Consensus Gentium Debate: Should we supernaturals be concerned with what and how we consume our nourishment?

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Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:57 pm

Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
Why do so many of you cling to your human minds? Why do you not accept your evolution...?
Aside from seconding the whole 'science - you don't get it' point, I'm going to break this down. Human babies learn to drink milk, and then evolve (your terminology here) into beings capable of eating solid food - that's a real messy process. Watch a baby eat sometime. Then we evolve into whatever we are, and once again go through that sloppy transition stage...
Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
To me it is as if you cling so hard because you are scared of what you could become, of what you have become.

It is not ethical to harm a human before eating them, but why should we care about what is ethical? Your blood is filled with darkness and pain, you are a creature, a demon forgotten by god, a being made for war and violence.
... an immature transition stage you're clearly still in.
Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
To deny what you are is dangerous, one day you will all snap - we cling to what is 'right' and what is 'ethical' but that elastic band is pulled tight...the fall out is coming.
Is someone castrating you with an elastic band? This is a real travesty.
Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
Only the weak care.
It takes far more strength to be a kind, compassionate, articulate, and empathetic monster. The weak are the ones who succumb to being base monsters entirely dependent on gore to get their kicks. It's basic, and it's trashy.

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Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:07 pm

^^ I’m being a creep. Do it again
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:42 pm

I love food. Like real food. Cakes and candy and bread sticks *shameless plug for Drew* ...and I eat a lot of it. Yum. I still require blood to survive. Not a fan of it from a bag or glass, unless mixed with liquor. I prefer it from the vein. I admit, I play with my "human food source" a bit on occasion, in a club, maybe a hotel, but not so much in a malicious torture way. I've killed a few, a few have walked away. Some loved it, some didn't. I don't feel the need to tear them apart or anything.

As far as what everyone else does...whatevs. I don't really feel the need to judge anyone else, nor do I feel self righteous enough to do so. Some humans probably deserve what they get, some don't. Some of us deserve what we get, some don't. We're all guilty of some disgusting transgressions, if not to humans, to each other, or maybe animals- humans and supernatural alike. Such is life.
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:59 pm

I would like to say that a debate in which we name call isn't a debate, it is a flame war. Making your point that way, for me at least, buries it rather than raises it.

I love to eat food, I enjoy blood in a cup or from the source, I eat whole carcasses of living and dead critters, I even snack on inanimate objects of all kinds. I wouldn't want to be judged for any of those choices, but that will happen anyhow.

Until hearing all of these pro-humanity voices, I honestly thought it was just commonly accepted that we could all do whatever we wanted without a thing. My question to those who are against killing, is it the hunt or the hurt or both?
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Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:29 am

(OOC: this has stalker/serial killer/rape stuff in it)

so like wat i like 2 do is go bout every day life. 4 me like go to bars. Used to bartend so like go 2 work. N ill wait 4 a girl 2 notice me n give me the eyes. dance with her or watever have a conversation or watever n then leave.

then hopefully later that nite she gets jumped by some dudes. but mayb not. mayb she goes home n is safe. then i watch her. ill sit outside her apartment or house n see where she goes at nite. ill slip into the house sometimes at nite n sit in her room n watch her sleep. i like 2 fuck wit em sometimes. like if shes got a bf or hubby ill switch their tooth brushes in the tooth brusher holder thinga ma bob.

sometimes im doin this wit like 7 or 8 girls at the same time. sometimes just 1. depends on how hungry i am or interestin they r.

in the ideal situation she gets jumped in n alleyway. some dudes just want her money or maybe to rape her or watever. shes defenseless. terrified. thinks this is the end. n then i come in n rescue her.

n she thanks me profusely n i see that look of "i kno u from somewere" on her face n shes grateful n starts walkin away n then i get up behind her and wisper something nice n sweet in her ear n slit her throat.

sometimes ill jus walk into a coffee shop n sit there until i see someone i like. jus order a coffee n never touch it n then watch people. i like red heads. then the same process.

