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The Reporter
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Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:09 pm

Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:39 pm

By - Kathryn Tazio [Dark Kat]
On - 23 AUG 2016

With the fall almost among us, some of our city residents participate in different religious styles, or take what they learned when they were still living among the humans. So with some research I have found that from October 31st to November 2nd, which is referred to as “The Days of the Dead.” As most know October 31st is known as Halloween, or All Hallows eve, November 1st is known as “el Dia de los innnocentes” or the day of the children and All Saints Day, November second is All Souls Day or the Day of the Dead. And for our City we see a lot of loss, we can come into the local tavern of our City see someone we know, someone we care about, and the next time we walk through those doors of the tavern, we hear that they went D&B. During the Days of the Dead many people believe that the souls of the lost come back to be with them for a few more hours, to bring council, or to give advice to family and loved ones.

In our City we experience death, on a regular basis. May it be someone from our line, a dear friend of ours, a loved one, or the human we killed so we could live. Death and loss is something that we are not shocked by at the least. So I went around and asked a few people, for a quote from them if they knew someone who they had lost, but it still felt as if they were in their heart. Some wished to stay anonymous, others did not mind showing what they said.

This city many go DB because they can't handle the drama they created upon themselves. They want to play the victim, be all heartbroken when a loved one cheats on them, as if they had been innocent themselves all along. There are more pressing matters in the city and yet it's more important if you remain alone partner-less...can't find love again...or afraid to love again so… Lets go DB or even more pathetic yet, go DB after messing up gravely, make people morn for you, then hate on the equal guilty party. - Anonymous

"You are a part of me, a part that will never leave. My memory could never erase you, not the pain of your absence nor the joy of your existence. You are within me, carried within my heart, the undercurrent of my thoughts, the inspiration to my days." – Drayden towards Daly.

If it was as easy to bury my memories as one does to their bodies, it would be easier to take losing you. -Dilectus

When asked about someone they knew that was gone, the words: pain, sorrow and wanting were brought up. But there was more, a quote I got was "You were my sounding board, everything made sense when you were still around; and now that you're gone I'm trying to put the pieces back together myself. I miss you, and I hope you have found exactly what you deserve. - Anonymous

So, Dear Xedanis, Welcome back, you fucker. Finally sobered up enough to figure which way was up.
"When sacri's name was brought up, Dama had nothing but a hint of a smile and silence to provide. Sometimes silence is the biggest indicator of how much a person is missed." - Damacus

“You will always be my brother, no matter how long it has been, you are always in my heart. Thank you for being there for me, I can feel your spirit around me when I am designing new clothes. Here’s to you brother, may your light continue to shine.” -Kathryn towards TooL

With just a few quotes, from a few different people, it was clear to me that we all take loss and D&B differently. Perhaps this year, we can take a moment to go see the graves of those that we lost, or if there are not graves, we may go to a spot that they loved. Let them know that you miss them, share your feelings in a way that makes it easier for you. Say something nice to the humans who’s lives we take so we may survive. To the Day of the Dead, may all of our lost one’s lights shine bright.

“Not all those who wander are lost.”
“The ones that loves us never really leave us.”
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