oracle, and virgo as Arbiter. Beneath them are the Magisters who lead different aspects of the clan, formerly made up of darkwolf and limelight, and Navigatus, who assist the Magisters in their duties, currently liquid-vamp and Crisdawn. In a single night, two leaders of the Ferrymen left their positions and took with them another four clan members. LadyLorrana left weeks prior, though is included due to her relationship with those involved. To solidify the bond, two days after, darkwolf also sired former Ferrymen member ladypeacek and her wife, Seyda[3].

When asked why they left, virgo and darkwolf both cited stagnation and inter-city politics as the impetus for the split. After five and four years respectively within the clan, they both noticed a decline in activity, as well as a perceived uptick in negativity. virgo went on to state that she felt “that I [virgo] could do nothing. I could make no progress. I couldn't change the clan, I couldn't help the clan. It's stuck in 1950's housewife stage.” When pressed, the greatest change to them seemed to occur after the March 2016 Alliance v. House of D’dary war[4], with existing problems only exacerbated by the change in city climate.
Ezra: How d'you think Ferry changed during an' after the Alliance war?

virgo: I think before the war there was some animosity but that was just taken to another level on all sides of things. That last war created rifts that people just no longer wanted to fix. With that it made the want to seclude really high - and both sides did it. And there are some on either side that can branch out sure? But it's pretty obvious to me that it's put strain on Ferry specifically to do anything but sit and gain coin and they were already that way pretty badly to begin with.

virgo: My goal was to push through and get us to do something besides that - and it just simply wasn't happening.
Despite the entire lineage leaving in solidarity, virgo and darkwolf both went on to explain that though they no longer believe their goals match up with the Ferrymen’s, they hold no ill will towards the clan, nor its remaining members. virgo reiterated that “Ferry was my home for years and it's just not the place for me moving forward, it doesn't mean I want to holy water Liski’s face off.”

I was also able to sit down with Liski, current leader of The Ferrymen and darkwolf’s former sire, for her perspective on the matter. When asked about why she believed Sonvar left in unison from the Ferrymen, Liski had this to say:
Liski wrote:As is the norm, when a family leader leaves, usually the family leaves with them. This has happened throughout history, so it is no surprise that so many all connected went together. For their reasons, I can only tell you what was told to me. They are bored and want to start wars. I’m not a warmonger so I suppose they didn’t feel they could do that while within Ferrymen. virgo and darkwolf were handed the clan to lead and direct as they saw fit, given my request to retire, but chose not to do anything with it. Given the reports crossing my desk, I would say it was for the best for all parties and I wish them well with their future endeavours.
A strong difference in the clan’s direction is obvious, which both parties seem to agree with, leading to the split. However, Liski disagreed with the claims that negativity within the Ferrymen was to blame, citing her long history of working within and outside of the Ferrymen to foster alliances and public events, despite any dislike of individuals:
Liski wrote:Any negativity I foster for others, is not directed at groups but individuals given their offences towards me or mine. I’ve always been able to broker peace and civility with those individuals but I think we can all agree, there are people that rub us the wrong way or who we just do not keep company. No matter their personality. It’s not necessarily a failing on one or the other, but oil and water will not mix no matter how you desire it.
This ability to be a bridge across political lines was made most apparent during the aforementioned war against the House of D’dary, when several lineages and clans banded together to attack the House of D’dary due to their involvement with The Supreme Court[5]. The Alliance linked together the groups of Lateralus, Agrippa, the Ferrymen, the Republic of Ravenblack, and the Sanguine Ankh. On February 28, 2017, a discussion occurred that unofficially disbanded the Alliance[6], despite some disagreements among former members. Though the Alliance was disbanded, many groups still work together and maintain positive relations within the city.

When questioned about if she ever used clan funds to finance these groups, specifically Agrippa, Liski explained that funding between allies is natural, though she was firm in her position that Ferrymen funds have never been given to outside groups. When further pressed, she clearly delineated a difference between Ferrymen coin and her personal coin, which she uses freely, leaving it up in the air if she has funded outside groups with her private bank accounts.
Ezra: Have you ever given personal coin to Damacus, an' if so, why?

Liski: Ferrymen and Agrippa have been allied through two wars. Most alliances result in offering aid back and forth as needed.

Ezra: So, you used clan coin to fund Agrippa?

Liski: I have already stated that Ferrymen coins have never been used for anyone but Ferrymen.
But when virgo, former second-in-command to Agrippa, was asked if Liski has funded Damacus -- through clan or personal funds, she is unsure of which -- she responded in the affirmative: “She has always funded Dama[cus].”

Despite these myriad issues between Sonvar and Ferrymen’s ultimate goals, and their reasons for the split, both parties ultimately wished each other the best with their respective groups.
virgo wrote:I guess the only thing I'd have left to say on the matter is... Parting ways with a clan or a family doesn't mean you have to burn the bridge to the ground and some may want to take that advice in the near future.
Liski wrote:As for final words or perspective, we continue to serve the community as best we are able and only wish to help it grow in a positive way. I hope Sonvar finds what they are seeking. Ferrymen are already growing once more in a positive way and I look forward to future community events.

[1] darkwolf severs Liski
[2] darkwolf sires virgo
[3] darkwolf sires ladypeacek and Seyda
[4] Court Adjourned
[5] The Supreme Court
[6] Clearly It Needs To Be Stated.
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Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:23 pm

Nice article, Ez! It'd be interesting to see a follow-up piece in a few months to see how Ferrymen and Sonvar are doing since the split, considering they were so integrated.
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Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:57 pm

Wonderful piece Ezra. I think you showcased things well, though even in article format it's easy to see where both parties didn't agree on things. The only dispute I have is Liski saying she handed us Ferrymen, which she never did. Taking a break and going on vacation does not mean you're handing us the keys. And as I told Liski several times, No one really wants the keys. What we wanted was a shift in inter-clan politics so perhaps we could do.. something. Like, say, participate in Auctions without asking us what we're doing with our lives. Answer: Coin Hoarding. Because Ferry.
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Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:41 am

This is nicely balanced and put together. Well done, Ezra.
I've got to hand it to Liski for being well spoken, articulate, and extremely classy, and virgo for pointing out something a lot of people seem to forget: just because someone leaves doesn't necessarily mean there's bad blood.
Caillie wrote:
Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:23 pm
It'd be interesting to see a follow-up piece in a few months to see how Ferrymen and Sonvar are doing since the split, considering they were so integrated.
I quite like this idea.
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:36 pm

Nicely done Ez. There are always two sides to every story and it usually ends up being in the middle somewhere. Will be interesting 6 months down the road what will be happening. I agree a follow up story would be nice.
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