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Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:05 am
by darkwolf
Yeah? Cause it doesn't seem so anymore. And you are always welcome to stop by my house and knock my door down like we have done Arallara at every chance. It's called a tactic. You just hate that mine is mightier than yours.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:06 am
by Zigma
ladypeacek wrote:
Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:04 am
Oooh. I'm rubber, you're glue?
Well maybe if you kept your pants up from time to time you wouldn't need to be a rubber would you. ;)

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:06 am
by Drusilla
Since I dont have one because I dont hide, that legit made no sense. Keep reaching, love. Come on.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:16 am
by Zigma
Oh well was fun playing with some new toys, but i'm needed elsewhere, Still love you all tho

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:20 am
by Emma Blackwell
Not to be one to.. derail this derailment, but I am unsure how this banter is an editorial or news.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:46 pm
by Seyda
Update through the end of Week 4 prior to the Cerberus entry:

House of Pacherontis and Fringe Hate Club - 1/26/19 through 2/22/19

Total Combatants: 17 (with 1 inactive) - 68%

Total Damage Dealt: 104,705 BP - 45%
Most Taken: 22,508 (nitenurse)

Total Necro Taken: 46,736 - 45%
Most Taken: 10,000 (Julia)

Zeroes: 1 (darkwolf)

Total Ghosts: 2 - Anthony, Julia (Nar)
Total Kittens Harmed at the Phial: 40 - Anthony

Houses Wolfe and St. John - 1/26/19 through 2/22/19

Total Combatants: 10 (with 2 inactive; 1 torpor x 2 wk) - 32%

Total Damage Dealt: 127,962 BP - 55%
Most Taken: 22,677 (Arallara)

Total Necro Taken: 56,045 - 55%
Most Taken: 15,143 (Seyda)

Zeroes: 9 (the babies)

Actual footage of me attempting to keep track this weekend:


Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:08 am
by Daly
Well, I've been waiting for two days for any of you to move so I can come in and finish this up. So instead, if you want, I'll take this as your official surrender, after Koz completes his duel. If you do not move, you do not complete this duel and officially surrender, I will just rezero all of your fallen, and any of the deals you have struck will be null and void, I will not honor anything if you act like complete cowards, and do not finish this the right way.

Koz, if you want to be a leader, now would be the time to act like it. You should know me well enough to know I do not break my word for anything.

You have twenty four hours.