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Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:59 am

Great read Liander. I genuinely believe you are trying, and that means much. But if you want to be forgiven, you have to go to those you have wronged, and ask. I know this personally, and have had to eat crow on several occasions. To ask those that I have wronged for forgiveness.

ETA: I am not stating I am one of those that need to be asked for forgiveness. Just that it has to be done if you truly want things to change.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:32 am

While I have not been active in the city for some time and thus am not up to date on all that has happened I can say that the work you are putting into your writing shows Liander. It is obvious that you put time not only into researching the topic but also into choosing your wording so that you can sound professional. Not everyone will appreciate that simply because you put your work out there with your face on it. Where someone else would get a private message to correct what is seen as a slight, you get public ridicule. It is a shame that some things in this city never change. Thank you for the time and effort.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:56 am

I'm proud of you, Li.

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Alex Ayres
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:31 am

Liander wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:59 pm
It was proclaimed again as recently as my last article and throughout my coverage of the conflict involving the lineages of din Kolesi, de Bouillon, Caedis, and St. John, though specifically there seems to be indignation that I have not contacted Seyda. This is true. It is true because, above all else, I do not need to. Josephine, ladypeacek, and Pulse have all been willing to answer questions I have of their side, while a number of individuals from the varying other sides provide the same. It is also true because of the following statements from Seyda:

”Seyda” wrote:Well, it only took ten days for Liander D’dary to go from all knowledgeable journalist to hypocritical derp.
”Seyda” wrote:This horseshit is why no one will talk to Liander D’dary. The city outside of his bubble thinks he’s a goddamn joke.
”Seyda” wrote:[...] the Ab Antiquo provided its first coverage of the event by having Liander D’dary, staff for the publication that is clearly not in a position to report in an unbiased fashion. [...] Nice try, but your attempt falls on its face.

To identify but a few, and to say nothing of the supporting comments from her wife. I have no desire to subject myself to this kind of hostility nor do I have any reason to trust any answer she would provide me would be honest and forthright. Her biases could be just as damaging as mine. But Liander, you say, you were just talking about wanting to give the community better two paragraphs earlier. Shouldn’t you reach out to her and see if a bridge can be built? I did. Attempts to include Seyda, The Beat, ladypeacek, and the Mayor’s Office were made in The Agora. The result?

”Virgo” wrote:Seyda and i talked about it and she's not sure she wants to actually do anything with it
mostly because you

I mentioned earlier how my personal agenda sullied my reputation and lost me the trust of this city. The same concept holds true here. We, Ab Antiquo, have extended the hand of inclusion. Our concern now is that personal bias is skewing the narrative and I have already stated this publication is doing its best to shed ourselves of that habit.

But in regards to the claim that no such attempts have been made, my response is best summed up by my employer, Dae:

”Dae” wrote:[...]we did not wish to continue to aggravate any involved parties by attempting communication that was clearly undesired. If these opinions have changed, the following numbers will be of use to you -

Dae [Discord: Dae#6894 | Trillian: xxlittlemonsterxx or PM via Ab]
Liander [Discord: Liander#9715 | PM via Ab]
Inu [Discord: Inu#7398 | PM via Ab]

This is all that needs to be said on the matter.

Curious as to how you can call yourself a reporter and openly admit that you will not chase down every possible source to write a complete picture of events because you don't want to subject yourself to that kind of "hostility?"

Reporters have thrown themselves willingly into life threatening situations, where one wrong step means permanent disfigurement, their limbs flying in multiple directions, to chase down one last source, to fact check one last statistic, and you're afraid of the word "no?"

And as far as Dae's quote. Here's a newsflash: the point of a newspaper is to give the news, sure, but the point of a newspaper is also to aggravate. There's a reason no one wants to talk to reporters. It's because they're incessant and will find something you don't want them to see. The only people who want to talk to reporters are people who have reporters in their pockets.

I do commend your wish to become a better writer, but here's a tip:

Don't be so craven. Part of being a reporter is eating people's shit, is getting spit on, even though the only thing you're doing is trying to give the people who are spitting on your face a voice.

Next time someone who is involved in a conflict makes you shake in your little vampire boots because of their "hostility", shoot them an email or a text message with a list of questions and if they'd like to comment on the event. If you are met with hostility, post their words, and let their hostility speak for itself. If you are met with silence, here's an age old line that real reporters have been using for centuries:

"Vampire A declined to comment."

Or continue to be afraid of a few harsh words. Your choice.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:25 pm

"Vampire A declined to comment."
The best comment I pulled from your diatribe Alex.

I am always apprehensive to speak frankly in public. There have been too many incidences where my words are twisted into something I do not recognize. So yeah, I get it -but- I would also like to say this: The only absolute in life is change. Many of my thoughts and ideas have changed throughout the years based on an ever changing landscape of perceptions. I would hope this affects everyone in some capacity.

Another truth: I have ALWAYS thought Liander had a ton of potential, only if, he'd allow his ego to take a break. Hell has frozen over because this editorial has humility written all over it.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:28 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:25 pm

I am always apprehensive to speak frankly in public. There have been too many incidences where my words are twisted into something I do not recognize.
This is exactly why I seldom comment on anything.
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Alex Ayres
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:19 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:25 pm

I am always apprehensive to speak frankly in public.
The best comment I pulled from your ass kissing, Elizabeth.

How good of a job is a reporter doing if the reason you're afraid to talk to her or him, is because he may twist your words?

You should fear a reporter because you respect her or his ability to write truthfully, and know that she or he will stop at nothing to pull every skeleton from your closet. Not because she or he will twist your words.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:21 pm

You are truly worthy of the moniker AA, Alex. Also, I do feel sorry for Sauron, if you are the mouth. He must be terribly ashamed by now.

ETA: Now, before AA derails yet ANOTHER thread spawned from a Liander piece further, it was once again a good read.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:48 pm

Let me see if I can frame this for you Alex; I wasn't trying to insult your thought process. Craven, fearful is rhetoric I wouldn't attribute to Liander. I will agree to disagree with your thoughts, I assumed I didn't have to voice that sentiment. You did make a good point with the comment you made that I quoted. Simple, to the point.

I wasn't aware that publicly complimenting a person for stepping up their game is ass kissing, c'est la vie.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:02 pm

Liander I am proud of your ability as being humble is not something many face in this city. I have never really known you but can honestly say I would like to.
Last edited by Michiru on Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Michiru Mandruleanu din Kolesi~
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