Tea Time 2: Holy water and Mint...

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Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:31 pm
OOC: Mia
IGN: Damia Morgan

Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:03 pm

So as a few can testify, I have been considering an article regarding the splintering of this city.

Let me be blunt in saying, Yes I am aware that I have been gone and even by second hand accounts, I cannot know all sides of the past years events, that I've missed.

With that said, I must point out that I am seeing several areas where everyone has become...shall I say cloistered away in their own halls? And even the few interactions I've witnessed, especially on this paper, have been so laden with bitter feelings and pent up emotion, that I could not help but pick up on it.

I am not going to say no one has the right to be upset by whatever event as of late has struck at your heart. To not have emotion, would mean you were not made of human emotions somewhere beneath the immortality we all hold.

Perhaps I myself have a rose colored view of the past, but I remember the throwing of holy waters one minute, and then the next, laughing with one of those who had splattered me quite good. Even as I would write one of my perhaps seen and yes -long winded- views on that particular fight on a paper the next hour.

Now did having that drink with said foe, destroy my world? No.

Did I have to perhaps hold onto a few stray emotions that might have caused a few arguments even while we tried to enjoy the downtime? Yes. For as some who know me can vouch, I never throw a holy water I do not believe in wholeheartedly. Perhaps why I try to take the less wanted road of peace too often. But these are personal thoughts for another day.

There was even a moment, where I saw someone, who I believe had betrayed one of my previous families, sitting and drinking with a friend of mine...that I could have happily walked up and shoved a holy water down their throat to express how upset I was.


They were sitting with someone I quite cared about, and I have always tried to consider the ravenblack bars as neutral territory. Where all could come in, have a drink, whether they liked those inside or not, in peace and even have a good time. Abet perhaps a few glares and dust ups along with the way. I will quickly say it was not always quite safe in those bars, but overall I feel as if all could set aside an issue here and there, and back off. Giving everybody a deep breath, before the next battle.

However as of my current return, I have not seen that. I have seen attempts...but the cloister rule seems to be in effect. Be at peace in your family home and not venture out. (And no this is not everyone, there are a few venturing into the wild..) Also I am not in every bar at once, so I could be missing the mingling of several different groups. And if so I'll quite retract all of this.

Now I have several ideas of solutions and even one or two places I could suggest.

But I am thinking the best solution is perhaps put my money where my brain is. So I am proposing...a masquerade. Held at a brand new location that I will buy for one night. Every single vampire is invited. You will be instructed to dress in your costume and take a different name. No one will know who is who unless you physically saw that individual get dressed. I am considering it for the summer, so that I can make the event worthwhile enough for everyone to come to.

This will be a chance to interact with those you love..those you hate..and all those in between. And for that one night, the only rule in effect is that you can not have weapons out at the party. You must check them at the door. Also you must check your issues at the door.

Now the party could be horrible and a bust. But I am planning on hiring a few mystery planners. So it will not be some half bit themed event.

My only challenge to you, is can you put aside every feeling you have for others, and chat for one night with someone who might be your worst enemy?

Now I don't expect this event to heal anything, nor am I naive enough to think that some kind of an issue won't pop out because of this, that or the other. However the hope is that it will bring a few hermits out of their caves, to embrace the community they live in. Good, bad and ugly. No one said you had to love your enemy or that one vampire who broke your heart and betrayed you. But would it be so difficult to act the adult, put aside the differences for a night and mingle, (hopefully politely) with those you may not normally talk to?

Maybe it might even make you think about what that other individual endures through their unlife and how perhaps their own issues played into whatever issue you both have.

Whatever the event would do, I will hope that this idea will strike some chord with others.

At the very least, the alcohol is on my tab and I promise to have some special drinks for those who think they've tasted everything to be had.
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