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Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:15 am
by Josephine
There was a City spirit or some such category that I couldn't figure out what it was about... All I kept picturing was pom poms and high school cheer uniforms.

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:36 am
by Dea
I actually thought the same thing, Josephine. I don’t see much in the way of a cheerleading squad around here.

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:27 pm
by Josephine
We could form one... I hear it is a respectable sport..

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:28 pm
by Dea
Hmm...that could be entertaining.. >.>

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:37 pm
by ophelia
The Awards show have been around for far more than a decade, having been created- much like the first newspaper in this format, by Jauk.

The categories are largely unchanged though worded differently and perhaps with a few additions.
Virgo asked for and is always open to input. Ill even try to find a paper that hasn't been destroyed to find a list- or maybe pick Jauk's brain over it for verification. Having said that- many nominations are mind boggling and historically, always have been.

If something isn't clear- ask virgo. I know I had to.

I voted Jauk for the 2017 Class President. She spent months putting together city information for newcomers [gathering information and with some help], tried to get the WC going and while it was a bust (in no small part to people being outright assholes about how they expected things to be if they graced her measly self with their participation) the information is still there and available for any and all newcomers.

ETA: As for things being 'mean-spirited' I have to question what city people have been residing in. Fly On the Wall anyone? RBC Rumor Mill? That's just to name only two publications and not even touching on individual articles and posts. We can all say this isn't how it should be- but it is how it's always been. We just see it more blatant these days- and it's often overlooked until you're an actual target of it [generalized you]

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:04 pm
by Narcisssa
ophelia wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:37 pm
The Awards show have been around for far more than a decade, having been created- much like the first newspaper in this format, by Jauk.

The categories are largely unchanged though worded differently and perhaps with a few additions.
Virgo asked for and is always open to input. Ill even try to find a paper that hasn't been destroyed to find a list- or maybe pick Jauk's brain over it for verification. Having said that- many nominations are mind boggling and historically, always have been.
I voted Jauk for the 2017 Class President. She spent months putting together city information for newcomers [gathering information and with some help], tried to get the WC going and while it was a bust (in no small part to people being outright assholes about how they expected things to be if they graced her measly self with their participation) the information is still there and available for any and all newcomers.

If something isn't clear- ask virgo. I know I had to.

ETA: As for things being 'mean-spirited' I have to question what city people have been residing in. Fly On the Wall anyone? RBC Rumor Mill? That's just to name only two publications and not even touching on individual articles and posts. We can all say this isn't how it should be- but it is how it's always been. We just see it more blatant these days- and it's often overlooked until you're an actual target of it [generalized you]
We had them on VNN, too, and basically... they're fun? I personally loved the UNcouple award, matching people together who weren't together because they seemed well suited.

What I would love to see in future awards nominations is a place for people to leave an explanation as to WHY they are nominating someone, because it is always a popularity contest. It is usually people nominating their loved ones for a good award, and their enemies for a humiliating one. Once it comes down to voting, it would be great if there were some small write ups to explain each nominee, and gives the voters more to consider.

That made more sense in my head.

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:11 pm
by ophelia
Narcisssa wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:04 pm

We had them on VNN, too, and basically... they're fun? I personally loved the UNcouple award, matching people together who weren't together because they seemed well suited.

What I would love to see in future awards nominations is a place for people to leave an explanation as to WHY they are nominating someone, because it is always a popularity contest. It is usually people nominating their loved ones for a good award, and their enemies for a humiliating one. Once it comes down to voting, it would be great if there were some small write ups to explain each nominee, and gives the voters more to consider.

That made more sense in my head.

This is something that came up in a conversation - blurbs about why someone was nominated even if it's just 'cus I wanna', last night and it's not a bad idea. It would at least add an additional element to it. I recommend maybe you put this into the suggestion box for virgo? Suggest both even!

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:17 pm
by Gypsy
Narcisssa wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:04 pm

What I would love to see in future awards nominations is a place for people to leave an explanation as to WHY they are nominating someone, because it is always a popularity contest. It is usually people nominating their loved ones for a good award, and their enemies for a humiliating one. Once it comes down to voting, it would be great if there were some small write ups to explain each nominee, and gives the voters more to consider.

