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Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:30 am

Shut up Ezra, All of my gifs are official news. Especially in any thread where my name is used 403 times.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:32 am

My thinking was that I will stay silent on this. One because I didn’t know either of you well two because by the time my thoughts were all in the same place, it looked like things were quiet. Over.

I think now though that I have thoughts that are different, after listening to all the comments you said about each other and that others said about you on this website.

You both Damacus and dw say many things that are not nice about each other. The things you say though are very close even the same. And all of the things you say are true.

You both are the things you call each other from what I have heard in this newspaper.

But I notice that neither of you see the other side. Dw you do not see the other side of Damacus. Damacus you do not see the other side of dw.

I will share two stories.

When I first came to the city I wanted to become very a part of this community. From the first everyone was very nice. I tried to set up a game.

Only two people showed interest in the game. One of them was dw. And he was willing to give me money for the game, even though he could not make it. He said this was because he enjoyed games and was happy to see someone trying to make a game work.

Dw does not know who I am. Dw had never said a single word to me before that. But it sounded to me like dw saw someone trying to do something that brought people together and wanted to support it, even if he could not make it. Either way, dw wanted to help a stranger.

This is a side of dw you do not talk about, Damacus. But it is a side of him that exists.

A very different time, I met Damacus. It was still at a time that I was very new to the city. Not many know me. We talked for a long time. He specifically made the time, very uncomfortable hours for both of us, to talk to me. I told him that I missed being able to drink and eat like a human. He smiled and poured me mead from his very own glass and told me to drink. I was afraid but I did as he told me. It did not hurt me. He then invited me to his home, where his family lives. Damacus helping a stranger.

This is a side of Damacus you do not talk about, dw. But it is a side of him that exists.

So you see? All of the not kind things you say about each other are similar and true, but even in your kind moments, you are similar and true.

You are both your own men, but you are men of power with the same goals. There is more about you that is the same than different.

So what is the point of these unkind words? All you do is feed the hens and they grow fat.

Talk to each other like men, come to common ground and feed the doves. Or sharpen your weapons and feed the vultures.

The hens are fat enough in this city. It is the vultures and the doves that grow thin.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:50 am

That was very well said, person I don't know. It was an impressive read, very well thought out and incredibly well executed.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:04 am

However, you know neither of us well, and while I appreciate that you think we're great on the surface, that's not a fair assessment of anything at all.

Every single word I've said about all of them has been laid out line by line for the entire city to read by them, and of course in the entire family that previously bought their brand of bullshit and left. Meanwhile, I keep swimming, not fucking with anyone who doesn't insist on fucking with me. ;)
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:53 am

Bo wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:32 am
Bo says stuff, read above
I think it's brave and cool of you to put yourself out there like this to say these words. Its hard for me to understand how you read both parties words though and still felt that this was going to work.

I want to believe you're just a dreamer, a noble and admirable trait, but the part of me that's been fucked over in this city for 14 years wonders if you knew this was a pointless thing to say and wanted the props for saying it anyhow.

Their problems are not so small that they can put them aside because you showed them the magic of friendship and offered to broker piece on Equestria. Sure it's tempting, both boys do prefer to party rather than fight and from what I understand dw would sacrifice anything for a good ride, but it's just not realistic.
|| de Draak ||
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:09 am

Bo wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:32 am

So what is the point of these unkind words? All you do is feed the hens and they grow fat.

Talk to each other like men, come to common ground and feed the doves. Or sharpen your weapons and feed the vultures.

The hens are fat enough in this city. It is the vultures and the doves that grow thin.
This.... This reverbs in my soul, man. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.
But I'm not fading
No one can save me


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Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:40 am

As kind as the words may be, I feel like it needs to be reiterated a bit more clearly that this not about a dick measuring contest between Dama and dw, nor is it about anything else except what was made clear in the initial posting.

People can continue to ignore it as much as it benefits them to do, but it does not change what is there.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:49 am

Drusilla wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:50 am
That was very well said, person I don't know. It was an impressive read, very well thought out and incredibly well executed.

I thought you were leaving the city? This is the longest goodbye I've ever seen.

I'll be the bad guy. I don't think this guy lives in reality, or was just coached wrong. Dw and Damacus have known each other a long while. Worked together. Their history and anger toward one another isn't something a pretty conversation will change. Though your intentions are nice, they are not realistic. These hens will be clucking with or without Dama and dw being at each others throats. This city is one giant gossip column and no one ever shuts up. If it's not Damacus and darkwolf, it will be someone else who trashes someone all day every day. No changing that.

All you can hope for is to put yourself in a position where when someone trashes you, it dont matter anymore cause you can destroy everything they love just by whispering an order to someone else. Knowing more than you say benefits you more than knowing nothing and speaking pretty.

Good luck in your future, fledge.
Jenny | The House of Silence. | Drayden

May our dead rest in peace.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:02 pm

Seyda wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:40 am
As kind as the words may be, I feel like it needs to be reiterated a bit more clearly that this not about a dick measuring contest between Dama and dw, nor is it about anything else except what was made clear in the initial posting.

People can continue to ignore it as much as it benefits them to do, but it does not change what is there.
I do see that this was supposed to not be a "dick measuring contest" (this is a nice phrase. I must learn to add it to my English speaking). But, that is what it has become. More of the talk has been surrounding the "man child" (another phrase I enjoy) behavior of Damacus and dw then what was your first point you spoke.

