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Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:25 pm
by Jenny
It is the evening of September 24th, 2017. Inside of an intimate private room at the Hall of Binding, friends and family gather to celebrate the union of two wonderful women. In attendance: AdamMcCoy, Belen, blackdragon, CrimsonClover, Daciana, Daly, Dea di Luna, Drayden, Elizabeth, Erzsbet V, Gaberiella, Jenny, Lameth, Luna Night, Maureen, Michiru, MissMonster, Narcisssa, Xedanis.

To set the scene: The Hall of Binding's stone walls are unembellished, but the private room set aside for the binding of Michiru Mandruleanu and Malinovyy (CrimsonClover) Afanasii is intimate. At the height of the room at its focal point is a stone altar, covered in a deep cloth of bloodred with silver lining. Candles cast a glow around the altar, their thin bodies like stocks as their shadows flicker against the walls while the flames dance. There are smaller candles placed at the four corners and at the center of the slab. Dark mahogany seating has been arranged not far from the altar. Illuminated like a beacon sits a modest Quiach, small enough to fit between in the palm of two hands. Its filigreed silver and gold trim line the edge of its lip and handles, catching the light and glittering. The vessel itself is made of crystalline glass that sparkles, too. An ornate dagger is lying beside the bowl while two neatly-folded cloths of pristine white are on the opposite end of the altar.

Officiating the ceremony is a close personal friend of Michiru's, Belen. A personal exchange is had between the two, which with their permission was recorded so that their joy could be shared amongst the city.

Congratulations again, you two.
- - - - - - - - - -

Belen waited for the two women to come forward and marveled at their attire. They had been kept apart all day as was customary of their own histories and nationalities. It warmed his heart to know they cared so much for tradition. As they arrived he placed the quaich that was a gift from Annabelle Adaire on the altar between them. He looked up at them both. "This evening you entered this room as two pieces of one whole. When you leave here tonight, you will leave as one. One couple. One Partnership. One blood."
Belen glanced down at the dagger, in it's leather sheath, with the red stain. The all metal design was fitting for such a time. He picked it up and removed it from it's bounds. He set it before Michiru.
Belen: Michiru, Know when you take this dagger, you do so with intent to bleed for your mate. Through this sacrifice you give yourself to her entirely. Malinovyy, as she bleeds listen to her words of vow to you, commit them to your heart, wrap her wounds in your protection and loyalty.
Michiru nodded to Belen as she picked up the dagger and felt the weight of it in her hands. It felt, heavy. It felt right. It felt perfect for this process. Gently holding out her left hand over the quaich, she placed the dagger's extremely sharp edge against her palm. She closed her fingers about it and pushed her palm against it. Only then did she drag it across her palm. As she did so, she looked at Mali in the eyes and began to speak.
Michiru: If you had asked me six months ago, where I would be this September, I would have answered with something along the lines of getting to know family. I guess in truth, I am, but more than that I am creating family. I am creating bonds that hopefully will last a lifetime. I would have said I’m doing it alone, aside from my few childer. I would have said I was content with alone. I don’t say this often, but if I had stated that six months ago; I would be wrong today-
Michiru: I used to think I didn’t need anyone but my blood and myself. In that way, I am wrong. Malinovyy, my sweet Malinovyy. Thinking back over all of everything we have been through, from meeting over pain, to ice cream on the roof, to the ground quaking Beneath every footfall when I buried, the last ten years of my life has been filled with joy and equal sadness-
Michiru: There has been only one constant through it all. You have stayed both behind and beside me through everything, even in death. In Waking, in pain and suffering, in laughter and joy, in confidence, love and ecstasy. There has always been you with me. Even when I believed I was alone-It is veered hard to both the right and left of nearly every path imaginable.
Michiru: I was a fool my love, a fool who was lucky enough to get another chance. It is a chance I shall not let slip by. You are my most trusted companion, my Best friend and the love of my life.
Michiru: With this blood I give you my life, my love, and my devotion. I bind myself to you in all things. I swear to love you, to grow with you, and to travel his journey beside you, not in front of or behind you. From this moment on, I take you as my partner and wife, to be as one, bound forever by blood, from this night until my last.
Michiru held her hand out through it all, let the blood flow from it to the quaich where it collected.
CrimsonClover took up the pristine white cloth that had been set before her in her right hand, and cradled her partner's wounded hand in her left. Gently, tenderly, she wrapped the cloth around Michiru's hand to stop the bleeding and protect her life force from draining away on her behalf. When she finished, she placed a soft kiss to the wound, and released Michiru's hand.
Belen smiled at them as he watched and listened. In that moment he once again picked up the dagger and turned it clean end down for Mali to take.
Belen: Malinovyy, Know when you take this dagger, you do so with intent to bleed for your mate. Through this sacrifice you give yourself to her entirely. Michiru, as she bleeds listen to her words of vow to you, commit them to your heart, wrap her wounds in your protection and loyalty
CrimsonClover gripped the intricate handle of the dagger in her right hand. As she spoke her words of commitment, her left palm hugged the blade, and she pulled it effortlessly across her own flesh. She didn’t so much as flinch at the razor sharp edge slicing through her palm, or bat an eye at the deep red nectar that began to flow from her veins into the silver and gold quaich. With each drop of blood that fell, she willingly gave her life force, everything in her, to the woman standing before her.
CrimsonClover: Seven months ago, I would have never dreamed I would be standing here, binding myself to one of the most amazing women I have ever known. The pain was great, on both sides, and yet, somehow, here we are. Despite the odds, despite the obstacles, and despite ourselves, somehow, we have managed to find each other once again. Ten years ago, my love for you started out like a puppy love, full of innocence and ideals. When you set me free, eight years ago, I swore I would wait for you, always.
CrimsonClover: I went to sleep, only to awaken again the moment I heard your heartbeat in my ears. When I returned to you, my love was filled with fervor, but it burned too hot, too soon, and we parted ways again, if briefly. In the time since then, you have shown me what it means to be truly loved by you, Michiru Mandruleanu. I count myself among the luckiest women in the world, to have been loved the way you have loved me these past few months, and if that were all I were ever to have, I would still count it as lucky.
CrimsonClover: But, it doesn’t stop there. No, my beautiful bride, you didn’t stop there. Instead, you pursued me relentlessly, loved me fiercely, and cared for me without reservation. You loved me wholly, like you had never loved me before. I could not imagine a more devoted, loving, and caring partner. Tonight, as I stand before you, my love has grown and flourished into something rich and pure. No longer do we face the trials of young love, or the tempering test of time.
CrimsonClover: We have seen each other through it all, and have come out exactly where we both belong. Together.
CrimsonClover let her crystalline blue eyes gaze deeply into the stunning chestnut browns across from her.
CrimsonClover: With this blood I give you my life, my love, and my devotion. I bind myself to you in all things. I swear to love you, to grow with you, and to travel this journey beside you, not in front of or behind you. From this moment on, I take you as my partner and wife, to be as one, bound forever by blood, from this night until my last.
Michiru was all smiles as she watched the blood drip from her lovers hand. She heard her words and let them wash over her. As she finished, Michiru nodded to Belen and picked up the white cloth that had been set out. With tender care she wrapped the womans palm and tied it neatly on the back of her hand.
Belen smiled at both of them approvingly. As he did so, he opened up the combined box of their rings. "Michiru, place her ring upon her finger."
Michiru looked up at Belen and nodded as she took the decorative ring from the box, and gently took Mali's hand in her own. Ever gently she placed it on her ring finger of her left hand and slid it up to the knuckle joint. She smiled at her lovingly and winked.
CrimsonClover smiled as she watched the ring slide onto her finger with pride, and as her eyes lifted to meet Michiru's, they seemed to gleam. She wanted to kiss the woman right this instant, but refrained, just a while longer.
Belen watched as Mali accepted the ring and gave another nod. "Malinovyy, place her ring upon her finger."
CrimsonClover took up the ring that had been so carefully selected, and held it reverently in her long, slender fingers. Gods willing, it was the last time it would ever be off Michiru's hand. She took her partner's hand in her own once more, and lovingly slipped the ring onto her finger. Eyes flashed upward to chestnut orbs, and she squeezed Michi's hand ever so gently, so as not to disturb the fresh wound.
Michiru was nearly shaking as she did so. Though her eyes never left her mates. She smiled, a true, genuine, uninhibited smile.
Belen glanced at the quaich and gave a single nod. "Michiru Mandruleanu, lift the quaich and with it take a drink of the one blood. The blood that binds you together."
Michiru with her wedding band on, lifted the quaich with both hands and brought it to her lips. She drank slowly and let the taste of their one blood wash over her. With it she could taste the vitae of her mate and felt the combining of their essence. Afterward she lowered the quaich gently and held it out for Mali, licking over her lips and savoring the taste.
Belen motioned to Mali. "Malinovyy Afanasii, lift the quaich and with it, take a drink of the one blood. The blood that binds you together."
CrimsonClover watched on with pride as her love took up the quaich and drank from it, solidifying their blood bond. When it was her turn, she gingerly picked up the two handled quaich, and lifted it to her lips. As the thick warm fluid slid down her throat, she felt the heat of it mixing, mingling, bonding to her own vitae, forever changing it. Her eyes closed briefly, and when she opened them again, her lips spread into a wide grin. She set the ceremonial quaich back down. and looked to Michi, then Belen.
Belen let it all settle a moment as he looked at the two women with pride in his eyes. One nearly a sibling, known his whole life. The other, the most amazing woman in the world to land said sibling.
Belen finally brought his hands outstretched and grinned. "The binding ritual is complete. You are now bound together, in heart, flesh, and blood. You may kiss your bride."

