Sonvar vs. Agrippa

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Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:42 pm

While we at Sonvar have, for the most part, kept the lot of why and whats from the public eye, it's been made clear to us by Damacus that he does not care to admit wrong-doing in regards to why we are attacking him and instead has taken the liberty to advise that virgo is simply lying about any wrong-doing on Damacus' part. Turning back time to just before Louvain and virgo bound - which was in March of 2017 - virgo approached Damacus and asked that their 5 year long on and off relationship be ended. This approach was met with Damacus coming to virgo late at night a few weeks later and shoving his tongue down her throat, to which virgo promptly told ophelia to get control of her man. Damacus apologized for this incident and virgo took it upon herself to trust that ophelia, who knew that virgo and Damacus had slept together behind her back even after they were married, would prevent further involvement from Damacus on any sort of personal level. After all, virgo and ophelia have a decent relationship and ophelia is the sire of Louvain - virgo's partner bound.

Skipping forward in time to recently, virgo and Damacus were speaking in the taverns briefly. Virgo's brother came in and virgo left Damacus' conversation to smoke a cigar with her brother and complainedthat she, very specifically, would rather stab herself in the eyeball with a pen then deal with talking to Damacus. The reason for this conversation was that she, virgo, wanted an out to get away from Damacus' conversation with her. Which worked just fine with her moving to speak with her brother and thus, away from Damacus. The two eventually parted ways because her brother advised that the peanut gallery was getting a bit irked at her speaking with him, since ophelia showed up and sat at his table in her lap, and virgo left the taverns shortly there after. Damacus has claimed that he does not believe she left the taverns. How 'virgo left' doesn't count as leaving the taverns, I can not say.

At 5:45 AM the next morning, Damacus showed up to pet on virgo. Since by this point virgo was in bed with her husband, Louvain, and the house is wired, they do have video recording of him entering to pet on her before he departed from her. virgo, whom was sleeping at the time, did not know this had happened until she awoke the next morning and watched the video footage. That footage has been supplied.[1]

Damacus claims that he did not do this, and that this is video footage from the tavern, because they had spoken earlier in the day.[7] However, since virgo left the taverns much earlier that day and proceeded on with her life as normal, we'll leave the reader to determine how truthful that is. And while Damacus has apologized to virgo for being creepy and that he will happily stop touching on her[2] he has not actually expressed that he's sorry for the act in the first place and stated that she's lying and delusional.[3] As well as that she's apparently spoken to several bigger city names about why she's attacking Damacus[4] however had no proof of these conversations that he was willing to share as well as virgo having absolutely no idea what he's talking about, since the only person on that list she has spoken with on the matter was Kianna[5] which she was happy to provide. Nitenurse did confirm that neither her and virgo, nor her and Damacus, have spoken.[6]

The war thus far has followed as such up to this point, for anyone not following along.

Agrippa Hitters:
Damacus - Start: 9008 -- Necroed from 3696 to 6700 -- 4/15: 1494
ophelia - Start: 13229 -- 4/15: 12397
Lannair Cuan - Start: 12462 -- 4/15: 11647
melanctha - Start: 25976 -- 4/15: 25906
Moon Girl - Start: 18658 -- 4/15: 12979
Anima - Start: 5209 -- 4/15: 5040
Malice - Start: 25333 -- 4/15: 25321
Jauk - Start: 13758 -- 4/15: 13291
Nemesis - Start: 70635 -- 4/15: 69409
Batrisha - Start: 45347 -- 4/15: 44744
Dilectus - Start: 23254 -- 4/15: 22840
Archontohs - Start: 31757 -- 4/15: 31775
Hells Gate - Start: 36403
Elizabeth - Start: 39937
Tiergan - Start: 10647
Rodargo - Start: 7442

Sonvar Hitters:
virgo - Start: 53656 -- 4/15: 47391
Louvain - Start: 5760 -- 4/15: 3021
darkwolf - Start:8512 -- 4/15: 3765
Kiora - Start: 16921 -- 4/15: 13460
Lanfear - Start: 26289 -- 4/15: 20804
Soledad - Start: 10686 -- 4/15: 9550
Drusilla - Start: 18777 -- 4/15: 11781
Twizted Jester - Start: 6330 -- 4/15: 4907
Bailee - Start: 22583 -- 4/15: 14911
Lullaby - Start: 8761 -- 4/15: 3524
Lorrana - Start: 13932 -- 4/15: 8793

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Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:28 pm

Tiergan and I are not Agrippa hitters.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:18 am

That this is the intention of war now... That the bullshitting, defamation, propaganda, fear and insecurity are the more important aspect of a conflict... I mean is this just Sonvar's way? Or is the whole city doing it? Either way it truly disappoints me.

All of you do.

None of this is necessary. There are plenty of reasons to start a war; even "hey you, lets fight" is a reason. That the need for a spotlight, for public and venomous shenaniganry has been important enough for it to be made a public affair, only makes me feel more disappointed.

I hope its worth it for all of you. But this is exactly the sort of bullshit we have all spent two years espousing our erstwhile desire to expunge from this town.

Have fun, i suppose. I for one won't be watching.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:54 am

I really have to disagree with you, Xed. People have gone to war over a lot pettier things than consent. However, I do have to say, for how long this has been going on, that's a pretty small amount of bloodloss on both sides, save for on Damacus... have people just not been trading HW?
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am

Xedanis wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:18 am
That this is the intention of war now... That the bullshitting, defamation, propaganda, fear and insecurity are the more important aspect of a conflict... I mean is this just Sonvar's way? Or is the whole city doing it? Either way it truly disappoints me.

All of you do.

