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EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:42 pm
by Liander
On December 29, I received a text message from Kains Son, the leader of the mercenary network known as The Void. Brief and concise, it contained only two words. "Contract available." I had let Kains Son know about a month ago that I would be interested in the next contract that came up, though he did not know I was investigating him or his process. While everything with The Void appeared to be on the level in public, I was curious as to how things worked behind the curtain and wondered if the ideals they preached would hold true under pressure.

As per standard operating procedure, Kains would not tell me the name of the target until I had accepted it. Once I had, I received only the following: "Target: Lyric. Payment: 10,000 per vial. 2 hits remaining on the contract." Despite prodding, he would not give up the name(s) of whoever had taken out the contract. Nor would he tell me who else had accepted the contract or Lyric's starting blood. Total silence was not the name of the game tonight though, which he specified to me only after I had initiated a hit against Lyric.

As a reminder, one can pay extra for "silence" on a contract, requiring all involved mercenaries to remain tight-lipped and, ideally, nobody will even know a contract has occurred in the first place. As far as we know, this option has not been taken on a contract yet - though if it has, would we know?

I personally finished the contract on Lyric, laying in wait for her to move again and assaulting her the second she had. I was paid on January 1 (happy New Year's to me, eh?), the earliest my schedule matched with Kains'.

Kains Son: Come to the bank at Octopus and 27th. I know you're close.
Liander: There.
Kains Son: Deposit.

A hefty twenty-thousand in the bank for a measly two vials. The entire process from the word 'go' was short and methodical and left me with the impression of individuals who made a career of this and would not tolerate misconduct. We will leave the philosophical discussion of mercenaries as a whole to the comments, but all else aside and at the end of the day, The Void is nothing if not professional and discreet.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 8:35 am
by Rienhardt
Kind of expected this article to go another way. In any case, it was a good read.

As far of the moral or philosophical implications of mercenary work-- If you're good at something, never do it for free. ;)

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:59 am
by Vetras
What I'd like to know more about is are there repercussions for a mercenary for not being discreet, other than not getting paid? Considering that a person has to pay more for the gag order, what measures are put into place for a mercenary if they do not adhere to the silence stipulation of a contract?

Liander, thank you for being diligent in following through with the multiple areas of coverage on an organization that there is seemingly very little to work off of.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:39 pm
by Alphadragon
Vetras wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:59 am
What I'd like to know more about is are there repercussions for a mercenary for not being discreet, other than not getting paid?
One might imagine public shaming, barring of all further contracts, zeroing... and lets face it, if you cant keep your trap shut when you've been paid to do so, what clan is ever going to touch you ever again?

Unless a clan's already paid you to spy on the Void <.<

Its like Moscow 1992 all over again.

Then again, this is Mercenary work, people are in it for the money. A contract is a contract, silence is extra, and maybe release of information is extra again.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 8:25 pm
by Aziza
The answer to inquiries of repercussions can be found in the introductory article about The Void found here if people cared to read anything.

There's no mention of mercs being attacked for breach of contract, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the table of possibilities.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:37 pm
by Daly
The Void isn't real. It's just a front so me and my friends can hit Damacus. Jesus, what kind of news paper is this.

Re: EXPOSÉ: The Void

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:15 am
by Vetras
Aziza wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2018 8:25 pm
The answer to inquiries of repercussions can be found in the introductory article about The Void found here if people cared to read anything.

There's no mention of mercs being attacked for breach of contract, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's on the table of possibilities.
I got a slightly different answer when I asked.

I have read the article itself to catch up on events before I did the featured piece with Liander. But thank you for providing other people with more background if they haven't read it already.

So stay tuned, everyone!