Daly wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:49 am

I'll be the bad guy. I don't think this guy lives in reality, or was just coached wrong. Dw and Damacus have known each other a long while. Worked together. Their history and anger toward one another isn't something a pretty conversation will change. Though your intentions are nice, they are not realistic. These hens will be clucking with or without Damacus and dw being at each others throats. This city is one giant gossip column and no one ever shuts up. If it's not Damacus and darkwolf, it will be someone else who trashes someone all day every day. No changing that.

All you can hope for is to put yourself in a position where when someone trashes you, it dont matter anymore cause you can destroy everything they love just by whispering an order to someone else. Knowing more than you say benefits you more than knowing nothing and speaking pretty.

Good luck in your future, fledge.
This is not bad guy speak. This is wise guy speak. You speak truth.

As I spoke, it is my thought that men like dw and Damacus should not be feeding the hens. They should be feeding the doves or the vultures.

The conversation does not need to be pretty. Conversations are not always pretty. But at end of conversation maybe there can be peace even if that peace is no longer acknowledging the existence of the other. If not for dw and Damacus, then for the community. This would be feeding the doves.

But as I spoke of doves, I also spoke of vultures, the part you and Jauk leave out. If conversation is not something they can do, then let them do war. Among their families, or just between the two of them. Set the terms of what the winner receives, and let Odin's hand guide the righteous to victory. This would be feeding the vultures.

Men weak of mind and body feed the hens. Men strong of mind and body feed the doves and the vultures.

I do not need to know the history of dw and Damacus, or who they are, to know that.

This is my thought.

Tack sa mycket for the luck.

Amaya_Shannis wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:09 am
Bo wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:32 am

So what is the point of these unkind words? All you do is feed the hens and they grow fat.

Talk to each other like men, come to common ground and feed the doves. Or sharpen your weapons and feed the vultures.

The hens are fat enough in this city. It is the vultures and the doves that grow thin.
This.... This reverbs in my soul, man. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.
Hello again, Amaya. I have seen you are now married and congratulations! I would say this in days earlier but was still recovering. I start my journey again today.
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:20 pm

Bo wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:02 pm
Seyda wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:40 am
As kind as the words may be, I feel like it needs to be reiterated a bit more clearly that this not about a dick measuring contest between Dama and dw, nor is it about anything else except what was made clear in the initial posting.

People can continue to ignore it as much as it benefits them to do, but it does not change what is there.
I do see that this was supposed to not be a "dick measuring contest" (this is a nice phrase. I must learn to add it to my English speaking). But, that is what it has become. More of the talk has been surrounding the "man child" (another phrase I enjoy) behavior of Damacus and dw then what was your first point you spoke.

Daly wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:49 am

I'll be the bad guy. I don't think this guy lives in reality, or was just coached wrong. Dw and Damacus have known each other a long while. Worked together. Their history and anger toward one another isn't something a pretty conversation will change. Though your intentions are nice, they are not realistic. These hens will be clucking with or without Damacus and dw being at each others throats. This city is one giant gossip column and no one ever shuts up. If it's not Damacus and darkwolf, it will be someone else who trashes someone all day every day. No changing that.

All you can hope for is to put yourself in a position where when someone trashes you, it dont matter anymore cause you can destroy everything they love just by whispering an order to someone else. Knowing more than you say benefits you more than knowing nothing and speaking pretty.

Good luck in your future, fledge.
This is not bad guy speak. This is wise guy speak. You speak truth.

As I spoke, it is my thought that men like dw and Damacus should not be feeding the hens. They should be feeding the doves or the vultures.

The conversation does not need to be pretty. Conversations are not always pretty. But at end of conversation maybe there can be peace even if that peace is no longer acknowledging the existence of the other. If not for dw and Damacus, then for the community. This would be feeding the doves.

But as I spoke of doves, I also spoke of vultures, the part you and Jauk leave out. If conversation is not something they can do, then let them do war. Among their families, or just between the two of them. Set the terms of what the winner receives, and let Odin's hand guide the righteous to victory. This would be feeding the vultures.

Men weak of mind and body feed the hens. Men strong of mind and body feed the doves and the vultures.

I do not need to know the history of dw and Damacus, or who they are, to know that.

This is my thought.

Tack sa mycket for the luck.

It's not a conversation that's needed then. The issue is hatred guided plot schemes. Lies being spread, baseless accusations, Julia plotting to take down Cerberus with Seydas help under darkwolf's command, after a failed attempt to get the entire city to take Damacus down with virgo isnt helping anything. Its not the insults that keeps peace from happening. It's the plotting behind the curtains.

Now, we are all guilty of plotting. War is war. Blood will be shed. But don't bite off more than you can eat if you dont have the stomach for it. Dont go to everyone in the city and ask if they want to attack your enemies because you fucked up. Dont ghost people when you're under attack. Dont go pink because you did something stupid and people who are about that life came to whoop that ass.

Dont claim fledgelings are innocent if you intend to build them up and use them in a war in the future. If you cant be real with yourself then you wont ever be able to get passed all the hatred burning in your heart. These are lessons that arent taught anymore today. Because it's easier to victimize someone than it is to admit you fucked up.

I personally hope all of HoP burns bright. They fucked up. No matter how loud the crying gets that's the one thing that wont be forgotten in all of this.

Spying, plotting, acts of war. So did everyone else start this, or was it Julia the day she said Damacus needs to die. And by saying Damacus needs to die, so does Ferrymen. So does House of Silence. So does everyone that worked hard on building such a safe place for our lineages to grow.
Jenny | The House of Silence. | Drayden

May our dead rest in peace.
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