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Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:20 pm

Viral wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:10 pm
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
it just didn't involve any of the weapons or tactics used by our kind.
That soldified the point I wished to make.
So you're cherry picking the pieces of information you feel justify your point and ignoring the rest. Good to know.
Viral wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:10 pm
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
1) Damia isn't in any clan (that I am aware of)
Never said that she was. For the second point, is the implication Damia is shit slinging right now? Say it is not so!
Viral: responds to Damia's post and makes general statements about people in clans slinging mud.
Vex: bitch ain't clanned, homeboy

Seriously? Is that seriously your argument?
Viral wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:10 pm
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Damia's vials spoke for her. That is doing something.
If the Vials said everything she wanted to say, these pages would be blank.

Come now Vex, it almost moved her to tears! It inspired her to grab a soapbox and announce the failings of this city in teaching tactics to certain young vampires.

Not something I expected to hear since the Venn diagram of those trying since the castle days and those she just fought beside is practically a circle. Yet, here we are.
Oh no, Damia expressed an opinion after throwing vials. The horror!

You'd find a better audience for this nonsense in someone who hasn't actively built a lineage from the ground up and trained at least a dozen people to combat competency. Anyone wanting an education can find it if they ask the right people, which brings me to...
Viral wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:10 pm
To answer your final question in all seriousness:

I will not be holding my breath. If anything, I doubt you'd ever wish to see each other again. My point was for the bigger picture, not this one interaction.
Harley can do whatever she wants, but using you as a mouthpiece while she hides from the consequences of her behaviour isn't winning her any points. Plenty of people in this city are more than happy to forgive, work with people who have done them wrong, and grow from the experience. But the impetus to do that has to come from the person who did the wrong in the first place. You can't expect forgiveness and training and help while acting like you're better than everyone and sending out some never-has-been to try to word-vomit righteousness in their direction.

The only question I really want answered from you is this one:
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
Do you have particularly poor eyesight and hearing? Are you... new? If not, are you fucking stupid?
The rest would have to come from Harley herself.

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Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:07 pm

Viral... You know I love you, but you should know by now how long grudges can be held in this city. Granted the holy watering is late, but it was still warranted. This mud slinging? It isn't new either, remember Scuttlebutt? Or my associate Thistledown you so graciously threw a holy water at without asking questions first? I saw for myself how Harley acted ( ic and ooc), and even I was annoyed by her 'holier than thou' actions. I've seen first hand how she is around you, and how she treats others that try to get close.

And the school? Don't even get me started on that. It was built with great intentions, but behind closed doors it was doomed to fail. Both times.

For Harley's sake, I hope she rests well and rises wiser.
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Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:08 pm

Tessa ya know I love you babe but don't get caught up in his shit you and I both know he will never change or use his brain. You are better off without him or his shit. You can't help someone who can't even see when he's to far gone to even save himself.
Tazio forever. Non putrescet
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Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:14 pm

Viral wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:57 pm

So your her sugar daddy? Cool story bro.

Maybe you should have told her before she sucked your walrus to just not say shit at peeps. Sure some of this shit happened years ago. But we're immortal. We're given a hall pass on being slow to act.

Also. Didn't say she couldn't fight. Said she SUCKED at it. So then I assumed she SUCKED at teaching everything else. Maybe except biting.

My F grade still stands. But Hey if you wanna give her an A for Best sex position, go ahead. I won't challenge it.

ETA: I apologize if any of this comes off as slut shaming. Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I can't try to be woke to the younger gens.
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Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:24 pm

Apparently my opinions have been misinterpreted somewhere along the line. Allow me to make them plainly clear.
Vex wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:20 pm

Viral: responds to Damia's post and makes general statements about people in clans slinging mud.
Vex: bitch ain't clanned, homeboy

Seriously? Is that seriously your argument?
The second point was actually the opposite. Look back. I came speaking of what I admired about those with Clan backgrounds, from my personal experience. If I am to be scolded, at least let it be for opinions I actually hold. General statements about the clans *lack* of slinging mud.

A "Stupid" and idealistic viewpoint that I need to correct, quite possibly. However I held them up as an example for their conduct, a sort of sportsmanship. Their willingness to teach, which I endorse in you and others wholeheartedly. There is no offense to be found in believing someone better then "mud slinging" or whatever else we want to call it. "Above" certain behaviours.

