Trash Can: New garbage questions

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OOC: Mia
IGN: Damia Morgan

Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:16 am

Ok my trash can beauty queens.

Today you get to put on your best campy detective hat and play Nancy drew: the hooker vampire sleuth

So this is old garbage but thanks to the discussion over at that other trash can, we've found out that the at least one school... we'll call it the University of no fucks given... got torn down by a roving band of "vagrants"

Now I'm not sure if we shouldn't thank these homeless vamps for doing community service.. but I hate a fucking mystery. So if you dressed up as frank the homeless vamp and tore down the University of no fucks given run by Zi the long winded sugar mommy and Harley the queen of blow jobs.

Please step forward and tell us why. I'll bring the bloody flayed limb popcorn. Promise.

STD University: shut down due to lack of fucks

(Etf extra wordage)
Last edited by Damia on Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:19 am

Remember your checks kids, also... practice consent and safety first.
a morte e a ritorno | I fell asleep cradled by my melancholy.
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OOC: Rachel
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Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:48 am

There was a blow job contest and I wasn't invited?
Give in to temptation, take your time I'll be patient.
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