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Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:49 pm

Come one
Come All.

Or don't give a fuck.
Any of those options will do.
So you thought..finally..this bitch is claiming a change..maybe she'll shut the fuck up on the soap box.


Damaged New Soul, Old body, Who dis?

So Current chit chat piece.

You say you were a ....teacher?

So here's the dish my trash can cuties.

Got asked if I wanted to kill some annoying chick who had talked shit about the goody two shoes previously at this home address. Finally a chance to use these dusty ass vials, so whats your girl to do but say hell yes.

But I find out she was some sort of a teacher at the official university ...for vampires.

Now. Don't get facts twisted, all the future paris hilton sex tape wannabe's, whether this annoying tramp was a teacher or not, isn't actually that fucking important. But the way she fought makes me think some kind of PSA needed to be made. She didn't know how the fuck to fight, her weapon logic was bat shit twisted and the wasting of large weapons on anything with boobs was so sad, I almost cried.

Maybe next time, if your going to have a school for teaching, make sure to do some basic background questions. Like.

Does this twit know what blood is?
Has she ever used a weapon on anything other then her used sex dolls?
Should you make yourself an easy target?

I know. I know. Im still being that helpful bitch, Some weird personality quirk I haven't dipped in acid yet. And I promise to WORK on that.

But until then. Gotta call it like I see it.

Vamp Yelp Rating: -5 tramp stamps
Why: Teacher got F's and didn't even fuck the principal to get an A.
-Trash Filled Elegance-

This Bish
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IGN: Viral
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Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm

As a former participant in most stages of the University, I will clarify something:

There was no combat program, nor was it something it claimed to teach. No claim of expertise were made or implied by the volunteers.

It was an often discussed addition, but never implemented.

Although that's not the oddest take in this. Is the implication someone being attacked with weapons is somehow discouraged from fighting back? Forbidden even?

Do not even try to defend yourself, take it like an obedient one? That does not sound like the advice of a "helpful bitch", if that is advice at all.

The "public service" part of a PSA requires providing a service, not just barbed criticism.

I was not particularly fond of many people from Clans. Yet I did not witness them mocking others for fighting back, even poorly.

I recall a great many people being called cowards for hiding in the shadows over the years, certainly, but this is a first for me.

People I otherwise thought abrasive could switch from spitting venom to offering instruction on a dime. Credit to where it is due.

You have 'called it like you saw it'. Do you have any plans to do something about those observations?

You were the one with a grievance against someone trash talking, after all.
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Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm

Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
As a former participant in most stages of the University, I will clarify something:

There was no combat program, nor was it something it claimed to teach. No claim of expertise were made or implied by the volunteers.

It was an often discussed addition, but never implemented.
As a former participant in most stages of the University, I will clarify something:

This is actual, factual bullshit. Remember Daly being part of the Uni? Care to take a wild shot in the dark as to his role? Moreover, there was combat training as part of the university later - it just didn't involve any of the weapons or tactics used by our kind.
Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
Although that's not the oddest take in this. Is the implication someone being attacked with weapons is somehow discouraged from fighting back? Forbidden even?

Do not even try to defend yourself, take it like an obedient one? That does not sound like the advice of a "helpful bitch", if that is advice at all.

The "public service" part of a PSA requires providing a service, not just barbed criticism.
People are always wholly and resoundingly encouraged to fight back in any conflict. They're just not immune to criticism of their fighting form, especially if that person has run their mouth ad nauseam on the topic of just how amazing they are compared to everyone else around them. Words do have some form of weight to them, don't you agree? When one proclaims to have been educated, and subsequently became an instructor and then leader of a university - an institute of higher learning - one might expect them to know a little something about something.
Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
I was not particularly fond of many people from Clans. Yet I did not witness them mocking others for fighting back, even poorly.
Do you have particularly poor eyesight and hearing? Are you... new? If not, are you fucking stupid?

1) Damia isn't in any clan (that I am aware of)

2) That sort of shit-slinging has been around for ages, what in the actual fuck?
Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
People I otherwise thought abrasive could switch from spitting venom to offering instruction on a dime. Credit to where it is due.
I've been that guy. When you see someone making an effort and wanting to learn, you're absolutely right - civil conversations can be had. Now, in all seriousness, I ask you: Why would anyone offer Madam Holier Than Thou Headmistress of the Uni I-Know-Everything help without her asking for it with a modicum of humility?

Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
You have 'called it like you saw it'. Do you have any plans to do something about those observations?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Damia's vials spoke for her. That is doing something.
Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm
You were the one with a grievance against someone trash talking, after all.
Frankly, you write a lot for someone who says very little.
In this twilight how dare you speak of grace

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Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:44 am

Damia wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:49 pm
Come one
Come All.

Or don't give a fuck.
Any of those options will do.
So you thought..finally..this bitch is claiming a change..maybe she'll shut the fuck up on the soap box.


Damaged New Soul, Old body, Who dis?

So Current chit chat piece.

You say you were a ....teacher?

So here's the dish my trash can cuties.

Got asked if I wanted to kill some annoying chick who had talked shit about the goody two shoes previously at this home address. Finally a chance to use these dusty ass vials, so whats your girl to do but say hell yes.

But I find out she was some sort of a teacher at the official university ...for vampires.

Now. Don't get facts twisted, all the future paris hilton sex tape wannabe's, whether this annoying tramp was a teacher or not, isn't actually that fucking important. But the way she fought makes me think some kind of PSA needed to be made. She didn't know how the fuck to fight, her weapon logic was bat shit twisted and the wasting of large weapons on anything with boobs was so sad, I almost cried.

Maybe next time, if your going to have a school for teaching, make sure to do some basic background questions. Like.

Does this twit know what blood is?
Has she ever used a weapon on anything other then her used sex dolls?
Should you make yourself an easy target?

I know. I know. Im still being that helpful bitch, Some weird personality quirk I haven't dipped in acid yet. And I promise to WORK on that.

But until then. Gotta call it like I see it.

Vamp Yelp Rating: -5 tramp stamps
Why: Teacher got F's and didn't even fuck the principal to get an A.
Fuckin love you doll.
Tazio forever. You will forever be loved and missed
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OOC: Mia
IGN: Damia Morgan

Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:39 am

CordaTacita wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:44 am

Fuckin love you doll.
fucking love you more. Grab me later sometime, I know I owe you a fucking drink.
-Trash Filled Elegance-

This Bish
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:17 pm

What I don't understand, is that someone who's been in the city for so long doesn't know how things work around here. Viral, you should know by now. Talk shit, get hit. I don't make the rules. If they didn't want to catch vials, they should have kept their mouth shut. I may not have distinctively been on the blunt end of her vile talk, but if she's going to open her mouth she should be ready for consequences, and if she paid attention in her political class, something I'm sure someone offered to her if they taught that over there, then she should have known that.

It is not our fault your comrade cannot keep her mouth shut.
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Posts: 887
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:23 pm

Damia wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:39 am
CordaTacita wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:44 am

Fuckin love you doll.
fucking love you more. Grab me later sometime, I know I owe you a fucking drink.
Fuck yes. Vial party for the win for drinks always.
Tazio forever. You will forever be loved and missed
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IGN: Viral
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:10 pm

Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
it just didn't involve any of the weapons or tactics used by our kind.
That soldified the point I wished to make.
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
1) Damia isn't in any clan (that I am aware of)
Never said that she was. For the second point, is the implication Damia is shit slinging right now? Say it is not so!
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Damia's vials spoke for her. That is doing something.
If the Vials said everything she wanted to say, these pages would be blank.

Come now Vex, it almost moved her to tears! It inspired her to grab a soapbox and announce the failings of this city in teaching tactics to certain young vampires.

Not something I expected to hear since the Venn diagram of those trying since the castle days and those she just fought beside is practically a circle. Yet, here we are.

To answer your final question in all seriousness:

I will not be holding my breath. If anything, I doubt you'd ever wish to see each other again. My point was for the bigger picture, not this one interaction.

I have a genuine interest in seeing someone do a better job then our past projects. I am openly encouraging people to meet and exceed what we achieved together.

If Damia cares and has insight enough to talk about it, why not her? I would be inclined to listen. I know I will always have room to improve.

I will finish on common ground at least. This sentiment is one I largely share and wanted seen:
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
People are always wholly and resoundingly encouraged to fight back in any conflict. They're just not immune to criticism of their fighting form

I've been that guy. When you see someone making an effort and wanting to learn, you're absolutely right - civil conversations can be had.
Posts: 887
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OOC: Tristian
IGN: Corda Tacita
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:43 pm

Dude you're backtracking hard. Perhaps quit while you're ahead?
Tazio forever. You will forever be loved and missed
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:22 pm

This was...Interesting.
People must have attended and /or taught at a different university than the university I remember.
Weird. Hmm.
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