Something's Gotta Give

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Fri May 18, 2018 9:27 am

“Don’t talk to him. He did X six years ago, and you can’t trust him.”

“She’s an immoral cunt. You know she cheated on X with Y, right?”

“X ran Y out of the city. They were so cruel.”

“How could you sire under THAT!?”

“He’s a manipulative asshole, don’t talk to him!”

We’ve all heard it, time and again, about one person or another. Sometimes, those warnings are warranted. More often, it’s secondhand information and one side of a story being passed off as the gospel truth. Most of us have been stalking this city for well over a decade, holding onto one slight or another from years past.

In an ever diminishing community, those negative feelings push groups towards increasing isolationism. Clans and families become cliques, and once you’ve pitched your tent in one camp, you’re forever tarred with ‘their’ brush. Those biases are ironclad, and prevent younger vampires from ever finding their foothold within this city, feeding back into our waning population and inevitable alienation.

You fuck up once? There goes your shot at ever making nice with the Joneses.

This island of a city isn’t getting any bigger anytime soon. A lot of us have done wrong to others within this place, and yet pride has always gotten in the way of actually hashing things out. It’s easy to sit in our own camps and let old wounds fester.

Personally, there are some people I will never again trust, and that’s alright. But there’s a difference between distrust and open hostility. I can work with someone I don’t necessarily trust, so long as both parties are willing to put in the effort to make things work. Sometimes, all it takes is reaching out to those you feel have wronged you, or you’ve wronged. An open, honest dialogue is the first step to healing some of those old wounds, and it’s the most difficult step to take.

It takes a lot to accept an apology, and get over that hurt. It takes more to issue one; to put yourself out there, open yourself up to criticism and scorn, and admit you’ve done wrong.

There’s never a guarantee someone will accept your apology. I’ve written my share of heartfelt apologies that have gone completely ignored. But that’s fine - I manned up and did what I felt I needed to - not because I wanted to be able to sleep better at night, but because I knew I’d fucked up, and the person deserved an apology. Once sent, it’s no longer in my hands. You don’t get to decide whether or not an apology is accepted; you do what you can to make amends, and if the other party is amenable, you both set things right. Ideally, you both grow, move on, and make this infernal city a bit better of a place.

Everyone claims to be the type of person who wants to face issues head on, but so few actually do it. It’s easy to sit there and think that we’re just so open to making amends. I’ve heard a lot of “if only the other person would reach out” bullshit; that’s cowardice. Stop expecting others to come to you, put your ass on the line, and actually risk something - be it a friendship, or a blow to your pride and ego. If you fucked up, own it. If you want to have a city to come back to in a few years, suck it up and reach out.


It would be remiss of me to wax poetic about the merits of trying to make things right without actually showing I mean it. So here’s me putting my money where my mouth is; I’ve owed her this for a long, long time:

  • The Supreme Court was a slight to everyone put up on the block, but I was personally responsible for ophelia’s trial. It wasn't just ophelia who was wronged in the court, but she more than anyone had accusations leveled at her that were stretched, and in most cases, blatantly false.

    I cannot take full credit for the accusations levied against her, but I can take responsibility for my part in it. ophelia, it was my ‘job’ to drag you through the mud and claw at the very essence of your person. It was my ‘duty’ to pull you into the spotlight and shine a beacon on every perceived wrong in your decorated past. It didn’t matter that the good in you far outweighed the bad: you were put up on a pedestal for all the city, so I presented anything and everything that was dredged up against you, true or false. And it was wrong.

    No one deserves to be lambasted for the crime of wanting to step out of the spotlight, to step out from under the crushing weight of leadership. No one deserves to be put on the chopping block because of who they love, regardless of public opinion. No one deserves to be shamed for changing the course of their life to better follow their own happiness.

    You were always kind to me, and this is how I repaid that kindness. I absolutely regret having been the one to level those accusations at you, and I am sorry. I do not expect forgiveness from you. I don’t expect words to miraculously erase years of hurt. I just want you to know that I regret my involvement, and I am sorry you were hurt.

    Vexian de Draak

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Fri May 18, 2018 9:37 am

Awwh Vexin's <3.

This city is a sinking lifeboat and its shrinking so much that we really need to stop ignoring each other.

I've started trying to make amends with those in my past, while some, like you, have gone well, others have not (honey anyone?).

I've enjoyed seeing you again and getting to know the other members of your family.
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Fri May 18, 2018 9:39 am

I love you. You know my thoughts on this and how much I support this across the board.
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Fri May 18, 2018 9:50 am

This took guts Vexian. Well done.
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Fri May 18, 2018 9:52 am

Bravo Vex on making this step.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:08 am

It's nice to see ownership and not just preaching from someone. Glad you took this step Vex and I hope Ophelia is open to hearing this from you.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:10 am

I think this is well written and good on you for taking a wrong and making it right. Was it your only wrong in the city? Or was this was specifically chosen for a reason? Answers kept to yourself, not for us.

I'm not asking to be condescending or snarky, I am asking because, I have seen people apologize here. I have seen people hash out their issues. No doubt, rare but it has happened. However, to truly heal this mess we've all taken part in, we can't apologize only when it will benefit us in our current situation. I have only ever seen anyone swallow a little pride and eat a little crow when moving forward, they need the benefit more than the grudge and not because they were genuinely concerned about moving the city away from the bad blood. I think the only way that can happen is if people genuinely apologize for their wrongs, all of them, not just the few cherry picked for current goals. It doesn't need to be in the middle of public, but, reaching out goes a long way for everyone.

That bad blood won't heal until people are ready to be honest. Really honest. Truth be told, anyone here that has ever actually known me as a person knows I have never turned from someone who genuinely wants something to work, something to get better, wounds to be healed. I have reached out to some in my time, where I felt that I had been wrong, or I reacted to half the story and behaved badly. However, pride is like a cancer here- so many refuse to even ASK for the other side, they don't want to hear both sides- only the side that works to their benefit, the side that won't possibly destroy the trust and admiration they have for someone. They won't allow themselves or people they love to be wrong.

I am just as guilty of that as anyone else- it's easier to believe the people you trust and love- the ones who have NOT done you wrong and we all know, once you have had bad blood with someone- they are always wrong in your eyes, no matter the situation it MUST be their fault, because that one time, a decade ago, they wronged you. Equally so- when you love someone, they are always right, against everyone else, they don't make mistakes. We put each other either in the mud or on a pedestal so high- there is just no such thing as actual truth here. That needs to change.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:16 am

This was nicely put and very inspiring, Vex. It takes a lot of inner strength and maturity to own up to your faults. Kudos.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:18 am

Thank you for the introspection. I am sure I won’t be the only one who follows suit as a result.
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Fri May 18, 2018 10:27 am

Here's a crazy idea.
Let's actually be less afraid to be HONEST in the future.

Vex, darling. BRA-FUCKING-VO.
This is how you address your peers and speak TRUTHS into existence.

I hope that more follow in your footsteps and attempt to take responsibility for their own actions, or! INACTION.

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