the stalking. breaking into their house (its fuckin hilarious how many people in apartment buildings will hold the door open for strangers). if they live alone i like watching a tv show on the couch in the living room n then leavin the tv on b4 i leave.

one time i stood in the corner of her kitchen so still n so quiet n watched her walk in n get a glass of water half asleep. she had a really cute little night dress on that had blue flowers on it. reminded me of grandma shit. so cute n so delicious.

if they never get jumped i do it rite in the house or apartment. if she has a bf or watever he goes 2. so do the kids.

but ye thats how i like 2 eat. its kinda like farm 2 table u kno? i get to see the diet my cute little chicken eats every day what other cute little chickens they talk 2 how much exercise they get. i even get 2 see what books they like 2 read and if they floss or not and if there antibiotic free or not. n then i eat em. well drink em. u kno.

does that make me basic or watever the fuck? am i callin u a fuckin stuck up pansy for however the fuck u wanna get ur nutrition? no.

u fuckin eat how u wanna eat n ill fuckin eat how i wanna eat.
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Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:02 am

Joy wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:59 pm
I would like to say that a debate in which we name call isn't a debate, it is a flame war. Making your point that way, for me at least, buries it rather than raises it.

I love to eat food, I enjoy blood in a cup or from the source, I eat whole carcasses of living and dead critters, I even snack on inanimate objects of all kinds. I wouldn't want to be judged for any of those choices, but that will happen anyhow.

Until hearing all of these pro-humanity voices, I honestly thought it was just commonly accepted that we could all do whatever we wanted without a thing. My question to those who are against killing, is it the hunt or the hurt or both?
Sorry, Joy. I get feisty being called a demon/evil/weak/abortion of God or whatever the fuck because I don’t think it’s cool to torture people.

Just retweet all of what Vex said. ✌️
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Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:45 am

I think it’s in the intent. There’s plenty of sadists who enjoy the gore and mess, but that doesn’t mean that’s how they eat.

To say, “I’m a monster so I HAD to rip their arm off to eat”, is a good way to NOT say that’s what they wanted to do the whole time anyway.

There’s always a choice.

Ripping a throat out for more blood isn’t necessary if one of the body’s largest arteries is in the thigh.

I think this highlights either a lack of self-control or a lack of self-awareness because there is ALWAYS a choice.
cause you are, the only one
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Eli Hartley
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Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:06 am

Everyone is going to eat how, what, they want to, right or wrong.
Besides, no one is actually going to care with what and how other's consume nourishment; they're far too busy with their egos, it would only become a concern if someone of their own were to be eaten.

That said, I recommend a champagne as an apéritif — a charming French 75 for a bit of a bite.
Cheers and bon appétit.
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Fri May 01, 2020 12:55 am

nitenurse wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:10 pm
Not all vampires have the same metabolism.
Very valid point! Can't tell a whale eating krill is bad and expect them to figure out farming.

Quade wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:29 am
Scary clowns gonna scary clown.
Sometimes I think we should hug and sometimes I think I've already made a terrible mistake letting you learn my scent.

Eli Hartley wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:06 am
That said, I recommend a champagne as an apéritif — a charming French 75 for a bit of a bite.
Cheers and bon appétit.
Okay, so for one the lemon did pair nicely with my tuna melt. I had reservations, honestly, but despite it being the most expensive booze soda I've ever had it was great. Next recommend music, nobody ever recommends mood music for eating.


It seems like there were 3 sides to this argument forming:

Ezra wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:27 pm
The source [of nourishment] doesn’t matter. How you acquire it does.
-Don't be cruel with your gruel.

ladypeacek wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:42 pm
...whatevs. I don't really feel the need to judge anyone else
-Sweet simplicity: Do you and don't worry about what others do.

Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
why should we care about what is ethical? [You are] a being made for war and violence. Only the weak care.
-Do what you want, when you want, how you want, without guilt or consideration (or you're a weakling).

I don't know if there are any other sides that can form in this argument, but I have been surprised before. Like how I was surprised by the amount of people saying that it DOES matter how we eat. Really thought Jude and Quade's opinion of things was going to be the sweep, not the dust up.
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