Towards the End of the Morning

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Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:59 pm

As a rule, I do not like editorials, columns, or any other variety of opinion-based pieces. They are generally narcissistic entities with little purpose besides the proverbial stirring of a pot or fluffing one’s own ego. Do not mistake me, I know I have been (and no doubt will be in the future, perhaps even in this writing) guilty of this. I have written many articles in my years here. Some fill me with pride to look back on, others bring only shame. In my writings, I have always been keenly aware of exactly what I was doing - and so was everyone else. I used to believe so long as activity was being generated, it did not matter how or what kind, and so actively chose to use my words as weapons meant to provoke very specific reactions.

The truth, or at least the one I believe now, is that that kind of activity is not what our community needs. The kind sparked by negativity, as demonstrated most recently by the House of Caedis, may provide sporadic bursts that burn brightly, but in the end, fizzle out with no real progress made. I, and the team I work with here on Ab Antiquo, believe we can do better. That presumption may sound arrogant at first, but the motivation is simple: we believe this city and each resident within it deserve better. Not just from us as staff, but from each citizen to the next. The once popular sentiment of paying it forward comes to mind here.

Many of you have noticed by now that I no longer respond to my articles. Doing so would be counter-productive to the goals expressed above, only adding fuel to a fire doomed to burn itself out. News should not be subjective. The ever-spinning game referred to so often as “public relations” (but that should honestly be called perception, slander, manipulation, or shady politics) has to come to an end. Just because I, Liander D’dary, favor one facet of an event over another does not mean that I, the sole Reporter of Ab Antiquo, should only present that side of it in some blind, naive hope of spinning a narrative that paints a picture I prefer. This habit - the ingrained need to win everything - of which we are all guilty, has helped to contribute to the state of this city and the various organizations within.

It is okay to lose. It is okay to be seen as losing. These are lessons I literally had to die and resurrect to learn. In the last war I participated in, we lost and I could not face that failure. Few of us could. We tried to present a narrative that opposed this simple truth, weaving stories of how we had snatched victory from our enemies, of how we had held ourselves to some mystically high moral ground, and of how we outsmarted the warriors we faced time and again. These are lies. We had our asses handed to us and deservedly so. Only in retrospect do I see my primary sin was and is pride. Not only did we lose, but we stripped our enemies of the respect they deserved, and this is a thing I still owe an apology to many of them for in a more credible one-on-one setting. Perhaps one day I will be able to leave my pride behind and do exactly that, but today is unfortunately not that day.

Pride, arrogance, and the harboring of resentment are sins many of us commit daily. They stain the streets and widen the growing divide between us all. We as a community stand on the brink of extinction, and it is only a number of years away now; but rather than working together, we each choose to wage an eternal war. We eat away at each other as the ouroboros, the serpent that consumes the world. We have to want better. We have to actively choose to work for better. Take it from someone who knows - it sucks, and it is a daily fight against your own instincts, but it can be done.

I am lucky enough to be blessed with a team of editors who helps me with this goal. The words presented in my articles are mine, but they do not belong to me. They belong instead to a number of individuals who call me on my shit and refuse to allow me to cling to old habits. I have never needed nor wanted editors before - my goals did not require them. But now I feel a sense of insecurity about my writing, an entirely alien sensation for me. I did not understand it at first and I barely even recognized it for what it was. That comprehension came with my latest article. I understood in the posting why I was so afraid of it - because I was afraid of failure. Before, when I examined and subsequently presented numbers or statistics, I pulled them out of context and selected only the truths that suited me. What I was trying to do was the polar opposite of that: the presentation of objective data, freed from manipulation and exploitation of bias. I was not trying to win something, and that was new.

New is fucking terrifying, for those of you who don’t already know.

This is not an easy task. I prefer to allow a perception that I am not bothered by the criticism of my pieces, because I am also afraid to show weakness. In honesty though, I take them all to heart, even the loudest and those which I know defy reason. Since I have begun to write again, there is one claim in particular that has resurfaced time and again. I have been hesitant to address it because, as I said above, I have no desire to dump fuel onto a fire that won’t last. But in trying to bring about something better to all of you, I feel as if I can no longer ignore it.

