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Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:11 am
by darkwolf
Your proof is several pages back... So...? What do you exactly need from me? They left. Julia spied and lied. They are rallying to her lies. Im just over here cleaning up after her at the request of your ally. You are welcome btdubs. We could have kept our mouths shut and just let her cause drama for you too? But we didn't. All this hate. Trash talking me through out all this and you completely ignore the elephant of this entire thread to smear campaign my penis. I get it. My house imploded. No big deal. I lost good friends and family to the drama of my cock. This has happened before in the city to others, and will likely happen again to someone else. You got anything new to bitch about? Other than me? Cause most everyone in the city knows you got a hateboner for me. If not, continue your smear campaign while I go have fun now that they are ready for the fight.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:16 am
by Damacus
:lol: "No big deal."

Thanks. That's perfect.
At least you own some of the shit you're being "smeared" with.
Have fun you crazy kids!

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:09 am
by Seyda
You’re all pretty. Now, back to business.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:42 am
by Ezra
MOD NOTE: Remember to keep all posts relevant to the direct topic at hand -- AKA stop talking about liquor or posting memes and gifs. Follow the rules of the section, please and thank you!

Let the back-and-forth cattiness continue.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:17 pm
by Joy
Ezra wrote:
Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:42 am
MOD NOTE: Remember to keep all posts relevant to the direct topic at hand -- AKA stop talking about liquor or posting memes and gifs. Follow the rules of the section, please and thank you!

Let the back-and-forth cattiness continue.
I replied first in this thread with a image of Ice Cube and Chris Tucker from their famed film, Friday. The pair of mutlitalented men, acting as their characters from the afformented film, use dramatic physical comedy to convey their emotional reaction of having seen some ownage. "Daaaamn!", they proclaim while tossing their whole selves back, as if recoiling.

The previously described film scene summed up perfectly, humorously and simply, the emotion I felt after reading Seyda's post here. I understand that gifs are not allowed. You're right to make that rule. This is way better.

Jauk out.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:51 pm
by Damacus
A bitch fit/ fest is not official news, so precisely why any piece of this was touched I surely am unaware.

I'ma bout to shake a bottle of vitamin d'ees hands at your nose Ezra.
Welcome to the thread. :x

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:09 pm
by ophelia
I mean it said Dama is the new hottest Christmas toy so burning Santa relates. Having said that, it was several pages back I got the gist that my husband was being fought over like the last bone in a barren wasteland filled with dogs so it all seemed to relate.

It reminds me of a widely known news article, more famous for its headlining image of a smugly smiling small girl standing before a flaming house. I thought of this smugly smiling image, now renowned as the meme embodiment of schadenfreude, smiling instead before a large burning inflatable Santa.

This article and the commentary that followed brought this to my mind and now I have shared these thoughts with all of you because sharing is caring.

Vive le Ner

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:20 pm
by Ezra
Hey, hey. It’s a general rule and I didn’t choose where this article was posted. I love y’all and also chill out, it’s not personal. Lmao. Please feel free to continue with the back and forth about war and shitty people, etc.

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:23 pm
by ophelia
Slap fight. You me after the recess bell on the playground in the back!

I’m teasing for anyone that needs that clarification because party pooper central

Re: To the House of Pacherontis

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:26 pm
by Ezra
Please forward all slaps directly to those directly referenced in the initial post of this thread. That’s my new P.O. box. I’m sure they’d be happy to receive such a lovely gift for me! ;)

As for War Lite happening, I for one am pretty interested how it’ll turn out. Don’t mind me — I’m not a fan of peanuts, but I’ll be in the gallery eating popcorn