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Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:07 am
by Elijah
ladypeacek wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:38 pm
Convenient to act remorseful now but please be reminded that I know that what you say in public and what you've said in private are different. If you need me to publicly post some of your recent private conversations for everyone, let me know. Have you ever apologized to Seyda? Or just the people around her so they think you are all cute and sweet and try to make her look worse?
Edited because I... hadn't read the new rules. Deepest apologies to the staff.

To summarize:

Disclaimer: As a completely unrelated bystander that all is doing is literally following up on this myriad of shanenigans - you're more than welcome to ignore my commentary. I am hardly attempting to tell you what to do, here. It's not my place, but of course, here's my friendly advice:

You're not doing yourself any favours. This was - how many years ago? As entertaining as it may be for the rest of us who are experiencing something akin to watching the vampiric equivalent to a queer soap opera, you ought to let it go, already. You're dragging your wife through the mud, as well as yourself. I can relate to a little bit of villain of the week petty, but this is a wee bit much.

Carry on? Don't? Best of luck to all involved parties.

Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:21 am
by Alex Ayres
So let me get this straight:

Daly and Co. Hit Seyda because fuck you, that's why (one of his co. claiming because Seyda called Daly "retarded", but really, Daly had been the one to use the word to describe Seyda and Pea on at least two occasions. We dont know why she said this [most likely, Daly lied to her and told her this so that she would hit Seyda, or she blatantly lied] but we're going to sweep this under the rug and not look further into it because it doesn't fit our narrative, or because we're ok with people lying. Whichever.)

Pea decides to go eye for eye (if Crimson hit my wife because fuck you, I'm hitting hers because fuck you.)

Skirmish ensues.

Soup conglomerate decides to get "equal and just retribution" on Pea by hitting her the same amount of times that she hit Michiru (2), aka equally the same amount times 3.5 (7, as it seems we struggle with Math in this city)

Pea points out it's laughable that it takes 2 hits for a woman to drop her morals faster than a hooker on Wallstreet.

And now:

Daly and Co. are heroes because they hit someone because fuck you (and a lie that we aren't talking about, because fuck the truth, that's why)

Pea's a piece of shit for hitting someone because fuck you.

Seyda's a piece of shit (because she got hit because fuck you)

Michiru's a victim (because she got hit because fuck you)

Nobody cares about the issue but everyone feels they need to comment on the issue that now spans two threads for a total of 9 pages (and counting) to let everyone know they don't care about the issue.

When does fundraising start to get the city to Tokyo in 2020? I'm sure we'd win gold in mental gymnastics.

Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:47 pm
by Alex Ayres
Dae wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:35 am
I would like to point you all in the direction of the community standards found here. It is wonderful to see such activity from you all, but there are a few too many insults flying and this is not the place for insults.

Thank you in advance
Kim Dae-Hyun
I'll save Dae the trouble.

Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:45 pm
by Church
That’s enough. Keep shit on topic, or take it somewhere else - news reports ain’t the place for a pissing contest.

Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:12 pm
by Church
Alex Ayres wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:08 pm
Daly wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:24 pm
a mental deficiency since we're all about political correctness all a sudden
Mission accomplished.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
Last warning, kid.

Re: Conflict Coverage: Break-Ins & Blood Counts (DK vs. SJ)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:43 pm
by Dae
Any posts that were otherwise unrelated to the topic at hand have been moved here.
No further derailing will be tolerated and will result in Current Event privileges being revoked to 'Read-only' for a minimum of one week.