Even my viewpoint on the staff's implications appears distorted. Did you think my commentary was that none of them possessed combat knowledge? Far from it, some have a long history in the field as you well know and cited one example of. I have openly said that the experience we did have on hand during my stay was ultimately not used to it's full potential. They carried that reputation with them, with or without their title. Again, if anything the point was reversed; Some staff had no combat experience against other vampires in the city. The title gave them no claim to any. Those who had experience, were known to have that experience regardless. The fact they volunteered at the Uni had no bearing on that.
Vex wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 9:36 pm
Anyone wanting an education can find it if they ask the right people
Exactly what I like to hear. In regards to approaching the right people, who would you recommend? Not for your recent target of course, that is abundantly clear. Perhaps not even myself, given the tone of your response. Should anyone ask however, I would like to have a satisfactory answer on hand. You can deliver it privately if you wish.

Many seem to have an opinion on my stance about Harley's Zeroing and believe they know what I think despite my near-silence on the matter. So I shall put that to rest as well by stating it clearly; Zero and my childe are correct. To use Zero's broad definition, "Talk shit, get hit" and zeroed is very much a checklist with its boxes ticked. This is not a matter of opinion. One grudge I know with certainty. However old it may be, it happened. The Obituary is posted. I could not, and do not, debate facts written with blood. Nor do I have a time machine. It would achieve nothing.

Thus far I have reached out to one individual on the striking side, seeking further information and their opinions. I was open with them. They were wary of my intentions and if I was indeed levelling accusations. I was not. Rest assured if I had been, he would not have hesitated to strike me there and then.
Damia wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:14 pm
So your her sugar daddy? Cool story bro.
Simply put, no.

I can't 'grade' any of their skills I have no knowledge of. Nor can I take credit for coins I did not provide, if that was the implication?
Damia wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:14 pm
Didn't say she couldn't fight. Said she SUCKED at it.

The first part is, as said before, what I initially sought clarification on. It has now been confirmed twice over.

I may indeed be foolish for engaging in the discussion in the first place, but I am no one's mouthpiece. Frankly I do not know many of their opinions of late, nor do I have confidence we would agree with each other. In fact, they may take issue with some I have stated here. I suppose I will eventually find out when I next meet them.
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Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:32 am

Viral wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:24 pm
Words, many words
“Sorry, Daddy” would have been a shorter, more straightforward reply.

Enjoy your flowers, champ.

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Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm

I Just want to clarify some points that have been made here, as one of the co-founders, head of administration and then later owner of the aforementioned University.

Vex and Viral are both correct regarding combat training within the University, there was a brief period where Daly was teaching combat tactics, however (and much to my regret) the class was very short lived due to the complete lack of interest or demand from the students at the time. After which the idea was shelved, again due to the lack of interest in it and every time it was discussed afterward, the general consensus was that combat training is the responsibility of Sires (whether they be current or future).

In regard to the target of this discussion, I can confirm that they were not part of the course and at the time were not enrolled within the University. In regard to the most recent attempt of the University, which I might add has now been closed down for about a year due to some trouble with vagrants and lack of manpower. The one in question here, was part of the administration team and a Student Advisor, details of the role consisting of advising students on how to improve their skills and abilities within the city, as well as to keep track of their progress for record keeping purposes. I will also say that she did an exceptional job at this, compared to some of the previous volunteers and instructors.

Regarding the suggestion that she was in anyway headmistress or running the University at any point is incorrect. During the original incarnation of the University, the primary administrator would keep the day to day running of the University going as per the instructions issued by the owner and later when I took owner ship of the establishment, I followed a similar track by laying out the ideals I wished for the University and then leaving a former associate to implement them, unfortunately he is no longer with us. However getting off point and that being the focus of this discussion was at no point the leader nor combat instructor at the University.

All of your personal opinions notwithstanding, I believe that there may have been a degree of confusion on her combat experience, which prompted this discussion. However, given that it was 1 vs 20, then any form of combat tactics goes out the window and it would become a case of trying to inflict as much damage back as you can before you go down … but that is just my opinion.
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Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm

Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I Just want to clarify some points that have been made here, as one of the co-founders, head of administration and then later owner of the aforementioned University.
Why respond to this at all if you're going to be using half truths and leave virtually anything worth mentioning out.
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
In regard to the target of this discussion, I can confirm that they were not part of the course and at the time were not enrolled within the University. In regard to the most recent attempt of the University, which I might add has now been closed down for about a year due to some trouble with vagrants and lack of manpower. The one in question here, was part of the administration team and a Student Advisor, details of the role consisting of advising students on how to improve their skills and abilities within the city, as well as to keep track of their progress for record keeping purposes.
Lets be real, when I gave you the University, you opened it up completely to the public which I warned you against and then put your children and those closest to you in charge for everybody to watch the shit show. Given a discussion with you, I would of warned you against this. You never came to me for advice and likely didn't want it. You were not obligated to ask for it. However seeing as how I built it, I would of thought you could of felt open to do so. I made my feelings quite clear when I heard what was going on there, and predicted everything that would happen.
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I will also say that she did an exceptional job at this, compared to some of the previous volunteers and instructors.
Really? Because it exploded in your face exactly like I said it was going to.
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
Regarding the suggestion that she was in anyway headmistress or running the University at any point is incorrect.
Bull shit.
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
However, given that it was 1 vs 20, then any form of combat tactics goes out the window and it would become a case of trying to inflict as much damage back as you can before you go down … but that is just my opinion.
I mean.... She seemed to be enjoying it. Was nice to see her happy for a change. I'd be more then willing to help out with that again, any time, she's welcome. Everything else aside, I think she did okay given the cards she dealt herself.
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Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:18 am

doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I Just want to clarify some points that have been made here, as one of the co-founders, head of administration and then later owner of the aforementioned University.
Why respond to this at all if you're going to be using half truths and leave virtually anything worth mentioning out.
What half truths did I use? After all we did found the University together, I was the head of Administration when you were the owner and then became the owner when you transferred ownership to me.
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
In regard to the target of this discussion, I can confirm that they were not part of the course and at the time were not enrolled within the University. In regard to the most recent attempt of the University, which I might add has now been closed down for about a year due to some trouble with vagrants and lack of manpower. The one in question here, was part of the administration team and a Student Advisor, details of the role consisting of advising students on how to improve their skills and abilities within the city, as well as to keep track of their progress for record keeping purposes.
Lets be real, when I gave you the University, you opened it up completely to the public which I warned you against and then put your children and those closest to you in charge for everybody to watch the shit show. Given a discussion with you, I would of warned you against this. You never came to me for advice and likely didn't want it. You were not obligated to ask for it. However seeing as how I built it, I would of thought you could of felt open to do so. I made my feelings quite clear when I heard what was going on there, and predicted everything that would happen.
Not that it is totally relevant to this discussion but in hindsight you are correct, making the University Public was a total mistake. It was my hope that it would become a community endeavour, where all were welcome as long as they followed the rules and wouldn't be politically motivated. Unfortunately that was naive of me and I fully admit that I instructed the head of administration to follow the ideals that I had set for it, I have little interest in politics or placating to the demands of those who have their own agender. However this is mute, due to the University being closed and of no further interest to the city.
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I will also say that she did an exceptional job at this, compared to some of the previous volunteers and instructors.
Really? Because it exploded in your face exactly like I said it was going to.
The University closed due to an issue with vagrants causing trouble, which resulted in a loss of capable man power to run the establishment, as per the report I received from the head on administration (who is no longer with us). Prior to these events we had volunteers who were following their respective tasks with due diligence and efficiency, offering advice and assistance to all without favouritism or altera motives.

Unfortunately as I do not have specifics regarding the vagrants and the issues they caused, which lead to the decrease in man power. I cannot say if their motivations were general anarchy or if they had a personal axe to grind.

Again though this is just flogging a dead horse, the University is dead and I have no interest in doing it again.
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
Regarding the suggestion that she was in anyway headmistress or running the University at any point is incorrect.
Bull shit.
How? The University was run by a former associate, as I retired from teaching a long time ago ... which you are very well aware of as it was while you were the owner of the University.
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
However, given that it was 1 vs 20, then any form of combat tactics goes out the window and it would become a case of trying to inflict as much damage back as you can before you go down … but that is just my opinion.
I mean.... She seemed to be enjoying it. Was nice to see her happy for a change. I'd be more then willing to help out with that again, any time, she's welcome. Everything else aside, I think she did okay given the cards she dealt herself.
Given the previous comments in this discussion, it was my impression that her tactics and skill in combat that was being questioned ... hence my point. Whether she enjoyed herself or not is entirely down to her and personally I think you should enjoy whatever you do, but still 1 vs 20 means that strategic fighting isn't really a valid option.
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Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:15 am

Weird. The person in charge after Doncey has zero ideas of any troubles that were going on. That alone says a lot, Zizi.
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