Consensus Gentium Debate: Should we supernaturals be concerned with what and how we consume our nourishment?

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Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:13 am


How to Play Consensus Gentium wrote:Consensus Gentium is to decide on what is true or right based on a general agreement among the masses.

That will be the goal of this section: weighing over and wrestling with various topics until a general conclusion can be reasonably drawn by a majority.

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If you’re like me and you enjoy staring rudely at folks while they eat, you may have noticed a thing or two about habits in this city. Some of us eat food only as humans do: cheeses, and breads, and borgers - oh my! It’s quite common in this city to shy away from the monster in us this way. Many still and often consume humans, live and unwilling, lured to their doom by our superior ways. Some eat brains, some eat hearts, and many more of us simply rip a human open and drain the vein. Our city's well loved Magwayen asks us all: In our modern year of 2020 is it still ethical to consume unwilling humans like an inanimate object? What counts as ethical, and why, if at all, does it matter? Every opinion counts here.

Should we supernaturals be concerned with what, and how, we consume for our nourishment?
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Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:10 pm

Not all vampires have the same metabolism. How some can consume solids, as in the food of humans escapes me. Likewise, some vampires can get nourishment from bottled blood, be it human or animal. Some can take just a pint or so from the living, some must kill. I am not concerned how others get their nourishment, so long as it does not smell terrible. If it bothers others that I like taking a pint or so from drunken college boys, they don't have to watch. I leave them a bit anemic but less likely to prey on women out alone at night. Is that ethical? Depends on which theory of ethics you can argue. To me, it is what it is.
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Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:27 pm

Unpopular opinion as hell, but it does matter. The source doesn’t matter. How you acquire it does. Only fringe vegans get mad about people eating meat. Everyone thinks it’s fucked up to torture a pig before you slaughter it for food, though. Same goes for us. Feed from folks if you’d like, but don’t pretend you’re some higher being who has a right to toy with your food first. We’re vampires, not sociopaths, and if you are a sociopath, you’re a dick regardless of what you eat.
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Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:38 pm

Ezra wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:27 pm
Unpopular opinion as hell, but it does matter. The source doesn’t matter. How you acquire it does. Only fringe vegans get mad about people eating meat. Everyone thinks it’s fucked up to torture a pig before you slaughter it for food, though. Same goes for us. Feed from folks if you’d like, but don’t pretend you’re some higher being who has a right to toy with your food first. We’re vampires, not sociopaths, and if you are a sociopath, you’re a dick regardless of what you eat.
Panicking a food source before consuming it ruins the meat and more. So not only are you a dick, but you're also a tasteless dick.
cause you are, the only one
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Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:47 pm

Greyce wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:38 pm
Ezra wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:27 pm
Unpopular opinion as hell, but it does matter. The source doesn’t matter. How you acquire it does. Only fringe vegans get mad about people eating meat. Everyone thinks it’s fucked up to torture a pig before you slaughter it for food, though. Same goes for us. Feed from folks if you’d like, but don’t pretend you’re some higher being who has a right to toy with your food first. We’re vampires, not sociopaths, and if you are a sociopath, you’re a dick regardless of what you eat.
Panicking a food source before consuming it ruins the meat and more. So not only are you a dick, but you're also a tasteless dick.
Right. Like, if people wanna “I’m the real monster” this, whatever. You’re cringe as hell, but do you. But you’re still a dick. Saying you’re some evolved life form doesn’t make it true.
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:22 am

I used to be terrible when it came to feeding and didn’t care how I got blood. These days, the nature of what I am has quelled that. As a general rule I enjoy actual food - and am glad I have a husband that feeds me well as well as having this woo supernatural thing so I don’t weigh as much as a house/ Blood makes me feel not well so I don’t partake as I used to, and when I do it’s not with the maliciousness of the past.

I do take joy in hunting and killing as it brings me a sort of calm joyfulness but I simply choose not to do it for feeding purposes any longer.
Jude Sinclaire
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm

Why do so many of you cling to your human minds? Why do you not accept your evolution...? To me it is as if you cling so hard because you are scared of what you could become, of what you have become.

It is not ethical to harm a human before eating them, but why should we care about what is ethical? Your blood is filled with darkness and pain, you are a creature, a demon forgotten by god, a being made for war and violence. To deny what you are is dangerous, one day you will all snap - we cling to what is 'right' and what is 'ethical' but that elastic band is pulled tight...the fall out is coming.

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Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:38 pm

Jude Sinclaire wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 pm
Why do so many of you cling to your human minds? Why do you not accept your evolution...? To me it is as if you cling so hard because you are scared of what you could become, of what you have become.

It is not ethical to harm a human before eating them, but why should we care about what is ethical? Your blood is filled with darkness and pain, you are a creature, a demon forgotten by god, a being made for war and violence. To deny what you are is dangerous, one day you will all snap - we cling to what is 'right' and what is 'ethical' but that elastic band is pulled tight...the fall out is coming.

Only the weak care.
Yeah. That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever read. You’re not evolved. You’re an emo kid who misses MySpace. Evolution doesn’t happen to individuals. You can’t evolve into something in your lifetime. Read a book.
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Jude Sinclaire
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:42 pm

So explain to me how you came to need blood, or are you still a human? What would you call becoming something else with added strengths and weaknesses? What has happened to you? Explain your change in a different way than evolution.
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Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:46 pm

Plenty of diseases cause physiological changes. Evolution cannot be passed from person to person in the form of a bite. You think COVID-19 is folks evolving? 🙄

Reality is, we’re different than regular humans. We are. But anyone who uses that as an excuse to “see the dark side” or whatever the hell else is sad. Everyone has dark parts to their heart. All of us have probably done bad things. I know I have. I’m also not blinded enough to think those bad actions are because I’m better, somehow, than those I harmed. If we were some apex predator, we wouldn’t bleed when splashed with goddamn water. FOH.
laeti vescimur nos subacturis
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