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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:07 pm

Josephine wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:54 pm
I didn't assume Daly lied. I assumed Liander got lazy in his assumptions. He took the time to ask Pulse about his limbo but not his necro?

Also, shouldn't he have asked the scrollers what manuever they were attempting rather than Pulse? I mean, your attackers rarely scream - Scroll Web Magic Attack!- like a bad anime.

Assuming when fronting as a non biased journalist is a sign of rushed deadlines or other factors
It states very clearly that his source for believing Pulse hadn't moved was Daly. There are two options going foward:

1) Pulse did not move, as Daly stated. He popped BPs, instead. The article stands as is.
2) Pulse did move, and Daly lied -- likely not on purpose -- and mixed up his times in which he attempted to attack Pulse. Then, my math stands.

You don't get to kiss Daly's ass and also discredit this article, in this particular instance. Either you are correct, and Daly is wrong, or the article is correct, and you are wrong. Those are the two options. It isn't assuming when you are told something that is believed to be factual. However, what you are doing is most certainly assuming, except without basic reading comprehension to back you up.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:12 pm

Ezra wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:07 pm
Josephine wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:54 pm
I didn't assume Daly lied. I assumed Liander got lazy in his assumptions. He took the time to ask Pulse about his limbo but not his necro?

Also, shouldn't he have asked the scrollers what manuever they were attempting rather than Pulse? I mean, your attackers rarely scream - Scroll Web Magic Attack!- like a bad anime.

Assuming when fronting as a non biased journalist is a sign of rushed deadlines or other factors
It states very clearly that his source for believing Pulse hadn't moved was Daly. There are two options going foward:

1) Pulse did not move, as Daly stated. He popped BPs, instead. The article stands as is.
2) Pulse did move, and Daly lied -- likely not on purpose -- and mixed up his times in which he attempted to attack Pulse. Then, my math stands.

You don't get to kiss Daly's ass and also discredit this article, in this particular instance. Either you are correct, and Daly is wrong, or the article is correct, and you are wrong. Those are the two options. It isn't assuming when you are told something that is believed to be factual. However, what you are doing is most certainly assuming, except without basic reading comprehension to back you up.

Or I could be Pulse's partner bound and pretty intimately aware of the situation. So, truth can be subjective, but being as I am pretty certain my husband of 9 years would have no need to fib about his necro habits.

Either way Liander oopsed his way in looking non biased by asking the questions in the wrong order of people baby bear. You ask the agressors what their plan of agression is. You ask the defenders about defense tactics.

Don't worry Daddy bear can defend himself. Lili-puff you know I lurves you. Just next time ask. You have our cells pet.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:33 pm

The night prior to her zeroing, Aziza was sitting at only 686 pints of blood and chose to not necro or utilize a Blood Potion herself.
Because necroing is for the weak and scared.
Any other motive no longer holds weight, as they have proven to have no moral high ground to stand on going forward.
We didn't have any moral high ground to begin with; pay attention.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:40 pm

Josephine, this is why we can't have nice things. Mistakes happen, and I'm sure Li will fix this one; beating the dead horse until it's pulp is half the reason people are so reluctant to do anything, at all, ever, around here.

Carousel is the perfect name for this, agreed.

Get y'all's shit together.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:50 pm

Vex, love, we can't have nice things because most vampire dna is mixed with seagull dna..

As for beating a dead horse... Well the pony was still kicking as my point seemed utterly and completely missed.

For those not comprehending: The St Johns have a great cell phone family plan, talk or text anytime with unlimited data 4g streaming video..

Aka: Contact us, we will respond and even give you full information. You just gotta ask. We believe in you!

Now, if you'll excuse me.. I need to turn Mr. Ed here into glue and dog chow...
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:53 pm

Josephine wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:50 pm
Aka: Contact us, we will respond and even give you full information. You just gotta ask. We believe in you!
When you're done fellating eachothers sphincters, I'm sure the rest of us readers as a whole will consider whatever it is you're implying by attacking Lianders credibility a little more seriously. Until then, please refer to the point where you're being told to piss off and let the adults talk.

On that note - hard numbers versus however much your knowledge of your husbands habits may be leave little room for subjectivity.

If Liander made a mistake, I'm sure he'll rectify it, like he's done countless times before.

Good title, informative article, good job as usual, Sir.
Last edited by Oberon on Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:38 pm

Man. I must really suck at this whole warring thing or something. Maybe I should go and have someone hold my hand while I do my stuff and all. Not knowing how to necro properly or hit people.. poor little me.

Eta: Since Liander wants to write Fiction. This warring member of the apt named Carousel will henceforth refrain from answering any questions pertaining to War activities until he can get his shit together.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:57 pm

I like math. Do you like math? Let's do some more.

CLAIM: Pulse did not necro between the dates of the 27th and the 28th of November.
PROOF: Daly hit Pulse during this time. His weapons had no effect. Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion is that he had not, in fact, moved.
IF TRUE, THEN: This section of the article is correct.

COUNTERCLAIM: Pulse necroed during this period. Daly was incorrect in believing his weapons could not land.
PROOF: Pulse said so. There's no reason to disbelieve him (I truly do think you necroed!)
IF TRUE, THEN: This section of the article is incorrect.

This article is 2,479 words. The section in question is 139. If the counter-claim is correct (I'm certain it is!), then that means 5.6% of Liander's article is incorrect. While I know it seems really important because of your undeserved ego, I think we can all agree that 5.6% of anything (much like the 8% discrepancy in funds totals) is negligible. Liander's source was incorrect, and it made this section of his article similarly incorrect.

So, let's set the record straight. I did the math earlier, but it was only with the information provided here in the article.

Pulse, when did you necro? How much did you spend? Why did Daly's HW attack on you fail? You obviously have the answers to these things, but it seems both of you would rather be petty and play a condescending game of cat and mouse rather than actually contribute anything. Despite the fact that this article seems to heavily favor St. John warring tactics, you've chosen to be cyclical, condescending, and petty. So please, for the general public at large who are dying to know, set the record straight. Let the math do the talking, because I think most of us have heard quite enough from you.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:58 pm

If I may take a moment to clarify and expand on what Liander said, the NightWatch are not involved with this in any way, nor will they be. Any questions, feel free to contact me.

That said! Good read as always, Liander.
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Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:02 pm

I used one Potion. The rest was a necro at the Necromancer. Out side of that I am no longer answering questions pertaining to this war from any sources outside of my own lineage. You all do you honey booboo. It's already enough of a circus. No need to add a petting pen.

I'll even do you a huge favor and share that the necro was after the zeroing attempt.
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