That made more sense in my head.
I love this idea!!!

Of course having someone sign their name to it would probably be too much to ask.

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:07 am
by Alex Ayres
Liander wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:59 pm
As a rule, I do not like editorials, columns, or any other variety of opinion-based pieces. They are generally narcissistic entities with little purpose besides the proverbial stirring of a pot or fluffing one’s own ego.
In the last month, you've written two editorials, columns, or some variety of opinion-based piece.

Liander wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:45 pm
AlexAyres - I see you, kid. It's a long, uphill battle. There'll come good times and bad. You'll make some mistakes, but you'll also have some glorious, shining moments and they will be so fucking worth it. Keep on.
Liander wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:20 pm
Less Talk, More Action

While Oberon does possess the attitude of many bar fledges, in that he is rather elitist for someone who has never actually done anything and has yet to learn to keep his opinions to himself until such a time as he contributes to what he is commenting on, for the most part (emphasis here because I know this is not always true) he speaks intelligently and with something approaching dignity in himself - both of which are qualities AlexAyres lacks. Alex likes to talk quite a lot of shit and then whine when he's hit for it, which is why he has received my vote this year.
So keep on, or change my ways? I'm receiving mixed messages from you, Liander. A little help?

Maybe I don't speak intelligently, but at least I don't flip flop faster than a GOP Presidential Candidate.


You've now called me a misogynist twice, leading me to believe that you don't understand the meaning of the word.

Misogyny implies that I some how dislike women or hold them in contempt.

Calling Daly a cuckold is only a reflection on him. If anything, the comment is sex-negative and marginalizing of those who fetishize cuckoldry. It had nothing to do with any of the women in his life, and was a direct comment on Daly and his potential fetishes, no one and nothing else.

In fact, I intentionally marginalized the cuckold fetish community, targeting Daly, To show that a man can go around using language that is marginalizing to a community and would not be punished or publicly denounced because of who he is and who his friends/family are, while someone who is considered to be of less importance will be punished, publicly denounced, and ridiculed for marginalizing a community. To prove the point that as a whole the members of this city stand by no code, hold no ideal sacred, no idea worth fighting for, but rather their tolerance for foul language, deceit, betrayal, cheating, and hypocrisy sway and snap faster than a flag in a hurricane, and it just depends on who is doing what to who, not the "what" being done.

“No speech is ever considered, but only the speaker. It's so much easier to pass judgement on a man than on an idea.”

And before you bring up what I said about Josephine, that was not dislike or contempt against a woman, that was dislike for a person who tried to destroy something sacred to me, and another person who betrayed me and lied to me on more than one occasion over the span of a week. They just happened to be married, and the one who I did that particular act to happened to be a woman.

But, I agree. Aziza and Co's (I wonder how Fen would feel about you calling him a woman) zeroing of me was definitely the better zeroing of me this year. Someone who marginalizes a group of people should be punished for ignorant and divisive language. Was it the best zeroing of 2017? I have no idea. There were 15 kills according to this paper, since October, leaving out every one that happened before October (an entire 9 months worth of kills). I would have to go through every one, know the blood counts, how long it took, and the reasoning behind the kill to make that kind of decision and I don't think senseless violence deserves that kind of attention.

But, as always, wonderful read, Liander. Your words are inspirational, the light of my life, unbiased, and clearly well thought out. Keep up the good work!

Re: Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:16 am
by Ezra
You can be misogynistic without yourself believing you hold disdain for women, Alex.

You use women as nameless props in your insults, and believe they have no say in whether they're used or not.

You use women as weapons to harm others.

You use female sexuality as a slight to wound the egos and masculinity of other men.

You use women freely, and when they no longer suit your purpose or leave you, you paint them as whores or harlots.

It doesn't fucking matter if you think you do these things or not. You do. You can scream at the tops of your lungs as long as you want that you aren't these things, that your words are being twisted, that you are some enlightened individual, but you are not.

You are a sexist, a misogynist, and a bad person. If you want to be anything other than that, stop talking over people and start listening when people -- especially women -- tell you where you're messing up.

As for the rest, I personally am surprised I was nominated for anything at all, and voted for others in all the categories except for Best Childe. Because, duh -- I'm the best childe.