The claim: I do not and refuse to approach certain individuals because I am attempting to spin my own bias into my pieces.

This assertion first came about in my coverage of the conflict between Agrippa-Lokason and The Void, with cries that I did not reach out to the former. This is verifiably false, as evidenced here, here, here, here, and here.

It was proclaimed again as recently as my last article and throughout my coverage of the conflict involving the lineages of din Kolesi, de Bouillon, Caedis, and St. John, though specifically there seems to be indignation that I have not contacted Seyda. This is true. It is true because, above all else, I do not need to. Josephine, ladypeacek, and Pulse have all been willing to answer questions I have of their side, while a number of individuals from the varying other sides provide the same. It is also true because of the following statements from Seyda:

”Seyda” wrote:Well, it only took ten days for Liander D’dary to go from all knowledgeable journalist to hypocritical derp.
”Seyda” wrote:This horseshit is why no one will talk to Liander D’dary. The city outside of his bubble thinks he’s a goddamn joke.
”Seyda” wrote:[...] the Ab Antiquo provided its first coverage of the event by having Liander D’dary, staff for the publication that is clearly not in a position to report in an unbiased fashion. [...] Nice try, but your attempt falls on its face.

To identify but a few, and to say nothing of the supporting comments from her wife. I have no desire to subject myself to this kind of hostility nor do I have any reason to trust any answer she would provide me would be honest and forthright. Her biases could be just as damaging as mine. But Liander, you say, you were just talking about wanting to give the community better two paragraphs earlier. Shouldn’t you reach out to her and see if a bridge can be built? I did. Attempts to include Seyda, The Beat, ladypeacek, and the Mayor’s Office were made in The Agora. The result?

”Virgo” wrote:Seyda and i talked about it and she's not sure she wants to actually do anything with it
mostly because you

I mentioned earlier how my personal agenda sullied my reputation and lost me the trust of this city. The same concept holds true here. We, Ab Antiquo, have extended the hand of inclusion. Our concern now is that personal bias is skewing the narrative and I have already stated this publication is doing its best to shed ourselves of that habit.

But in regards to the claim that no such attempts have been made, my response is best summed up by my employer, Dae:

”Dae” wrote:[...]we did not wish to continue to aggravate any involved parties by attempting communication that was clearly undesired. If these opinions have changed, the following numbers will be of use to you -

Dae [Discord: Dae#6894 | Trillian: xxlittlemonsterxx or PM via Ab]
Liander [Discord: Liander#9715 | PM via Ab]
Inu [Discord: Inu#7398 | PM via Ab]

This is all that needs to be said on the matter. The purpose here was, as is generally the case with Ab Antiquo, to provide the full story. A sentiment expressed in another thread was that the city will believe what it wants and I expect no different here. I only hope I have shown a commitment to motivations I have expressed. If I have not, then tell me. If I have failed this city, I need to know. It is only together that we can move forward. Ravenblack City, I know I have not earned your respect. What I am asking for is only a chance to.

[Title inspired by this book.]


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Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:14 pm

Can't argue with any of that, really - the proof is in the pudding.

Good read, pretty boy - from everything I've read of yours in the past it's not difficult to see the change, or to see just how much effort you're putting into it all. Not everyone agrees, but you just keep doing you.
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Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:49 pm

Even if it's not always embraced, everyone is capable of change. A comparison of the words above to those written for earlier publications is proof of that, alone. We both know I was once adamant in my belief that you were incapable of doing anything worth respecting. I am fortunate every day to have been wrong. We are all works in progress, and our possibilities are endless.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:55 am

It is okay to fail, so long as you have tried. And I do not see any of this as a failure.

I have never read anything as polished, concise, and impartial in the several publications that have come and gone in this place. This is the first time that I've ever been invested in an article from start to finish. This is the first time I can actually call a member of this city a journalist.

You've done good, Princess. I bet you can do even better.

