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Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:39 am

drew wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:15 am
Weird. The person in charge after Doncey has zero ideas of any troubles that were going on. That alone says a lot, Zizi.
As I said the trouble was caused by vagrants, I don't have the specifics on hand as I achieved the records, don't see the point is carrying around massive files of every incident all day everyday just in case someone wants them. But if you want the records, then I can certainly find them for you.

Although I am confused why you're obsessing over something that has been dead for a year? My intension was only to clarify the courses and hierarchal structure of the University, both when owned by Doncey and then by myself.

Unless this is less about the correct information and more about justification?
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Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:52 am

I can't even with you. It's okay for you to state 'truths' but when I do it, I'm obsessed. LOL. I don't need your slanted records, I was there and both saw and heard first hand from students and staff alike what some problems were. Not all of them could be attributed to these so called, 'vagrants.' Maybe if people spent some time actually doing their work at the University instead of pursing their own side businesses, they would know a whole hell of a lot more.

You would do well with crawling back to the shadows you slinked out of, because no one has time for your bullshit of passing the buck of your failed leadership and shitty choices you are trying to defend. Just as a reminder, in case you forgot...Karma has a way of finding people when they least expect it.
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Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:52 pm

I actually still have a lot of love for you Z, So Im just going to summarize here to go easy on you.
Zizi wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:18 am
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I Just want to clarify some points that have been made here, as one of the co-founders, head of administration and then later owner of the aforementioned University.
Why respond to this at all if you're going to be using half truths and leave virtually anything worth mentioning out.
Blaa Blaa Blaa, What half truths did I use? Blaa Blaa Blaa.
That was your opening statement. I was referring to the response as a whole. Not everything you said is inaccurate.

Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
Blaa Blaa Blaa, However this is mute, due to the University being closed and of no further interest to the city. LaTa de Blaa
If its all mute, why come here to post about who was really in charge, when no matter what you say we all know better. You know better and so does she.

Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
The University closed due to an issue with vagrants causing trouble, which resulted in a loss of capable man power..........................................efficiency,....................................without favouritism or altera motives.

I do not have specifics regarding the vagrants and the issues they caused.
There is too much here that hurts my brain, like Had I been there, any vagrants on the property would of left in body bags. if you are calling those with different opinions and renderings of facts, whom you so graciously opened the gates to, vagrants, then you're likely to have bigger problems then the tongue lashing you are receiving.

Efficiency, Without favoritism or arterial motives? Even I wouldn't of claimed that. I like who I like and we all have arterial motives others would see as self serving. This is a city of mostly evil entities, get it while you can, but stop trying to bull shit everybody otherwise. Just own it. I have fucked up a lot in the city, but it made me who I am. An asshole yeah, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. If it wasn't for the terrible work we've done in the last few years, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all because many wouldn't be here to be discussed. That is something you and I can take pride in. Fuck the rest and stop trying to justify your actions. Fuck em. (That will likely be the last bit of advice I offer you)

I didn't give the university to Luke. I gave it to you for you to run it however you saw fit. And, that you did, but no matter who you put in charge, to basically say you don't know what happened due to the lack of specifics is... well interesting and disappointing to me.
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
doncey wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:57 pm
Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
Regarding the suggestion that she was in anyway headmistress or running the University at any point is incorrect.
Bull shit.
How? The University was run by a former associate, as I retired from teaching a long time ago ... which you are very well aware of as it was while you were the owner of the University.
Your shadow pal can't take all the fall out for you. And I didn't see his name on the official administrative paper work I received. But.... You know whos name I did see? I bet you dooooo.

Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
Given the previous comments in this discussion, it was my impression that her tactics and skill in combat that was being questioned ... hence my point. Whether she enjoyed herself or not is entirely down to her and personally I think you should enjoy whatever you do, but still 1 vs 20 means that strategic fighting isn't really a valid option.
Everybody is entitled to their opinions. I wasn't here mentioning it but do not disagree for the most part with others statement on the issue. I'll stick to what I said from my prospective, while she could of taken some pointers, she did actually fight back, hell she even got me once. But if she was looking to make a show of it on her way down, she very well could of been much more efficient. I think that's what they're trying to say.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:05 am

Zizi wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:18 pm
I Just want to clarify some points that have been made here


... you didn't clarify shit other give me more questions.

Fuck you long winded sugar mommy's and daddy's.

First Viral infection bro..I don't believe you at all. Clearly Harley has class A crazy bish pussy.

Second Zi pop is it? How good is this chick's sex game that she has so many sugar parents.

Yanno what. Harley girl I did you wrong.

Tramp Grade: A fucking +++ Blow Jobs
Tramp stamp adjustment: Girl might suck at fighting but she's queen of the bedroom.

Next: who the fuck were these vagrants? Ok I'm gonna help you out Zi pop.. we'll get to the bottom of this roving band of homeless vamps who tore down the school that didn't teach shit.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:16 am

You know what's very sad? Imagine me, taking a stroll down the streets of Ravenblack and seeing someone with some pink mojo dancing around their head. NOW, this means one of two things.

A: You have always been a pacifist despite being from what I remember from my short time of being a guest, some kind of chaos demon? Maybe finally changing your chaotic ways was some kind of big development in yor lfe that you desperately, desperately needed. Which is sad for me to say, because as a fellow practitioner of magic, I'd like for those who use my craft to actually have some personality.

Or, B: You can't back up any of your words and you decided to run away with your tail tucked between your legs, just beacuse your old papa decided to school you in what the fuck actually happened. While I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, the fact you're defending someone and something so inconsequential to someone who the building LITERALLY BELONGED TO, I'd say you'd have to be a very particular species of snake, and your own brand of dumbass. You think some neutralizing magic is enough to save you from losing an argument or from having to actually back up your words?

You may call us Vagrants but I'd call you a whole damn circus, and you may be the leader, but you're also the entire Freak Show. I'd be very careful with the words that come out of your vexing mouth next. I'm sure as willing as I am to call you out on your poor life decisions, someone with more importance to the matter would be more willing and a lot more Harsh.

Put your big boy pants on and GROW UP!
Last edited by ZeroTolerance on Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:18 am

I have never seen a more piteously inspid defense of anything in all my years. A little girl has run around insulting anybody and everybody who crosses her path and her buddy and the man she's stalking (of all people) come out of the woodwork to give the most glaringly specious defense.

Who are you to demand some absurd thesis statement? You are owed no justification for the consequences of her actions. Her detractors have all the evidence they deemed sufficient to punish her. Your opinions are utterly irrelevant and the fact that you would declare yourself neutral while pretending to stand up for her shows how laughably insecure that defense is.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:44 am

I like turtles.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:30 pm

I love you batty.
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Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:58 am

Was always a firm believer in home school myself. This has convinced me I got the right of it.

Don't get me wrong. Powers are important. And that social manner la de da.

But if ya ain't teaching these youngsters how ta defend themselves .. especially in this city.. then what the fuck ya doing?
Batrisha wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:44 am
I like turtles.
Also this is the best thing in here anyone has said.
=Sanguinis Fide=
=rest in peace my ladibug=
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