Trash Can Chat: Walrus Street Coward.

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OOC: Mia
IGN: Damia Morgan

Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:33 am

Someone call VPETA Or get the Bleach out:

So my Trashy couture darlings, we come to latest hot gos.
Picture this: Seedy bar, lots of whispers and suddenly the word WALRUS grabs your ears.

And no its not the beetles soundtrack to our life.

I delved in, head first, into this dumpster fire of news.

Not sure if all the facts are correct, but this trashy gossip leftovers, not factual new york bitch times.

Some unknown youngster, ..I wanna say Domi...Dominatrix, anyways some youngster, woke up to some oldsters havin the down and dirty.

Poor girl was scarred and did the right thing. Ran screaming into the ghetto bar to tell one and all about it.

Now public sex ain't a whole big thang, I mean this is the city of cutthroat nasty vampires.

But the poor girl distinctly heard the words "lord give me your walrus, blah blah priestess" Now I'm not one to kink shame.. yanno now.

However...I'm left wandering, should we have a vampire peta? I mean we're serial killers and shit, but gotta have some lines in society right? Public sex..I mean if its a good show why not. (Though I'm told my sweet stinky readers that it wasn't and the girl in question might never have sex again) But to summon an innocent walrus in the middle of it?

Serious questions my fellow tramps and ho's. Serious questions.

ETA: Few Hours Later

So I had this bitch done right? Passed out from several shots of home made brew. Ready to hit the lever and post the trash fire. And then what do I get?

A fucking text picture from some co killer, that this bitch has moved her walrus assaulting lazy ass into the fucking graveyard.

Excuse the fuck out of me?

Well Congrats Lacermoon, You've just become my Newest and first nominated TRASH-YETI of the week.

You know your officially in the middle of a fight, and you dare to hide among the dead? You fucking dare?


Compared to you, the last bitch was a saint.

Vamp Yelp Rating: -100 Walrus Fish
Why: Because cowardly trash-yeti's should sleep with the fucking fish.
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:58 am

I'll never look at a walrus the same way again.

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Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:38 pm

That is pretty low using a walrus in the streets and then moving into the graveyard when being confronted. What are vampires coming to these days. Remember boys and girls. Live animals are NOT the way to go. We have hit 2023 they make amazing new toys. Some of them go buzzzzz buzzzz. Others do these fun spinning things. We do NOT need to use animals. Also...have class. They make private rooms, Hotels, (DISCORD) for you to have at your own discretion. Use them. Don't let some young one see your inappropriate miss use of a walrus. Don't coward in a graveyard as well. We have all lost someone and they rest there. Don't be disrespectful. Show some pride.
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Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:58 pm

Stay the fuck out of the graveyard.
Tazio forever. You will forever be loved and missed
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OOC: Mia
IGN: Damia Morgan

Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:34 pm

So Article update for trash can cuties:

Talked to the hot to trot Dominique (Dominatrix is not her name but the clothes give off a sexy vibe yanno? However confirmed, she is taken. Sorry for anyone who wanted to save her from the walrus trash can fire.)

Looks like the Walrus was prob just a euphemism for dick. So no real walrus's were harmed in the making of this city sexcapade.

But the sex in middle of the road was true story, and the mental scarring caused.

Then the kick ass Dominique threw a "please don't do live sex shows near me" HW and said chick sent her goons to attack back.

Then city wide free for all was had by various parties..

ETA: 2 mins to this about to post, looks like LacerMoon apologized.

Not sure I believe it, but hey you apologize for doing coward shit and you deserve to get it acknowledged.

Course I can still never hear the word walrus ever again without being triggered. Fuck.
-Trash Filled Elegance-

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