Thanks, Ab Antiquo.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:16 am

It takes a great deal of courage to admit to things like you have here, things I have troubles with myself and therefore commend you on. I hope people take this and give you the chance you're asking for.
Oriel // Gealach // Jin
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:10 am

You did not attempt to include us in The Agora? No one asked us to be included. I got a PM with a description of the Agora- with Seyda's name and the Beat added with no conversation with me about what it even was. You can't go around adding people's names to your projects without talking to them and then screaming they refused to support it when they ask you to take their name off. Who does that? Virgo mentioned to Seyda she was working on something- but never asked her to do it. It wasn't until AFTER we got the PM putting our name all over it that she made that comment because if you aren't even willing to seek her out to ask her for her input or support, why on earth would she get involved after the fact?

I am so sick of this shit. When you have come to me to ask a question, I have responded kindly and civil to those questions.

This was the most recent:
Liander: When was Pepper struck?
Pea Adaire: She was hit on the 26th with the batch of people Caedis dragged into it, randomly.
Liander: Was she zeroed and has she retaliated?
Pea Adaire: No , she had 23k blood. She is a pacifist so she will not retaliate.

Do you see me refusing? You ask, I answer. Simple interaction that requires no relationship or friendship to do.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:14 am

ladypeacek wrote:
Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:10 am
You did not attempt to include us in The Agora? No one asked us to be included. I got a PM with a description of the Agora- with Seyda's name and the Beat added with no conversation with me about what it even was. You can't go around adding people's names to your projects without talking to them and then screaming they refused to support it when they ask you to take their name off. Who does that? Virgo mentioned to Seyda she was working on something- but never asked her to do it. It wasn't until AFTER we got the PM putting our name all over it that she made that comment because if you aren't even willing to seek her out to ask her for her input or support, why on earth would she get involved after the fact?

I am so sick of this shit. When you have come to me to ask a question, I have responded kindly and civil to those questions.

This was the most recent:
Liander: When was Pepper struck?
Pea Adaire: She was hit on the 26th with the batch of people Caedis dragged into it, randomly.
Liander: Was she zeroed and has she retaliated?
Pea Adaire: No , she had 23k blood. She is a pacifist so she will not retaliate.

Do you see me refusing? You ask, I answer. Simple interaction that requires no relationship or friendship to do.
I can't speak to the Agora stuff at all (definitely not involved there), but I do think maybe there was some mis-reading. Liander specifically said you were willing to answer his questions.
This is true. It is true because, above all else, I do not need to. Josephine, ladypeacek, and Pulse have all been willing to answer questions I have of their side, while a number of individuals from the varying other sides provide the same.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:17 am

To identify but a few, and to say nothing of the supporting comments from her wife. I have no desire to subject myself to this kind of hostility nor do I have any reason to trust any answer she would provide me would be honest and forthright. Her biases could be just as damaging as mine.
This is what I mean.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:36 am

There is a list of five things that all journalists use as guidelines and one of them is pride. That you're able to admit and accept credit whether it paints you in a good light, or a bad one. The fact that you have done this in this piece is something I didn't see possible for you if you asked me whether this was ever a thing I could imagine five years ago. And it hasn't just been this piece but that you're willing to update your articles proves that you know some of the information provided in the comments are accurate and things you were not able to cover yourself.

Good on you, LiLi.
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Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:50 am

Liander wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:59 pm
This assertion first came about in my coverage of the conflict between Agrippa-Lokason and The Void.
Actually, if I'm remembering correctly, it wasn't that you weren't asking, because you did. The issue is that ophelia refused to talk to you because she remembered the hack job of an interview you did with me a few years back and did not have trust that you wouldn't attempt it again. They freely chose to grant to interview with me over you because of your past behavior, not because you didn't try. Just because you've decided to be baptized here doesn't mean that all your past sins just flow away for everyone else. Actions have reactions, and you could slit your wrist in editorial form for the public all you want--it doesn't make everything you've done okay.
It is true because, above all else, I do not need to. Josephine, ladypeacek, and Pulse have all been willing to answer questions I have of their side, while a number of individuals from the varying other sides provide the same.
Yes, they have answered your very basic questions, but your failure to "need" to talk to the person that was the catalyst for the entire event is exactly why you have received criticism. The other reason you receive so much criticism is because of your own body of work. If you wish to post about what journalism is, then you'd better be prepared to walk the walk. Words are very cheap when the actions do not match.

