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Posts: 141
Joined: Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:52 pm
Location: Fir & 69th
OOC: carrot/aimee
IGN: Marlo
Lineage: Pace
Graphic Artist: me, baby

Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:28 pm

Name: Aimee
Pronouns: she/her
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Frequently available to chat/discuss story & plot; not always mentally available for creative energy

Character list: I've gone back and forth over the list and this is a sliver of my characters, but I think they would be the best for anyone interested in furthering a story with me. (Though, I'm not opposed to meeting a new character inside of my head, either.) I've provided graphics that I've done for each character, just to help give a better feel and aesthetic through a visual.

Marlo: Honestly, he might be pretty boring for anyone. He doesn't do much or get into much anymore. He's become fairly responsible now that he and Jaida have been married for almost 10 years, have a farm where they live, and raise their children (that Jaida definitely didn't steal from someone else), as well as any of their turned if they want. He's not really interested in turning anyone, as that's kind of happened enough and gone south for most of them, but he's been trying to be a better maker and guide to any of his or Jaida's that still have anything to do with them. He's in super Dad mode and honestly just enjoying his life.
ETA: I've been giving more thought to Marlo, talking with Jamie (Jaida's writer), and deciding what could possibly be worthy of a story, as I don't think him sitting around and being a dad is really much of a story. They do have a home on the actual grid: Pace Family Ranch, located at Fir & 69th. Canonically, a lot of hunters and even Paladins end up over there. We've talked about how since they are raising a family, both human children and vampirically turned adults, they spend a lot of time together hunting hunters and Paladins. So when we noticed a lot of hunters and Paladins being on-grid near their house pretty frequently, we thought it was kind of funny considering what we know them to be doing. If you write a hunter/Paladin character, it might be a fun avenue to go down!

Olive: She's in the midst of turmoil right now with a lot of things going on in her personal life. There's been a breakdown between her and her Maker and it's got her not feeling right, not herself, and just completely out of sorts, even though she was the one to ask and make the decision. She's been feeling off for awhile, so making that call was one of her last-ditch efforts to right herself and get back on the path of knowing herself and those around her. She also isn't interested in turning anyone, but with the way her head is, anything is possible. (Especially if it really works with a story and makes sense!)

Sam: Sam has been a dormant character of mine for a LONG time. I had a lot going on with her at first, but then a lot happened for me IRL and I stepped back from writing and RPing with anyone, so her story has been on a sort of pause. Though, I can imagine what she's been up to while I've been away. She was a hunter in the city, dedicated to the cause of protecting humans against vampires, but that changed when she met her Maker, who turned her and opened her eyes up to a whole new world, a new side of things. Now, I imagine, she spends her time hunting hunters in the sense of trying to convince her old coworkers--without turning them, because she isn't interested in putting anyone through the initial turmoil she faced when she was turned--that not all vampires are "evil" and there's more than they ever knew. Of course, I assume most of them think she's lost it, brainwashed, and try to kill her, so she has to defend herself. It's led me to believe she's somehow managed to become even more broody than before.

Style: I prefer to write on the forum for now, as it gives me the much-needed time to think and work on my replies and really get into what I'm writing.
Topics of Interest: Character development & character studies, world-building, vampires, non-vampires, magic, science fiction, non-RBC related writing, RBC related writing, storytelling, the meaning of "the human experience" especially in relation to non-human characters, and all non-romantic kinds of relationships. I am not interested in writing any romance or sex.
Contact: Please PM me directly on this forum! Preferably under Marlo's name, because I'll look there the most.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Last edited by Marlo on Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Posts: 185
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:08 am
IGN: MadHeart
Graphic Artist: Banner by me.

Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:27 pm

I have an idea! I shall DM you soon! :D
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Posts: 241
Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:40 am
Location: The Cottage
OOC: Liz
IGN: melanctha
Lineage: Demarchis-Cuan
Graphic Artist: Josh

Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:23 pm

Sam's maker would love to spend time with her - mel thinks of her ALL the time.

I will go fix my DM notifications cause I apparently missed one from you. Have missed you and all of your creative energies though!
Dulcius ex Asperis | Owner, reverie | Cuan War Priestess
Freedom begins when you get out of the cage you built.
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