None of this is necessary. There are plenty of reasons to start a war; even "hey you, lets fight" is a reason. That the need for a spotlight, for public and venomous shenaniganry has been important enough for it to be made a public affair, only makes me feel more disappointed.

I hope its worth it for all of you. But this is exactly the sort of bullshit we have all spent two years espousing our erstwhile desire to expunge from this town.

Have fun, i suppose. I for one won't be watching.

Xedanis holds key points here. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you pull your people together and say "Hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods." We are immortals. We aren't weak little humans who can't defend ourselves against vampires. Somewhere in this city, a lot of you have forgotten that. We are the species that creates victims, we are not victims here. We are all bred monsters. There are simple ways to get people to leave you alone if you want them to.

This city isn't full of weak vampires. It is, however, starting to fill up with weak minded immortals who want the attention of being a victim far too often. Which is sad, plain and simple.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:47 am

Daly wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am
Xedanis wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:18 am
That this is the intention of war now... That the bullshitting, defamation, propaganda, fear and insecurity are the more important aspect of a conflict... I mean is this just Sonvar's way? Or is the whole city doing it? Either way it truly disappoints me.

All of you do.

None of this is necessary. There are plenty of reasons to start a war; even "hey you, lets fight" is a reason. That the need for a spotlight, for public and venomous shenaniganry has been important enough for it to be made a public affair, only makes me feel more disappointed.

I hope its worth it for all of you. But this is exactly the sort of bullshit we have all spent two years espousing our erstwhile desire to expunge from this town.

Have fun, i suppose. I for one won't be watching.

Xedanis holds key points here. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you pull your people together and say "Hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods." We are immortals. We aren't weak little humans who can't defend ourselves against vampires. Somewhere in this city, a lot of you have forgotten that. We are the species that creates victims, we are not victims here. We are all bred monsters. There are simple ways to get people to leave you alone if you want them to.

This city isn't full of weak vampires. It is, however, starting to fill up with weak minded immortals who want the attention of being a victim far too often. Which is sad, plain and simple.

Well said, both of you.
Malinovyy Afanasii din Kolesi
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:06 pm

You're pathetic, and really shit at lying.


So which is it, I won't stop, or I've been good for the last 13 months except for sitting with her and kissing the back of her head in the tavern where we'd been sitting? I've also never been in your room or house at all, so you can get fucked.


Again, which is it? And yes, when she told me that she was upset and that she didn't want to be hugged or touched at all anymore, and that she wasn't comfortable with it, I of course apologized and have done nothing of the sort. Each thing she's asked of me, I've complied with. Of course this was while I actually believed her an before you started trying to use this bunch of bullshit to weaken my friendships so you could make your big play.

Now, I've been asking for any evidence at all of me doing a single solitary thing you're trying to accuse me of, and I've even established that Virgo claims to have been recording our every conversation on the spot for the last 10 months. I've asked for any inculpatory evidence of a single thing I've done wrong, to which nothing but deflection is the answer.. And yet you produce absolutely nothing other than me apologizing because she told me I made her feel bad and so forth.


So, again, really unsure of why you're unable to provide even a singular instance of what you're claiming? It's really deeply worrying for your case. And don' t go deleting the images that don't suit your argument, (like you did with this one) I'm just going to put them back up. You're a pack of lying cunts, and if you aren't then provide the evidence of me in any way shape or form to the contrary.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:28 pm

So, wait, you're telling me this is all because someone got their panties in a twist and instead of being diplomatic and sensible and respectful that a war needs to come of it? I'm amused at how many people are having to deal with the repercussions of these hilarious shenanigans.

You all seriously could have just talked this out and then neither family nor the public would have been dragged in to this debacle but noooooo, apparently everything has to be a huge public ordeal.

This was a really shitty attempt to drag Damacus' name through the mud and, in my eyes at least, it back fired. Big time.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:43 pm

Black Plague wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:28 pm
So, wait, you're telling me this is all because someone got their panties in a twist and instead of being diplomatic and sensible and respectful that a war needs to come of it? I'm amused at how many people are having to deal with the repercussions of these hilarious shenanigans.

You all seriously could have just talked this out and then neither family nor the public would have been dragged in to this debacle but noooooo, apparently everything has to be a huge public ordeal.

This was a really shitty attempt to drag Damacus' name through the mud and, in my eyes at least, it back fired. Big time.
It always does.
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Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:40 pm

Malinovyy wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:47 am
Daly wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:16 am
Xedanis wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:18 am
That this is the intention of war now... That the bullshitting, defamation, propaganda, fear and insecurity are the more important aspect of a conflict... I mean is this just Sonvar's way? Or is the whole city doing it? Either way it truly disappoints me.

All of you do.

None of this is necessary. There are plenty of reasons to start a war; even "hey you, lets fight" is a reason. That the need for a spotlight, for public and venomous shenaniganry has been important enough for it to be made a public affair, only makes me feel more disappointed.

I hope its worth it for all of you. But this is exactly the sort of bullshit we have all spent two years espousing our erstwhile desire to expunge from this town.

Have fun, i suppose. I for one won't be watching.

Xedanis holds key points here. Just because you're butt hurt doesn't mean you pull your people together and say "Hey, let's hit this asshole cause he hurt my feel goods." We are immortals. We aren't weak little humans who can't defend ourselves against vampires. Somewhere in this city, a lot of you have forgotten that. We are the species that creates victims, we are not victims here. We are all bred monsters. There are simple ways to get people to leave you alone if you want them to.

This city isn't full of weak vampires. It is, however, starting to fill up with weak minded immortals who want the attention of being a victim far too often. Which is sad, plain and simple.

Well said, both of you.
~Michiru Mandruleanu din Kolesi~
~de Bouillon~
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