”Seyda” wrote:Well, it only took ten days for Liander D’dary to go from all knowledgeable journalist to hypocritical derp.
It did.
”Seyda” wrote:This horseshit is why no one will talk to Liander D’dary. The city outside of his bubble thinks he’s a goddamn joke.
Yet I've still allowed my side to talk to you when when you've asked regardless of my thinking.
”Seyda” wrote:[...] the Ab Antiquo provided its first coverage of the event by having Liander D’dary, staff for the publication that is clearly not in a position to report in an unbiased fashion. [...] Nice try, but your attempt falls on its face.
Annnnd you aren't.

To identify but a few, and to say nothing of the supporting comments from her wife. I have no desire to subject myself to this kind of hostility nor do I have any reason to trust any answer she would provide me would be honest and forthright.
You have been nothing but hostile towards Pea since she woke up a few years ago. Did you forget all the private conversations you had where you did absolutely nothing but tear her down because she didn't wake up for you but did for me? Have you forgotten that you've taken her references to you and twisted them into a dagger to stab her with? Have you forgotten the times you've proverbially said 'oh I'm sorry I love you' and extended your hand to her only to say 'just kidding bitch' and pull it away when she tried to take it? Oh wait, baptized. I forgot. You are free of sin, Sir. Praise Jesus.
Her biases could be just as damaging as mine. But Liander, you say, you were just talking about wanting to give the community better two paragraphs earlier. Shouldn’t you reach out to her and see if a bridge can be built? I did. Attempts to include Seyda, The Beat, ladypeacek, and the Mayor’s Office were made in The Agora. The result?

”Virgo” wrote:Seyda and i talked about it and she's not sure she wants to actually do anything with it
mostly because you
Slapping our names across a project that you created with zero conversation or input from either of us and then claiming you extended an olive branch because we declined is not an attempt at anything other than having some ammo in your back pocket. Let's talk about how earlier in the week you and your sire started rubbing Pea's nickname for you in her face to the point where *I* finally lost my shit on Drella after watching this shit for years. Let's talk about how, when I was talking to V about it, SHE wasn't quite sure why our names were slapped on this thing without a conversation and how it was V who wanted to ensure that happened before launch--because remember, you were more than willing to actually put the Agora up with our names and branding on it without so much as an ask and literally backdoor us into the project. VIRGO shut that down. Let's talk about my being unwilling to work on a project with the person who has perpetually made my wife feel like a useless piece of shit less than a week after I FINALLY saw all of this for myself and told you, Drella, Liz, and anyone else that thinks your behavior is appropriate to fuck right on off and get out of my life until you can act like goddamn adults?

Oh wait, baptism.

I mentioned earlier how my personal agenda sullied my reputation and lost me the trust of this city. The same concept holds true here. We, Ab Antiquo, have extended the hand of inclusion. Our concern now is that personal bias is skewing the narrative and I have already stated this publication is doing its best to shed ourselves of that habit.
Yes, you're so inclusive that you have approached staff of The Beat and offered them jobs, and when they decline offer to pay them to jump ship? Apparently the paper as a whole got dunked into the Jesus tank as well. Cool.

This is all that needs to be said on the matter. The purpose here was, as is generally the case with Ab Antiquo, to provide the full story.
Then actually provide it. Look the city in the face and say, "I have been an emotionally abusive twat to my former sire since she woke from dead and buried, and that is why she doesn't want anything to do with me." All this other shit is just getting it twisted.
If I have failed this city, I need to know.
Nobody in the city is important enough to fail the whole city. You have failed Pea and that is why she doesn't want to work with YOU. It has zero to do with the AB, zero to do with your job, and everything to do with your very specific behaviors towards her.

Good luck on your new path and praise the Lord. Just a word to the wise, stay clear of the guys in all black with the white collars--they like touching little boys.
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