Debate - The Ravenblack City Awards

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Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:38 pm

For what its worth, this event does have hoopla surrounding it.. That hoopla is me, dressed like a Rat Pack-Pirate hybrid, reading out the winners during a KRKN 20s-themed booze up!

Shenanigans will ensue, my dear Jauk. Y'can bet yer last coin on that.

Liander mate - and everyone who hasn't made an irrelevant baity comment -*coughs*Alex*coughs* - thank you for soundin' off an' sharin' yer thoughts. The Awards're probably the trickiest event on Port Luna's radar t'get right. They're a constant effort of trial and improvement.

(Speaking of which, there's this really nifty anonymous feedback tool that any one of y'could use t'aid that improvement fer the future too.)

Rest assured me and the rest of the pink-tutu-clad KRKN Port Luna team've been watching this thread an' takin' notes (and sometimes doodles. What? We're party animals, not scientists.) All of it - bar the baiting *coughs*Alex*coughs* - will be taken on board t' help improve next year's offerin'.

Stay tuned fer the show on th' 19th kids - the winners'll also be posted here and on the other publications th'city hosts on the 20th if y'can't make it.

Now... If y'll excuse me... I'm off t'get this cough taken care of. Egads.
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