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:27 am
by Michiru
It was such an immense joy to have you all present for our special night. Thank you for recording the ceremony. I wanted the traditions of times past to be brought to light, so they may never be forgotten.

I could not have expected better. Thank you again Jenny. As a peer, and most importantly, a Friend.

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:33 am
by Malinovyy
I am so grateful to have had you join us this evening Jenny. Though you may not be of our blood, you are like family to us, and you have done our ceremony great justice in it's recording. Thank you, for this wonderful gift.

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:52 am
by Xedanis
It was a truly lovely ceremony. Love you both, and thank you for letting me be there to provide the booze and beats.

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:15 am
by Malinovyy
Xedanis wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:52 am
It was a truly lovely ceremony. Love you both, and thank you for letting me be there to provide the booze and beats.
The pleasure was ours, Xed. It truly was a wonderful surprise to have you at our special event. You made the night so fun, and so memorable. For a pirate, you are such a treasure. Thank you again.

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:07 pm
by Dae
I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to such a wonderful event. I am beyond happy for you both.

Thank you Jenny for taking over my responsibility, it looks to have been a perfect night full of love and devotion.

I look forward to speaking with you both at a later date.

Kim Dae-Hyun.

Re: Event coverage: The binding of Michiru and CrimsonClover

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:42 pm
by Malinovyy
Dae wrote:
Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:07 pm
"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to such a wonderful event. I am beyond happy for you both.

Thank you Jenny for taking over my responsibility, it looks to have been a perfect night full of love and devotion.

I look forward to speaking with you both at a later date.

Kim Dae-Hyun."

We are sorry you missed our event Dae, but we appreciate your thoughtfulness, and look forward to speaking with you soon.