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Re: EXPOSÉ: The Nightwatch (ft. Ezra)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:45 pm
by Josephine
I am a bit late on this topic. I do want to applaude the AB staff to reaching out to Pulse and I to find out if our family had been invited to vote. While we had no Ambassadors in the CLA my impression of the Nightwatch leadership is far different than this voted over leadership.

To my understanding, flawed as it may be, Aida was handed the clan and keys to revive Fall of 2017. I remember speaking with her several times as she expended effort in sorting records and working rather diligently to revive a clan hall that had fallen silent. At that time she was working on finding ambassadors and trying to figure out how to redefine the Nightwatch to fit the city dynamic.

If there was supposed to be an election House Cartigan was unaware. Whatever our personal opinions of Aida are we cannot dispute the fact she put effort into an idea. Perhaps we were all under an assumption of it being a done thing. However, to exclude some votes but not all for the same reasons seems underhanded. More so as a near dead clan would not require votes for leadership (what would be the point?), and one must wonder just what breathed life back into the organization.

Again, I will disclaimer, my viewpoint is limited and biased as my family has been focused upon ourselves and have not focused on keeping up with city politics or manipulations.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Nightwatch (ft. Ezra)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:47 pm
by Michiru
Vex wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:08 am
>.> I am remarkably consistent.
Michiru wrote:
Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:29 pm
Just to touch on this: I completely agree with this, which is also why din Kolesi would not do such a thing. Our personal bloodlines are what -make- din Kolesi. So -only- din Kolesi as a whole would be considered for a respresentative, anything more than that would be leveraging bias. It would extremely excessive and frankly just plain tacky.
I'm pretty sure you know this already, but just to clarify, I didn't mean that to imply you were trying to stack the deck in your favor, so to speak. dK was just the first example that came to mind. I'm pleased that representatives from the NW are reaching out and more Ambassadors are stepping forward on behalf of their groups.
I mean, obviously you -were-. :lol: I demand compensation for such insults. I demand a BWB date with you and your favorite drink..

Seriously though,

No no, Vex. I knew otherwise. din Kolesi is a perfect example. If we double dipped. :p

More seriously, I want that BWB date.

Love you.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Nightwatch (ft. Ezra)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:52 pm
by Alex Ayres
Nemesis wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:32 pm

Agreed. Same with things like Port Luna. Those people are typically represented by other Ambassadors.
I should have specified more. I do not think Newspapers, KRKN and the like should be part of any sort of council or take part in anything to do with the Nightwatch and their dealings. No Reps, No Ambassadors, etc., for all the reasons I had mentioned previously.

If the Newspapers want to take part in something concerning NW, I would suggest interviews with the candidates, allowing the candidates a place to debate and things like that. While the clans and families may have a Rep or Ambassador, some of their people may not get a chance to get to know what it is that their family is voting on and why. A Newspaper would offer a great chance for everyone to see a Campaign. KRKN could have some fun doing on air 'campaign advertisements'. News and radio should keep strictly out of the NW events other than giving the candidates a platform to reach out to people.

This is something that could draw things together nicely, with a fair and even outcome. If everyone could keep level heads (I know, asking a lot here) it could actually be fun.

I won't pretend to speak for Vex, but I believe he meant that they have other ambassadors as in they have representation in their families and clans and thus shouldn't be represented by their "places of employment".

Also, it's amusing to read such well thought out words followed by the portmanteau "disasterpiece" XD.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Nightwatch (ft. Ezra)

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:44 am
by Nemesis
Alex Ayres wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:52 pm

Also, it's amusing to read such well thought out words followed by the portmanteau "disasterpiece" XD.

I try to keep my crazy on the inside. Its hard work. So. Hard.

Also...'Disasterpiece' really describes my social graces and lack of...cuz, yanno, people talk to me and I generally run screaming or totally clam up. I'm not good with peopling.

Thank you, for clarifying things for me. I got a little confused on what place the papers and radio would hold, and had some ideas for what they could actually do to make this more city friendly and allow the NW to reach those who wouldn't normally hear about their goings on.