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Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:09 am
by Marias
The Allurists Guild informs you that business near Qualms and 5th has been slow lately. Persuade 3 prestigious vampires (with at least 500 blood) to visit Rogue's Tavern there and tell the bartender "Marias sent me". You have ten days. You must not set foot inside the pub yourself during the quest - drunks give us a bad name.

Re: Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:39 am
by DezMarie
The barman says "Excellent."
A shadowy figure in the corner nods and makes a note, and leaves.


Re: Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:22 am
by Marias
Level two!

The Allurists Guild informs you that business near Vulture and 11th has been slow lately. Persuade 6 prestigious vampires (with at least 500 blood) to visit The Wild Hunt there and tell the bartender "Marias sent me". You have ten days. You must not set foot inside the pub yourself during the quest - drunks give us a bad name.

Re: Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:47 am
by DezMarie
The barman says "Excellent."
A shadowy figure in the corner smiles, makes a note, and leaves.


Re: Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:06 pm
by Marias
Last round

The Allurists Guild informs you that business near Ruby and 21st has been slow lately. Persuade 9 prestigious vampires (with at least 500 blood) to visit The Round Room there and tell the bartender "Marias sent me". You have ten days. You must not set foot inside the pub yourself during the quest - drunks give us a bad name.

Re: Help a cowboy out?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:57 pm
by Dyrim
The barman says "Excellent."
A shadowy figure in the corner smiles, makes a note, and leaves.
